FOOD as Medicine
by Mary Louise;Town Jaqua, Health Minister



We are living in a sick world, and it's growing sicker by the minute. So, what do we do? We build more hospitals, health centers, clinics, recruit more doctors, nurses, health care workers, improve the art of surgery, up-grade technology, discover better treatments, and formulate new drugs. Having done all this and more, have we finally solved the illness syndrome and stopped the never-ending cycle of sickness, pain, and disease? The answer is, NO! What, then, shall we do to cure our many health problems?

The Science of Life
The human body is a living organism that was formed by Almighty YHVH from what scripture calls the dust of the ground (Genesis 2:7), namely elements of the earth. These elements are commonly known as particles or atoms and when joined together are the building blocks of life. This cohesion of atoms is expressed as a human body, an organism that represents over 100 trillion cells that work together to sustain the life of the body. Each cell has a specific job to do, but in order to perform it, it needs to eat. It requires nourishment. The life of a cell depends on what food it is given to eat. Thus diet plays a major role in cell performance and survival.

Determining the best food for feeding cells requires referencing the Book of Genesis, for in the beginning Almighty YHVH instructed man what to eat (Genesis 1:29; 2:8,9), and it was a plant-based diet. Foods from seed-bearing trees, bushes, and herbs (greens) of the ground represent the original diet for mankind. These foods were custom-made by the Almighty and contain all the noutriments that the body needs, i.e. the 'elements of the earth': minerals, vitamins, anti-oxidants, phyto-nutrients, naturally-distilled water, oxygen, etc. that support life. This being said, consider the following nutritional value of common foods.

APPLES- have an abundant supply of vitamins; contain 50% more vitamin A than oranges, more vitamin G than most fruits which promotes healthy digestion and growth; are rich in vitamin C which keeps bones and teeth sound; contain vitamin B to help nerve health; have been used successfully to relieve gout, bloating, skin eruptions, constipation, diarrhea, and improve nerve health. Green apples such a Granny Smiths contain Malic acid which boosts energy, supports healthy cholestrol levels, and helps the body absorb minerals.

AVOCADOS- high in vitamin A. At its ripest, contains a high amount of fruit oil which is a rare element that gives it a high energy value; contains fourteen minerals which regulate body functions and stimulate growth. High in iron, and copper which aid in red blood regeneration and prevention of nutritional anemia. It also contains sodium and potassium which balance the body's pH.

BANANAS- when fully ripe, contain 76% water, 20% sugar, and 12% starch. Contain many vitamins (especially A), minerals, and fiber and are low in fat; help intestinal disturbances, feed the natural acidophilus bacteria in the bowel, benefit the muscular system since they are high in potassium.

BEETS- rich in minerals and high in vitamin A; help to cleanse the bowel and help liver and gallbladder problems; good for the elimination system and benefit the digestive and lymphatic systems; the greens are high in chlorophyll which helps fortify the blood.

BERRIES- rich in minerals and anti-oxidants. Blueberries: high in antioxidants, phytochemicals, potassium and Vitamin C; known anti-inflammatory, defend against chronic diseases caused by inflammation in the body. Blackberries- rich in bioflavonoids, Vitamin C; contain high levels of antioxidants due to their rich dark blue color; contain Vitamin K which regulates normal blood clotting, assists in transporting calcium throughout the body and decreases the risk of bone loss and bone fractures. Strawberries: packed with Vitamin C, Potassium, folic acid and fiber. One cup of strawberries contains 160% of daily recommended vitamin C; contain high amounts of antioxidants that help to combat inflammation. Raspberries: high in Vitamin C, Manganese, fiber, antioxidants, Vitamin B-6, niacin, riboflavin and folic acid, help the body metabolize carbohydrates, protein, and fats. Goji berries: contain about 18 amino acids plus Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E; an excellent source of trace minerals including high levels of iron; esteemed for their high antioxidant level which defends against free radicals and inflammation.

BROCCOLI- high in vitamins A,C,K, B-Complex, Chromium, folate; low in calories; benefits the digestive system; contains high anti-oxidant level which fights disease; is anti-inflammatory; improves detoxification; fights cancer; supports eye health, digestion, and cardio-vascular health.

CABBAGE-one of the most beneficial vegetables; high in vitamin A,B, and has some C; rich in calcium, chlorine, iodine, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur; outside green leaves contain 40% more calcium than inside leaves; helps constipation, keeps the complexion clear; fermented cabbage (sauerkraut) aids a sluggish intestinal tract and helps balance flora in the gut.

CARROTS- high in vitamin A (which aids eyesight), calcium, phosphorus that support bone and teeth health; when juiced, are a general body builder used to address severe illnesses such as cancer.

CAULIFLOWER- a member of the cabbage family;contains sulfur compounds that break up and produce hydrogen sulfide; high in calcium (especially in the leaves), phosphorus, vitamin A, ascorbic acid.

CELERY- rich in vitamin A, sodium, calcium; a good cleanser; support bone health.

CHERRIES- high in iron, vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus; excellent laxative and blood builder; rids toxic waste; excellent gall bladder and liver cleanser; known to eliminate gout.

COCONUT- a complete protein in itself; compares to mother's milk; contains 70% fat; high in calcium and phosphorus.

CUCUMBER- a cleanser and digestive aid; have a purifying effect on the bowel, cooling effect on the blood.

DANDELIONS-. contain more vitamin A than most any vegetable; high in potassium; excellent liver cleanser, keep bile flowing; aids in expelling toxic waste attributed to eczema and skin rashes.

