by Mary Louise;Town Jaqua, Health Minister
10-8-19Sleep is a natural expression of a healthy body. It is as important as proper
diet and exercise for the body's wellbeing. Nevertheless, it is surprising that
many people struggle to enjoy a good night's sleep. Sadly, sleeplessness or
insomnia as it is sometimes called has become a modern plague if not an
epidemic which is not only wide spread but often seemingly incurable. Lack
of sleep can thus be a living nightmare for the sufferer. It is not surprising
then that many people turn to over-the-counter sleep aids or prescription
drugs in order to solve their sleeplessness. Little do they know, however,
what causes the problem or that there are natural ways to solve sleep
deprivation.SLEEP: Why the body needs it
The body was created by Almighty YHVH to function in a certain manner.
It is a finely-designed, well-tuned machine that operates in cycles and rhythms
which possess various frequencies. While we may think that the mind and
body shut down during sleep, it is not so. On the contrary, it is very busy
accomplishing important functions: processing, restoring, and strengthening
itself. During sleep the body rejuvenates, grows muscle, repairs tissue,
manufactures hormones and consolidates acquired data (information)
within the brain to fortify memory.In light of the many functions which the body performs during sleep, it is
easy to see why a good night's rest is important. Oddly enough, quality of
sleep depends on personal behavior. Day time habits can either make or
break the body's ability to sleep and sleep well.SLEEP: Inhibitors
Research proves that quality of sleep is directly related to lifestyle factors.
These factors, however, may or may not be obvious to those suffering
sleeplessness. This being said, it is generally accepted that sleep
problems are largely the result of
- Poor Diet- the body does not have sufficient nutrients to support
itself. Cooked, processed, and animal-based foods as expressed
by the Standard American Diet have little to no nutrition. Lack of
nutrition (malnourishment) compromises the body's ability to
perform properly.- Hormone deficiency- due to poor diet/lifestyle habits, the body's
hormone manufacturing glands (adrenals, pineal) do not produce
enough or any of the natural 'chemicals' that allow cells to
communicate with each other.- Heavy metal poisoning- the body has been subjected to
harmful elements via pollution in the air, water, food, vaccines,
clothing, upholstery, pharmaceutical drugs, etc. Metals such
as mercury, cadmium, arsenic, etc. inhibit the body's ability to
absorb nutrients.- Exposure to Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMFs)- the
body is an electrical system that operates at certain frequencies.
These natural frequencies are disrupted and/or altered when
exposed to forms of radiation (ionized, microwave or otherwise)
through medical procedures (x-rays, MRIs, CAT Scans, Chemo-
therapy, etc) as well as tech devices like cell phones, ipads,
computers, cell towers, electrical power lines, TVs, computers,
and assorted 'smart' appliances/equipment.- Staring at the clock exacerbates sleeplessness.
In addition to the above, sleeplessness can be caused by an
infestation of parasites, consumption of caffeine, alcohol, tobacco use,
drug use (pharmaceutical and otherwise) plus eating late at night. Last
but not least, unresolved emotions such as anxiety/worry, anger,
resentment, bitterness, jealousy, hate, fear, etc. have a negative
impact on the body which can inhibit sleep.These factors have one commonality: they create stress. Stress
is proven to be an underlying cause if not the major cause of most
health problems, including sleeplessness.SLEEP: Setting the stage
Naturally resolving sleep deprivation and/or erratic sleep patterns is
not difficult but, depending on the individual, can be challenging.
Suffice it to say, identifying and correcting unhealthy lifestyle choices
is the key to experiencing a good night's rest. Those who suffer
sleep problems, should consider the following strategies.
- Create a sleep-friendly environment. Choose a room that
invites restful conditions, one that is quiet, cool, dark, comfortable,
free of noise and/or interruptions, and is located away from the
electrical box, smart meter or power lines. If necessary, use
black-out curtains and play soft, peaceful, background music
upon going to bed. Use a comfortable, supportive mattress,
bed sheets/blankets/bed spreads that are naturally woven (all
cotton, linen, or hemp), and a natural (down) pillow.- Keep work out of your sleep area. Use the room for sleeping
only.- Remove all tech devices at least four feet from the bed.
Optimally remove them entirely from the room.- Keep pets out of the sleep area since they can be a distraction.
