Preserving the Harvest:
Fermented Foods

by Mary Louise;Town Jaqua, Health Minister 9/5/11

Extending the life of food for future use has long been a goal and practice of man. For many people, storing food is a way of life that is both practical and necessary. Allowing for the season and increasing reports of food shortages, now may be the time to consider ways to preserve the harvest. Fermented foods are an ideal solution to extending the life of living foods year 'round.

Preservation of food is an ancient practice that has helped to sustain civilizations for hundreds if not thousands of years. The need for man to extend the life of his food supply, especially perishables, is a basic survival instinct that has taken many forms, one of which is fermentation.

History of Fermentation
Historians agree that fermentation of food has been around a long time, most likely dating back to Neolithic times. It is believed that the ancient practice of using salt as a food preservative led to the discovery of fermentation. While early societies did not know or understand the process, they relished the transformation of ordinary foods into tasty variations that lasted for long periods of time. For many, the process was mysterious, magical, and miraculous. Some cultures attributed fermentation to be a gift from the gods and built shrines at their breweries to honor respective deities.

Early forms of fermented foods included wine, beer, unleavened bread, and cheeses. As civilizations developed, especially in Asia, fermented milk products appeared (yoghurt, miso, shoyu) as did vinegar (soured wine), pickles, sauerkraut, butter, and assorted alcoholic beverages (mead). More recently, fermentation has been used in industry to produce vitamins B-2 (riboflavin), B-12, textured protein products, antibiotics, citric acid, and gluconic acid.

The mystery of fermentation began unraveling in the 1500s with the invention of the compound miscroscope. With the ability to peer into the invisible world of microbes, the age of microbiology had arrived. In 1675 the Dutch merchant Anton van Leeuwenhoek startled the world by his discovery of what he called "animacules"--- now known as "protozoa". The study of microbes continued with the the work of Lavoisier in the early 1700s who studied the process of transforming sugar to alcohol and carbon dioxide (as in wine) and Georg Stahl (1697) who held that fermentation was a process of chemical reaction and yeast. These men believed that the chemical changes resulting in fermentation were attributed to either the catalytic action of yeast cells or the molecular vibrations from decomposing organic matter, i.e. death of the cells. Thus came the conclusion that putrefaction, spoilage, and fermentation were all considered to be processes of death, not life.

Fermented foods as living foods, however, was yet to be discovered. Research into the 'bubbling quality' of the fermentation process (bubbling, i.e. 'boiling' in Sanskrit ) further advanced in the mid-late 1800s with the discovery of bacteria. This revelation sparked many scientists on new quests and ignited controversy over whether fermentation was a dead or a living organism. Chemists maintained that fermentation was attributed to catalytic action or molecular vibrations involving enzymes, but the debate was settled in 1857 when Louis Pasteur, through a series of experiments, proved that acid fermentation was caused by living organisms. In 1877 Pasteur documented his findings in a work entitled, 'Life without Air', wherein he declared that specific types of microorganisms cause specific types of fermentation and end products.

However, German Chemist J. von Liebig believed that fermentation was primarily a chemical rather than a biological process. History has since shown, with the discovery of enzymes, that both men were correct in that fermentation is both a chemical and biological process.

Fermentation: What is it?
It is asserted that fermentation is the chemical transformation of organic substances into simpler compounds by the action of enzymes, complex organic catalysts, which are produced by microorganisms such as molds, yeasts, or bacteria. Enzymes act by hydrolysis, a process of breaking down or predigesting complex organic molecules to form smaller more easily digestible compounds and nutrients. About eight types of molds, five of yeasts, and six of bacteria are found in fermented foods. Some of the most common molds include Aspergillus, Rhizopus, Mucor, Actinomucor, and Neurospora species; the yeasts are Saccharomyces species; and the bacteria are Bacillus and Pediococcus species plus any or all of the species.

Fermented foods: Why are they healthy to eat?
Apart from extending the life of certain foods, fermented foods are popular for their taste and proven health benefits. Fermented foods help the body in numerous ways:

1. Detoxify the body, fight infections, reduce cholesterol levels, and support digestive and immune systems.

2. Act as powerful anti-oxidants that may help and/or prevent cancer and other health issues.

3. Improve digestion because they are partially digested before consuming them. In addition, fermented foods are known to reduce or eliminate carbohydrates that are believed to cause flatulence.

4. Restore the proper balance of bacteria in the gut. They promote growth of lactase, lactic acid, and other chemicals that battle harmful bacteria in the intestines. Introducing good bacteria in the intestinal tract is known to resolve numerous digestive disorders, including constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, yeast infections, allergies, asthma, lactose and gluten intolerance, and more. All of these conditions have been linked to a lack of good bacteria in the gut.

