Genetically Modified Sweet Potato- seven months old
by Mary Louise;Town Jaqua, Health Minister
11-10-19Food, fabulous food! There is nothing like food when you're hungry,
but what is it that you are eating? It is real food or is it fake? While
this inquiry may sound silly if not preposterous, the answer may
surprise you.FOOD: What it is?
Food has been around a long time on this planet, sustaining cultures
for thousands of years. It was found growing naturally on the ground,
on trees, bushes, and vines. All the food that man needed for
nourishment was at his fingertips, placed on the earth by Almighty
YHVH Himself.Then the EVER-LIVING said, "I give you every seed-bearing
plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has
fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.- Genesis 1:29Natural foods- fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and whole grains-
are thus recognized as true foods and have been gathered and
hunted by mankind for his sustenance and survival for thousands
of years. There were no supermarkets or convenience stores nor
did stoves or refrigerators exist. What was foraged from the land
determined the daily fare. It was a simple way of eating that has
largely been forgotten, nevertheless it remains true that food has
been understood to be the natural substances found on the earth
that provide nutritional support for the body.The value of plant-based foods is its nutrirional content, for YHVH
Almighty placed within them all the essential nutrients needed to
sustain life. In their raw, natural state fruit, vegetables, greens,
seeds, nuts, and whole grains contain living vitamins, minerals,
proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, phytonutrients, naturally-
distilled water, anti-oxidants, and more. Additionally, plant-based
foods pack in extra power by converting solar energy to nutritious
foods by the process of photosynthesis, and when consumed,
they pass this energy on to body cells to stimulate growth and
maintain all body systems. Thus it can be rightfully be said that
consuming nutritionally-rich plant foods accounts for man's
survival on earth.FOOD: the evolution
With the passage of time, shifts in the social landscape, and the
introduction of technology, however, man's outlook and understanding
of food began to change. The practice of gathering and hunting food
found on the land was gradually replaced by applying simple agricultural
methods, ones that eventually introduced the concept of backyard
gardens and family farms. As this understanding evolved new
approaches to sourcing food surfaced which were not necessarily
natural or healthy. Two world wars spawned a new mentality about
food in America, causing the populace to be drawn away from natural
foods in favor of manufactured, processed foods. This shift gradually
meant the disappearance of many backyard gardens and family farms
since American men and women were needed for the war effort. So it
was that sacrificing for one's country often amounted to sacrificing one's
quality of life.FOOD: The new norm
When America ceased to be a largely agrarian society in favor of
becoming urbanized and industrialized, the definition of food changed.
With an increase in population and advances in technology many
family farms were replaced by corporate agriculture. Food processing
and manufacturing plants sprang up to feed the growing population.
These plants produced a 'new normal' for food, an understanding
that to this day continues to gain momentum.FOOD: Man-made
Taking natural foods and turning them into 'new foods' has become
a multi-billion dollar business in America, a business that is fueled
by the insatiable appetite of a populace that is ever-searching and
ever-hungry to try something new and different to eat. Hence, food
merchants, manufacturers, scientists, technicians, and politicians
teamed up to produce man-made foods. While the list of these food
products is endless, some of the most common are
- Refined foods- white flour, white rice, white sugar, sodium
chloride (table salt), refined grains (white rice, pasta).- Oils- hydrogenated and partially hydrogenerated vegetable
oils- Margarine, shortening- made from refined vegetable oils
and water- Coal tar vitamins- synthetic compounds commonly used
in supplements such as multi-vitamins or added to refined
foods to replace nutrients lost in processing. Derived from
the manufacturing process of certain petroleum products
or activated sewer sludge.- Food additives- chemicals and/or aborted fetal tissue used
as preservatives, food dyes, artificial sweeteners, fillers,
flavor enhancers, etc. to make processed foods more
appealing to consumers.- Genetically modified food (GMO)- manipulates/alters an
organism's genes through DNA splicing (caterpillars with corn,
moths with tomatoes, etc.) to produce foods that are easier to
grow, more resistant to disease, ripen more slowly, have
enhanced flavor/smell, etc. First introduced to the market in
1994 with the 'Flavr Savr' tomato, GMOs have since expanded
to include potatoes, apples, sweet potatoes, corn, and more.- Pink Slime- a meat product made by heating beef trimmings
to 42 C, centrifuging away melted fat, freezing the remainder
to -9 C in a roller press, and exposing it to ammonia or citric
acid to disinfect; used as a filler to ground beef in the US;
banned in the EU but approved by the U.S Department of
Agriculture to be sold in America as ground beef.FOOD: High-Tech
Technology is advancing quickly, changing our lives in one way
or another, especially in how we think about food. Though the
American diet has been primarily based on processed foods for
several decades, new 'high-tech' forms of food are emerging. These
foods represent yet another step in man's quest to redefine food.