GARLIC- classified as an herb; high in iodine and sulfur; an internal antiseptic, anti-biotic; anti-fungus; expells parasites, treats high blood pressure; treats tuberculosis; helps asthma, hay fever.

GRAPES- high in magnesium, iron; stimulate bowel action; cleanse the liver and bladder;support the kidneys; grape poultices can shrink tumors; cancer can be addressed via a 'grape diet.'

GREENS- one of the best sources of protein, phytonutrients,
and chlorophyll;
all greens are a rich in vitamins A, C and K, potassium and fiber; Collards: excellent source of fiber, vitamins A and K, and calcium. Spinach and turnip greens: high in lutein, a phytochemical that may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration. Turnip Greens: high lutein content, a nutrient powerhouse; one cup delivers more than 100 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin K and a third of daily vitamin C, an excellent source of fiber, vitamin A and calcium. Kale: nutrient-dense, excellent source of lutein and vitamins A, C and K, and a good source of calcium. Chard: good source of vitamins A and K, magnesium, potassium plus high level of sodium; Romaine: rich in folate, vitamin K; Cruciferous vegetables such as kale, collards and cabbages are natural defenders recognized for their potential roles in cancer prevention.

ONIONS- an ancient medicinal food; curative for colds, catarrhal disorders; drives impurities from the body; contain high level of sulfur; especially good for the liver.

high in potassium, phosphorus; versatile curative for conditions relating to liver, tissue, muscle, heart; used as a poultice for drawing out congestion, infection; juice for intestinal disorders and rejuvenating the body.

TOMATOES- high in vitamins (especially A); good blood and liver cleanser; increases blood alkalinity; helps remove toxins- especially uric acid; can be used as a poultice to stimulate stagnant blood flow.

MELONS- an excellent source of vitamins A,B, C and mineral-rich distilled water; cleanse the body; aid the elimination system.

classified as a fruit; high in vitamin C; good source of vitamin B6, A; contains manganese, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus;

NUTS- among the best sources of plant-based proteins. Most nuts contain a wide range of minerals especially calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.

great source of healthy fats, vegetarian protein, fiber and antioxidant polyphenols. Flax: high in fiber, omega-3 fats, lignans and other nutrients; may reduce cholesterol, blood pressure and even the risk of cancer. Chia: good source of omega-3 fats: help lower blood sugar and reduce risk factors for heart disease.Hemp: excellent source of complete protein; contain all the essential amino acids; the oil may help reduce symptoms of eczema and other chronic inflammatory conditions. Sesame: great source of lignans, which may help improve sex hormone status for estrogen; help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. Pumpkin: seeds and oil are good sources of monounsaturated and omega-6 fats; may help improve heart health, urinary disorders, and resolve prostate problems. Sunflower: high levels of both monounsaturated and omega-6 fats; may help reduce inflammation and cholesterol levels. Almonds: technically classified as a seed; high in calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin E.

contain most, if not all, of the 24 minerals and trace elements required for the body's physiological functions, some in quantities greatly exceeding those of land plants; one of the highest natural sources of dietary iodine, even when eaten in small quantities; contain significant levels of vitamins such as B vitamins, Vitamin A, and C;  protein content ranges from 10% to almost 40%, and possess all or most of the essential amino acids required by the human body; low in fat, high in fiber which makes them healthy for the heart. 

The wide-range of nutrients found in common foods is evidence that there is indeed a science or knowing to life, one that includes food. The body instinctively knows what is good for it and is therefore drawn to plant-based foods because they were created by YHVH Almighty for express purpose of sustaining the body's wellbeing.

The idea that food is capable of correcting and ultimately eliminating numerous health problems is a concept too simple if not preposterous for many people to believe much less accept. Nevertheless, it is true. YHVH Almighty designed the body to heal itself, but it must be given the right food to do so. Thus naturally-sourced foods from the ground, bushes, and trees, i.e. vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, and sprouted grains, prove to properly nourish and heal the body. For optimum nutritional benefit, these foods must be eaten raw as cooking destroys their nutrient content, rendering them dead. Dead food cannot feed much less sustain a living body.

While many people are turned off by the thought of eating what they consider to be ordinary, mundane, and therefore 'unexciting' foods, hundreds if not thousands of plant-based food varieties exist that have their own respective tastes, textures, and color. Each food has the remarkable capacity to sustain the body and ultimately boost wellness. Therefore, understanding the principles of proper nutrition and their benefits should inspire everyone toward achieving a better quality of life the natural way.

Life is not difficult nor is it a mystery. Learning how to properly care for ourselves so that we can enjoy a life worth living is a matter of applying lifestyle choices that are both simple and natural.

Therefore heal yourself! Let food be your medicine!. Prove to the world that 'you don't have to be sick!' The best way to live is the LIVING WAY!

And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of
YHVH your Almighty,
and wilt do that which is right in his sight,
and wilt give ear to his commandments,
and keep all his statutes,
I will put none of these diseases upon thee,
which I have brought upon the Egyptians:
for I am YHVH that healeth thee.
Exodus 15:26


Related Resources

Foods that Heal- Dr. Bernard Jensen

Halleluyah Diet

Testimonies of restored health on the Hallelujah Diet here and here

Heal Yourself 101: Learn to Live the Way you were Designed

8 Fantastic Health Benefits of Beets

Benefits of Chlorophyll



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