The Body Beautiful:
Masterpiece of YHVH

Life is a gift, and it comes packaged as a body beautiful. From
conception it unfolds and grows in mysterious wonder until it births
forth to exclaim with joy, "I am here!" Thus the sweet mystery of life
is revealed for eyes to see, ears to hear, and hands to touch the
marvel of YHVH's handiwork up close and personal. Life is sacred,
and its revelation is a daily discovery for those who cherish and
reverance Him Who made the body beautiful. Profound in wisdom,
the human form is uncompromised in design, proving the inerrant
ability of the Most High to bring into being replicas of Who He is
on a level that we can experience. This is a reality that both
mystifies and inspires.

So it is that the body beautiful should draw us with rapt desire to
discover its excellent intricacies and ultimately challenge us to take
better care: to honor and cherish the body beautiful that the Most
High has given in love.

While the finite mind cannot comprehend the magnitude of the
Infinite, it can appreciate in measure the grand precision found
in the body beautiful. Thus be awed if not humbled by the following
presentation and regard it as inspiration toward a deeper
understanding and more fervent commitment to care for the body
beautiful that we might be strong and healthy together as the
Ever-Living so desires.

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
Psalms 139:14


  • The body contains 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms
    which is more than the number of stars in the universe.

  • 90 per cent of our atoms are replaced annually and 100 percent of our
    atoms turn over and become new atoms.

  • In the last hour, one trillion trillion of our atoms have been replaced.

  • The body contains between 10 and 100 trillion cells and each cell
    contains approximately a trillion atoms.

  • Cells are constantly being torn down, remodeled, and replaced.
    Every few days the cells in the intestines are replaced.

  • The life span of cells varies from less than a day to years. Red blood
    cells live four months. Certain muscles cells live for years. Nerve cells
    can live one hundred years.

  • Each cell is surrounded by a membrane that is thinner than a spider's
    web that must function properly or the cell will die.

  • Each cell generates its own electrical field, which at times is larger
    than the electric field near a high-voltage power line.

  • Each cell has its own internal clock that switches on and off in cycles
    from two to twenty-six hours without variance.

  • The body has sixty thousand miles of blood vessels which is a
    distance of nearly 2.5 times around the earth at the equator.

  • Capillaries are so small that their average diameter is the same size
    as a red blood cell. This means that the red blood cell must often flow
    hrough a capillary single file and sometimes even distort itself to
    make it through.

  • One breath contains 150 million molecules, and we breathe about
    23,000 times per day and 630 million times during the average
    life span.

  • The average speed of a sneeze is 68 miles per hour.

  • The human eye can distinguish millions of shades of color.

  • On a clear, dark night we can see a small candle flame from
    30 miles away.

  • Tears are salty because they are derived from the salt water
    in the circulatory system and they are sterile because they contain bacteria-destroying enzymes.

  • On average we automatically blink about every two to ten seconds
    and over 400 million times in a lifetime.

  • The cornea has extraordinary sensitivity to touch, and anesthesiologists
    test this corneal reflex to assess depth of anesthesia prior to general

  • The ear has a million moving parts and is a microphone, an acoustical
    amplifier, and a frequency analyzer.

  • The sense of smell is estimated to be about ten thousand times more
    sensitive than the sense of taste.

  • The nose can distinguish ten thousand different smells.

  • The sense of touch incorporates many distinct elements such as
    pressure, pain, heart, cold and touch. The body has 450 touch cells
    per square inch of skin.

  • The brain weighs three pounds and is the most complex and orderly
    arrangement of matter known in the universe.

  • The average stomach has about a one quart capacity.

  • The digestive tract is a 93 percent efficient energy extractor.

  • The small intestine is twenty two feet long.

  • The adult human has 206 bones, a number that is decreased
    40 percent from infancy due to fusion of adjacent bones.

  • Bones are composed of mineral crystals (mostly calcium and
    phosphorus), collagen, and cells. This composite is as strong as
    granite in compression and 25 times stronger than granite under

  • The femur is stronger than reinforced concrete and must bear an
    average of 1,200 pounds of pressure per square inch with each step.

  • The mid-shaft of the femur is capable of supporting a force of six tons
    before it fractures.

  • Of the two to four pounds of calcium in the body, nearly 99 percent
    is in the bones and teeth.

A mere three weeks after conception, a sheet of electrically
excitable cells organize themselves into an immature heart and
begin beating (the first rock band!). At fourteen weeks this heart
is already pumping seven gallons per day- compared to two
thousand gallons a day for the adult. Solomon wrote that
YHVH has 'set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot
fathom what YHVH has done from the beginning to end.'
I suspect YHVH set that eternity in the heart
while still in the womb, but as predicted
we did not "fathom what YHVH has done."


-Excerpted from More Than Meets the Eye by Richard A. Swenson, MD


Thank you, YHVH, for my body beautiful!



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