Preserving the Harvest:
Dehydrating Food

by Mary Louise;Town Jaqua, Health Minister 10/10/11

Food is an essential part of life that is expressed in various ways by different cultures and peoples. Though food preferences differ with societies and individuals, everyone agrees that when it comes to satisfying hunger, there's nothing like food! Hence, obtaining, preparing, and preserving food is necessary for human survival. Drying is a common method of preserving food that not only enhances daily life but promotes health, longevity, and survival.

Drying food, also known as dehydration (from the Latin hydra- water; de- from), is one of the oldest methods of food preservation. It is the process of removing the natural moisture (water) from food, thus inhibiting the growth of microorganisms (enzymes) and bacteria by the circulation of hot, dry air through the food. Properly dehydrated foods can last many years.

History of Dehydration
Dehydration of food dates back to prehistoric times. Early civilizations first dehydrated grasses, berries, roots, meat, and fish by placing them in the sun to dry. Preserving food by dehydration sustained primitive socities through periods of drought or freezing winters when food was scarce or simply unavailable.

Records show that Phoenicians and fishing settlements along the Mediterranean dried fish in the open air. Tea leaves, rice, and eggs were dried by the early Chinese. Various dehydrated foods (especially grains) were discovered in ancient Egyptian tombs. The Incas were the first peoples to dehydrate potatoes, called Chuno, which became a staple for their soldiers and a safeguard against shortages. Native American tribes preserved fruit, vegetables, and meat, and reportedly taught the Pilgrims how to dry food.

The method of dehydration was mechanized in 1795 when the French developed the first hot-air dehydrator that regulated drying conditions. The unit successfully dried fruit and vegetables at controlled temperatures by circulating a continuous flow of air. This technology has since expanded to the present plorethora of electric dehydrators that are now available on the market.

Why dehydrate?
Numerous, historical records prove the efficacy of preserving food through dehydration. Some of the main advantages of dehydration are as follows.

1) It is easy. Dehydration does not demand great skill, know-how or cooking.
2) It saves time and money. Food selections can often be purchased and dried for less money than engaging conventional canning methods. Containers of dried foods can be repeatedly opened, ingredients removed or added, and closed again without compromising the contents.
3) Dehydration retains a higher nutritional content of foods. Unlike canning that destroys most of the nutrient content of food, drying can be done at low temperatures in order to preserve the life force, i.e. nutritional value of foods.
4) You can reap the rewards of your own garden
as well as other locally-grown harvests by dehydrating food.
5) You will be eating safe food. Dehydrating allows the option of eating pesticide-and chemical-free foods because you control what you are drying.
6) You will have food security. In the event of natural or national crisis, a dehydrated food supply is worth more than money.
7) You will be able to take advantage of supermarket
specials and enjoy the savings
by dehydrating foods.
8) You will be able to control the quality of your diet
at home or on the road.
Dried foods are an excellent solution for camping and backpacking because they are tasty, nutritious, lightweight, easy to prepare, easy to carry, and easy to use/eat.
9) They require little storage space. Dehydration greatly reduces the volume of foods. For example, 20 to 25 dried bell peppers or 16-20 dried tomatoes can fit into a 1-quart jar.
10) Dehydration is an investment in self-sufficiency.
11) It is fun. Drying food is an ideal solo venture as as well as one for family, friends, and organizations. It is an opportunity to grow together and build a healthier, happier lifestyle and community.