These new foods are regarded by some to be the foods of the future
that offer consumers the best possible food choices nutritionally and
economically while at the same time being the ultimate convenience
foods. It is no surprise then that food merchants successfully sell
these new, high-tech foods, the safety of which remains virtually
untested or regulated by government agencies.
- Meat grown in a laboratory
- Meat and milk from cloned animals
- 3D printed food- generates food/meat with no plants or
animals required. The printer takes in fat, water, and three
different plant protein sources and uses these ingredients
to print a meat or plant fiber matrix. Mimicks the texture and
flavor of real meat. 3D food printing is hailed as a way to grant
consumers control over the ingredients and mixtures that they
consume as well as enhancing flavor in an effort to offer the
option of customized, healthier food choices.- Nanotech food- a process whereby tiny particles of the
molecular structure of foods/substances are altered to
improve their functional behavior, i.e taste, texture, smell
as well as to extend food life by providing healthier, safer
food packaging.FOOD: How far fake?
In recent decades man's understanding and relationship to food has
taken many turns, a course that might well be described as twisted
since it proves that man's concept and expression of food falls dangerously
short of YHVH's natural food plan. Man-made food substances have the
distinction of being non-foods, fake foods because they are unnatural
substances that violate His natural laws of creation. Chemicals, human
and animal tissue, synthetic meats, animal organs, lab-grown substances,
genetically modified organisms, 3D printed and nano tech foods, etc.
all have one aspect in common: they do not belong in the human body.
They alter the body's internal ecosystem. The body does not recognize
them as food, and because they cannot be digested, they become a
toxic residue. The body rightfully treats them as foreign invaders.
Nevertheless, these consumer products are approved by government
agencies as being safe to eat under the 'Generally Recognized As Safe'
(GRAS) food safety guidelines. Likewise other natural but non-foods
such as soy and canola oil are sold on the market with the approval of
corporate government.That America's concept of food has fallen to such an alarming low is
perhaps best reflected in the health of the nation in that most Americans
suffer at least one type of illness. It stands to reason that without proper
nutrition the body cannot function. Countless studies prove that poor
diet is the underlying cause of most sickness, pain, and disease. If
the food we eat is fake, we cannot expect our bodies to be healthy.
It is that simple. Nevertheless, there exists a great void in American
thinking concerning the basic principles of nutrition in relation to
personal wellbeing.In conclusion
Most Americans approach eating with great enthusiasm and go food
shopping as if it is a gleeful form of entertainment. After all, there is
SO MUCH from which to choose! The ailes virtually brim with brightly-
colored goods in boxes, cans, bottles, and bags. Yet, for all the
visual appeal, what is IN those packages? Does anyone know?
