I have a dream and I know
That someday it will come true,
But in the meantime, I must admit,
There is a lot of work to do!
I dream of a world without
Where there is no sorrow or pain-
Where there are no broken bodies,
Not a wheelchair, crutch, or cane.
I dream of a world without
No hospitals, clinics, or nurses-
No need for undertakers or funerals
As well as long, black hearses.
I dream of a world without
Without drugs, alcohol, and beer
Where everyone acts like a human being-
Not a stranger, pervert, or queer.
I dream of a world where no one
grows old,
Where no one has wrinkles or grey hair,
Where no one has eyes dark or dim
Or a body too frail to repair.
I dream of a world without
Without shots that contain a deadly brew,
Where governments and politicians
Think they know best what is good for you.
I dream of a world where water
is clean
And where the air is safe to breathe,
Where there are no harmful chemicals
That can kill you or rot your teeth.
I dream of a world where food is
And GMOs are a thing of the past,
Where everyone can garden in his own yard
Without being ticketed, jailed or harassed.
I dream of a world without
bargain burgers,
Without plastic, processed food-
Where soda pop, twinkies, and even jello
Are by everyone gladly eschewed.
I dream of a world with no meat
No chewing of beef, chicken, or pork
No buffalo wings or jerky to munch on
No T-bone steak, hanging on a fork.
I dream of a world without cow
Where dairy is no longer allowed-
Where cows can be udderly left alone
To graze far from the madding crowd.
I dream of a world without
Without insurance and medical bills-
Where everyone is eternally healthy
With no need for harmful treatments or pills.
I dream of a world where no one
Is addicted to cell phones, computers or TV-
Where the health risks of radiation exposure,
Compel people to say NO! to 5G.
I dream of a world where no one
Is hooked up to monitors and IVs-
Where modern, medical technology
Takes precedence over praying on one's knees.
Yes, I dream of a better world
That is a happier, healthier place-
Where everyone is eternally young
And big smiles light up every face.
So eat your veggies raw each day
In accordance to YHVH's plan-
Add in some fruit, some seeds, and nuts
And you'll become a super
O glory, Halleluyah! This is
Heaven coming down to earth
Where everyone will be forever healthy,
Overflowing with gladness and mirth!
Yes, the kingdom of YHVH is not
a fairy tale,
You can enjoy it every day-
Just let YHVH transform your body temple
The new and LIVING WAY!

Beloved, I wish above all things that
may prosper and be in health, even as
your soul prospers.- 3 John 1:2