Dehydration and nutrition
Home-drying foods under ideal conditions, i.e. correct temperature and drying time, produces a high-quality,
nutritionally-dense product that is often superior to commercial dehydration. Compared with canning and freezing which involve extreme temperatures, food drying is the least damaging form of food preservation. Consider the following for confirmation:

  • Vitamin A is retained during the drying process.
  • Some vitamin C is lost during the drying process because vitamin C is an air-soluble nutrient and food drying is an air-based process. When a food is sliced and its cells are cut, the surfaces are exposed to air and thus the food loses some vitamin C content.
  • The caloric value of a fresh food stays the same when it is dried, although some dried foods, fruits for example, taste sweeter because the water has been removed and the sugar is concentrated.
  • Dried fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and carbohydrates, neither of which is affected by drying.
  • Dried fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat. Minerals available in certain fresh fruits (such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, etc.) are also not altered when the fruit is dried.
  • Dried vegetables contain only about 3 percent moisture, while fruits, depending upon their sugar content, contain 15 percent water.

Dehydration: engaging the process
Most dehydrators come with user manuals that have operational instructions. If new to dehydrating, it is always wise to first read the manual that accompanies your unit and/or invest in good reference books. While dehydrating is not difficult, it does require basic know-how, time, and usually practice. To begin dehydrating:

1) Select foods that are the best quality, i.e. without spots, blemishes, cuts, deformities, and bruises.
2) Foods, especially fruit, should not be overripe.
3) Wash the food in a non-toxic vegetable/fruit cleanser then rinse and drain.
4) Dehydrate vegetables and fruit separately to avoid content conflict. For example, do not dehydrate fruit with onions, since the smell of the onion will override/adversely affect the fruit. As much as possible, keep food selections segregated.
5) Pretreatment such as blanching, marinating, sulfuring, and dipping of some foods like broccoli, cauliflower, celery, carrots, corn, peas and potatoes is sometimes recommended to enhance the color, flavor, and texture, however it is not necessary for successful drying.
6) Consult dehydrator manual/reference books to learn the dried property of foods, i.e if they should be crispy or leathery in texture when dry.

Depending on the food selected, the food can be sliced, diced, chopped, grated, pureed, or dried whole. Small fruit such as berries dry well whole. Most vegetables and fruits should be sliced about 1/4- 3/8" thick for best drying. To avoid discoloration of some foods, especially apples and pears, dipping them first in citric acid or citrus juice will hold their color.

Storing dehydrated food
Once dehydrated, food should ideally be stored in airtight containers and placed in a dry, dark place with a moderate temperature in order to protect it from exposure to air, moisture, light, and possible insect infestation. Label and date the food. Mason jars make good storage, since contents can be vaccumed sealed for longer shelf life. For bulk storage, place dehydrated food in a clean, brown paper bag, tape it closed, label it, and then place the bag in a food-grade plastic bag with a twistie. Place the bag in a larger plastic bag inside a food-grade, plastic bucket. Close with another twistie. Add additional 'batches' of dehydrated food in the same bucket. Storing fruit and vegetables in separate containers/buckets is recommended. Plastic buckets can be obtained free from bakery and deli departments in most larger supermarkets.

Dehydrated foods containing grains should be vacuum-sealed for best storage to avoid pest infestation. Dried foods containing nuts should be consumed quickly for the short term or be placed in the freezer for longer storage.

If foods should become limp in storage, re-dehydrate them briefly to restore crispness. Foods that have been stored, especially long term, can lose their flavor and darken in color. Therefore rotating and using dried foods according to their oldest date is recommended. Nevertheless, if properly dried and stored, dehydrated foods can last several, if not many, years.

In conclusion
No matter how you dehydrate---in the sun, with a solar
dehydrator, an electric dehydrator or in the oven---
drying food is fun! Depending on food preference and
individual taste, the possibilities are endless. Dried
foods can be reconstituted to add to soups, salads,
entrees, etc. or eaten as is. Having dehydrated food
on hand is better than having money in your pocket,
especially when you're hungry!

Samples of dehydrated food going into the mail 'all dressed up' from our LIVING Kitchen.


References and recommended resources:

Dry It, You'll Like It- Gen MacManiman
Available here

Healthful Cuisine
- Anna Maria Clement, Ph.D., N.M.D with Kelly Serbonich
Available here

Recipes for Life from God's Garden- Rhonda Malkmus
Available here


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