Can anyone interpret 'label-eze?'Food is a weapon. Therefore it is no surprise that food merchants,
with the help of politicians, are in the business of making money
and are doing so more often than not at the consumers' expense,
using them as mere pawns in what has become a life or death
tug-of-war, a war that has many casualties.It is sad but true that supermarkets carry more fake foods than the
average consumer would care to believe. Research shows that
over eighty-five per cent of the products on grocery store shelves
is genetically modified, and the rest is of questionable origin. Only
a very small percentage is genuinely organic. Thus it can be accurately
stated that most food in supermarkets is, according to YHVH's standard,
fake, because it is man-made. It does not nourish the body because
it violates the natural laws of His creation, i.e, kind after kind for the
preservation/perpetuity of the seed (Genesis 1:12; Leviticus 19:19).Ironically, there have been those who saw fake food coming. Winston
Churchill was one of them when he predicted the emergence of synthetic,
lab-grown meat. Sadly that day is here. Likewise, others have predicted
and are yet predicting as well as fulfilling what they believe is the future
of food."You take the (chemical) compounds and you make
the dish," said Herve This of AgroParisTech, a science
and research organization based in France, to RTE News
in Ireland. "So you have no vegetables, no fruit, no meat,
no fish, nothing except compounds. And you have to create
a shape, a color, a taste, a freshness, a pungency, an
astringency, everything," he added, likening traditional
cooking methods such as "cracking eggs" and using real
food ingredients to "living in the Middle Ages."Is this the future that we want for our food? Do we want to consume
a chemically-contrived cuisine? Do we want to eat corn, tomatoes,
potatoes, apples, etc. that are spliced (spiced?) with the DNA of
caterpillars, moths, worms, and other creatues? Do we want to wrap
our tongues around human flesh and blood or sink our teeth into
meat that has grown up in a petri dish, all for the sake of saving
the animals, reducing our carbon footprint, and solving global food
shortages? Sadly, we have subjected our taste buds and bellies to
accepting strange substances that masquerade as food when in fact
they are freaky, fake foods. Then we wonder why it is that we get
sick and die. Shame on us! We have been deceived for many years
and continue to reap the errors of our ways by suffering health
problems. Have we passed the point no return by refusing to eat
the foods that YHVH created for us? It is time for us to wakeup,
repent, and stop eating the devil's food lest we perish.
There is a way that seemeth right unto a man,
but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Proverbs 16:25This day I call the heavens and the earth a
witnesses against you that I have set before
you life and death, blessings and curses. Now
choose life, so that you and your children may
live- Deuteronomy 30:19 NIV
References and further reading:
Winston Churchill Predicted Synthetic Lab-Grown Meat in 1931
White House Chef says Furture Food to be Made
from Chemicals, not real Food IngredientsComprehensive List of Companies that Use Aborted Fetal Cells as Flavour
Oklahoma State Bill to Outlaw Using Dead Babies in Food Industry
USDA: Meat derided as pink slime can now be called ground beef
Eat Meat, New Veggie Burgers are Harmful to Your Health
Man Says He Still Has a Mcdonalds Burger He Purchased in 1999
VOMIT WARNING:Forget Bugs, Some People Are Now Eating Human Blood Sausage
Scientists are Literally Spinning Up Lab-Grown Meat
Side effects of GMOs - Ask your doctor if CANCER is right for you
GM Wheat May Damage Human Genetics Permanently-
We have not yet seen the worst damage that genetic engineering may do.New Tests Confirm Childrens Foods Made from Oats are ALL Contaminated
with Cancer-Causing Glyphosate:ALERT: Certified Organic Food Grown
in U.S. Found Contaminated with Glyphosate HerbicideBook: Seeds-Destruction-Hidden-Genetic-Manipulation- William Engdahl
Aborted Fetal Cells in Your Coffee Creamer and Wrinkle Cream?
Pringles Announces Thanksgiving-Flavored Chips
History of Margarine and Why Butter is Better
3D Food Printers are Changing the Way We Eat and Cook
What You Need to Know About Nano Food
Coming to Washington: 'Composting'dead humans creates
bio-goo that gets flushed down sewage pipes, turned into
biosludge, then deposited on cropsTyson Foods the maker of hot dogs and chicken nuggets,
will soon offer vegan protein. Theres even a meatless version of canned tuna.The new chicken protein: Larvae (maggots) from the black soldier fly
(Hermetia illucens) are a perfect protein source for chicken production.
Chicken that contains 15% larvae still tastes good and has the same juiciness,
tenderness and aroma.Locusts entering the food supply: Candied and ice cream made from locusts
Western junk food diet ruins sperm and testosterone