WHITE FLOUR is the product of poor, if
not ill-intended, milling. During this milling,
wheat is stripped of its outer shell which
removes the fiber (bran) from the wheat berry.
The remaining germ or endosperm is then
bleached with chlorine dioxide, a known poison.
Most of the essential natural minerals and
vitamins of the wheat berry are destroyed during
this processing. The flour is then 'enriched'
with four synthetic, dead vitamins and minerals
(niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, and inorganic
iron) that are unassimilable by the body. The
consumption of white flour is known to cause a
variety of harmful affects in the human body. It
is a major contributor to a fiberless diet that,
in turn, leads to constipation. Over 70 percent
of Americans are constipated.
WHITE SUGAR is a drug and, by far the
deadliest food in the American diet. Raw sugar is
refined fourteen times in order to remove all
natural vitamins and minerals. In this 'refining'
process, the goodness (blackstrap molasses) is
removed and fed to cattle and the pure sucrose,
known as white sugar, is fed to humans. Pure
sucrose is a chemical. In the body, pure sucrose
manufactures fat and energy. Mix this sugar with
starch and it turns to alcohol, causing the
pancreas to go on a roller coaster ride,
resulting in emotional and psychological
problems. White, 'refined' sugar is an immune
system immobilizer and, given time and
opportunity, will destroy the entire immune
system. Nearly all manufactered, processed foods
contain sugar. Ice cream contains 37 percent
sugar. Breakfast cereals contain over 50 percent
sugar. One soft drink can contains eleven
teaspoons of sugar (equivalent to fifty feet of
sugar cane).
MEAT acts as a poison in the
body. Contrary to popular opinion, meat is not a
source of usable protein for the human body. The
injestion of meat causes the body's immune system
to go on the defensive, seeking to neutralize the
high acid content of the meat, to a more normal
level of alkalinity. High levels of acid are
known to be linked to disease. According to the
U.S. Surgeon General, 70 percent of U.S. deaths
are related to diet, particularly the
overconsumption of beef and other foods high in
cholestrol and saturated fat. Studies link red
meat to the development of heart disease,
strokes, and cancer. The hidden danger in
consumption of meat also lies in the presence of
growth hormones (synthetic estrogens), vitamins,
and medications given to animals during the
breeding process. These chemicals are poisonous
to the body and have proven to be leading
contributors to disease, especially cancer. It is
believed the introduction of synthetic estrogens
in meat is the leading cause of increase in the
age of puberty, now seen as early as age seven.
DAIRYproducts such as milk,
cheese, butter, and yoghurt are foreign
substances to the body. Dairy products are toxic.
They are processed foods that are exposed to high
levels of heat during manufacturing, rendering
these products void of nutrient value. All dairy
products are high in saturated fats and
cholestrol- substances that are known factors in
the cause of plaque build-up in veins and
arteries associated with heart attacks. Contrary
to popular belief, diary products are not a valid
source of calcium. In fact, because of the acid
nature of these processed animal products, the
body will seek to neutralize them- searching out
calcium stored in the body's bones. For this
reason, it is believed by some health care
professionals that, that a high consumption of
dairy products is a leading contributor to
COFFEE, tea, and soft drinks have
one common ingredient: caffeine. Caffeine is a
toxin and by some standards, it is considered a
drug. Caffeine is so toxic that once injested,
the body tries to reject it, causing a
stimulating affect. The body's natural immune
system will seek to destroy this poison. Contrary
to popular opinion, decaffeinated beverages are
no insurance against the affects of caffeine and
are, in themselves, harmful to the body.
SALT, also known as common
table salt, is a combination of sodium and
chloride (a form of chlorine) in equal
proportions. It is inorganic sodium and chloride,
rendering it a substance unassimilable by the
body. When taken into the system, salt will
overtax the body and as a result, the body will
work harder to throw off these inorganic
chemicals or poisons. Salt is known to remain as
a toxic deposit in the body, building up harmful
residues over the years that lead to various
physical problems such as hardening of the
arteries and strokes.
HYDROGENATED OIL and partially
hydrogentated oil are chemically-produced oils
found in margarine, shortening, and most
processed foods. To produce these oils, the
manufacturer takes a polyunsaturate (such as corn
oil) or a monounsaturate (like canola oil) and
deactivates their molecular structure by heating
these natural oils to temperatures of 248-410
degrees F under pressure, reacting them with
hydrogen gas, using a metal like nickel or copper
as a catalyst. If this process is brought to
completion, hardened vegetable oil (shortening)
is produced. If this process is partially
completed, partially hardened oil (margarine) is
produced. In both cases, however, the natural
molecular structure of the oil is altered from a
polyunsaturate to a saturate, causing the nature
of the fat molecule to change from a
fluid,flexible state to a static, inactive state.
Under a microscope, single molecules of
hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils
resemble molecules of plastic. It is no surprise
then that these saturated fats have been targeted
for many years by leading medical professionals
as well as health enthusiasts as being a major
source of health problems. These 'plasticized'
oils are not assimilable by the body and will
build up a toxic residue in the system over a
period of time, raising cholestrol levels that
trigger many harmful conditions, including heart
MSG or monosodium glutamate is
the sodium form of glutamic acid or glutamate- an
amino acid that occcurs in most types of protein.
It is made through a chemical fermentation
process. Commercially it is used to enhance
flavor. Its function is also reported to be a
preservative. It is found in most processed foods
and widely used in many fast-food items. As a
manufactured chemical, it is a neurotoxin and
known to cause a variety of harmful side affects
in the body and, in extreme cases, death. Side
effects of this neurotxic drug include:
nervousness, severe headaches (migraine),
numbness in limbs, tightness in the chest, heart
palpitations, respiraitory problems, dizziness,
irritability, cramping, and hyperactivity. MSG
also goes by the name of hydrolized vegetable
protein, natural flavorings, autolyzed yeast,
caseinates, and other aliases.
ASPARTAME, also known as NutraSweet
and Equal, is arguably the most toxic substance
in our food supply. It is found in diet soft
drinks, sports drinks, gum, coffees, teas,
Kool-Aid-type drinks, children's vitamins,
antibiotics, frozen dairy deserts such as ice
cream and yoghurts. Aspertame is 50 percent
phenylalanine, 40 percent aspartic acid, and 10
percent methanol (Note: Methanol is wood alcohol.
Methanol turns to formaldehyde once it enters the
body- Editor). The cumulative effects
these toxic chemicals have on the human body is
deadly, causing high incidents of tumors as well
as other debilitating physical conditions.
Aspertame was approved for consumer use by
fradulent means. (Partners,
AIM newsmagazine, June 1998, page 16)

"You mean
I've been putting my body in bondage
all this time and didn't know it?"
do you spend money for that which is not bread?
and your labor for that which satisfyeth not?
harken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good,
and let your soul delight itself in fatness.
Isaiah 55:2