5. Rich in enzymes. Enzymes are the catalyists that help utilize food in the digestive, absorption, and assimilation process. Fermented foods promote the growth of digestive enzymes. The body’s supply of enzymes decreases with age, and this fact causes many scientists to hypothesize that guarding against enzyme depletion will not only enhance quality of life but longevity.

6. Good source of amino acids, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, and B vitamins- especially vitamins B-2 and B-12.

7. Help the body absorb nutrients. Ingesting nutrients is only as affective as the body's ability to absorb them. Otherwise, they are useless. Improving digestion improves absorption of nutrients which ultimately improves quality of life.

8. Preserves food for longer periods of time. The microbial action inherent in fermented foods naturally extends the life force in food. Sauerkraut, pickles, salsa, and other food combinations will keep for months.

9. Fermenting food is inexpensive. Few ingredients are necessary and the varieties of foods used are usually reasonably priced.

10. Fermenting food increases the flavor. The taste of many otherwise bland, unexciting foods are enhanced by the fermentation process. Texture, appearance, and aroma are also known to improve.

Fermenting foods: Engaging the process
Perhaps the most popular and frequently eaten fermented food is sauerkraut, i.e. cabbage that has succumbed to the miraculous microbial process. Sauerkraut is enjoyed as a side dish or a tasty garnish to cooked as well as raw foods. However, many foods other than cabbage can be fermented. Root vegetables such as beets, carrots, parsnip, radish, etc. ferment well as do other vegetable varieties such as onions, cucumbers, and beans. Surprisingly, fruit can also be fermented.

Supplies needed
1. Food.
Make your food choices and then wash, rinse, and dry well. Use perferably unblemished produce that is organic, because chemical fertilizers and/or pesticide residues in conventionally-grown produce are heightened in the fermentation process, a fact which presents potential health risk. Therefore choose produce that is as pure as possible.
2. A ceramic crock, bowl, canning or other type of glass jar. Plastic containers are not recommended, since plastic leaches (gasses out) chemicals into food.
3. Good quality salt. Recommended choices include Celtic, Gray, Redmond, and Himalayan Living Crystal salt. Medium-coarse or finely ground is best. Avoid popular iodized salt.
4. Quality water- filtered or spring.
5. Organic herbs and spices for seasoning.

Once supplies are in place, it is time to create!

Fermented Foods: Comments and conclusions
Our brief and somewhat limited experience with fermented foods at The Living Way proves to us that preserving the garden harvest in this manner is both fun, easy, and rewarding.Anyone can do it! While it takes time to 'feel' the process, the learning curve is relatively short.

The investment of time and effort to preserve food the 'old-fashioned,' fermented way is off set by the health benefits. Fermented foods are an excellent, natural way to support digestive health. Digestion is the most important system in the body. If the body cannot properly digest/absorb food, it cannot function. Adding fermented foods that are rich in enzymes and good bacteria to the diet is known to solve many digestive problems, large or small. Many digestive/intestinal disorders result because of insufficient good flora in the gut. Such a deficiency is largely caused by poor diet, the consumption of pharmaceutical drugs (especially antibiotics) and poor lifestyle habits such as tobacco and alcohol use. both of which kill good bacteria in the gut. Fermented foods act as a natural probiotic to replace and re-balance the good bacteria in the gut. For this reason alone, consuming fermented foods on a regular basis can produce remarkable health improvements.

Fermented foods are acidic by nature. Therefore they should be eaten with discretion as a healthy addition to an otherwise alkaline, living foods diet.
Many raw foodists consume little or no fermented foods because of their acidity. Nevertheless, adding fermented foods to your daily diet has
surprising health benefits.

For the sake of reference, home-made fermented foods do not need refrigeration, but can be placed in a cool/cold place or refrigerator to slow the fermentation process. Heat activates the live culture and therefore, fermentation should be regulated accordingly. A longer fermentation produces stronger taste and increases the beneficial flora such as lactobacillus plantarum which breaks down the sugars and starches contained in vegetables. At no time in the process should fermented foods be heated. Serve them as a side dish or snack to add extra LIFE to your life!

Fermenting foods is a healthy, fun adventure. Preserving the harvest can be a wholesome experience for friends and family, a lesson in nurturing and encouraging one another toward a better quality of life. Instead of letting the harvest slip by or investing in store-bought fermenteds, take time to ferment! You will be glad that you did!


References and recommended resources:

Wild Fermentation- Sandor Ellix Katz

Fermentation How-to's here:

Native-American Food Preservation Techniques

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