SLEEP: The diet-exercise connection
In light of the all-important part that diet and exercise play in the body's
well being, it is imperative to adopt lifestyle habits that support healthy
rest. Addressing these elements properly allows the body to correct
itself, often improving and/or eliminating sleeplessness. Consider
the following.
- Improve your diet. Choose to eat raw, living foods instead of
cooked, processed, and animal-based foods. A vegan diet of
at least 85% raw;15% cooked provides the body with optimum
nutrition so that it can perform/sleep well.- Eat a heavier meal at lunch and a lighter meal at dinner.
Easing up the digestive process before bedtime prepares the
body for its rest cycle.- Avoid going to bed on a full stomach. It takes 2-3 hours for
the body to digest a meal. Going to bed before the body finishes
the digestion process keeps the body awake/working and causes
undigested food to rot/putrify in the gut.- Avoid late night snacking because it awakens the body, forcing
it into the digestive cycle.- Avoid consuming caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco products
especially before bed time.- Reduce fluid intake before going to bed to eliminate trips to
the bathroom.- Exercise- engage in a moderate, daily routine that includes
outdoor activity and/or walking. Avoid exercising before bed.SLEEP: Preparing for rest
We live in high speed world that encourages fast-track living. As
much as it is good and sometimes necessary to be active, it is
equally important to rest. Making the time and effort to rest amidst
the demands of a busy life can mean the difference between
sleeping well or not sleeping at all. The following lifestyle routines
encourage good sleeping patterns.
- Unwind before going to bed. Slow your pace. Eliminate or
put off doing certain chores for another day. Learn to prioritize
and simplify your life.- Step away from tech devices. Turn them off and leave
them off since exposure to blue lights/tech screens activates
the body's neurons that help control the sleep-wake cycle,
triggering them to wake up not sleep.- Establish a regular, relaxing bedtime routine. Take a
hot shower or soak in a hot bath with mineral salts/essential
oils (such as lavendar) before going to bed. Consider indulging
in relaxation methods such as massage, taking a sauna, doing
reflexology and/or deep breathing.- Maintain a regular bedtime and wake-up time, even on
weekends. The body likes and therefore looks for regular
rest periods. Establish a pattern.The body's sleep-wake cycle
is regulated by the 'circadian clock in the brain and the body
naturally balances both sleep and wake time. Waking up at the
same time every morning strengthens the body's inner clock.- If you have trouble falling asleep, rise up and do something
quiet and relaxing like reading a book until becoming sleepy.SLEEP: Supplement support
As important as proper diet and exercise are for good sleep, food
quality has diminished over the years due to depleted nutrients in
the soil, pollution of the air and water, and pesticide/herbicide usage.
Also impacting sleep quality is the fact that many Americans have
a largely sedentary lifestyle. Thus resolving sleeplessness may
require more than improving diet and exercise choices. Support
may be needed in the form of supplementation, since insufficient
nutrient levels of one or more elements can prevent sleep. Common
supplements that may help to solve a sleep problem are Vitamin D3,
Vitamin K, B-12, B-Complex, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Potassium,
and Iodine. Taken in proper dosage these supplements can balance
the body's chemistry so that it can fall sleep.It is also important to note that as the body ages its requirements
change, especially in relation to hormonal balance. Hormones are
natural chemicals that are manufactured in the pineal and adrenal
glands that aid/instigate the body's sleep cycle.The pineal gland
produces melatonin, a hormone that operates at a low level during
the day but rises/ becomes active at night to encourage sleep. Lack
of a sufficient melatonin supply can cause sleeplessness.Another important chemical known as serotonin is responsible
for stimulating parts of the brain that control sleep and waking.
Serotonin is produced by nerve cells and sends signals between
nerve cells, serving as a comminication conduit so that cells
know what to do and when. Being diet-derived, serotonin is
mostly found in the digestive system. It is made from the
essential amino acid tryptophan which is found in foods such
as spinach, seeds, nuts, and bananas. A tryptophan deficiency
can cause mood disorders (anxiety, depression), and
A deficiency of either melotonin or serotonin may thus require
supplementation of same so that the body can realize proper
sleep. It is important to note that the body manufactures
hormones daily between 10PM and 2AM but the body
must be asleep to do so. Working night shifts may thus prove
disadvantageous, since it disrupts the body's natural hormonal
production that support good sleep.Herbs are also natural remedies for supporting sleep. Known
as mild nervines, valerian, gingko biloba, skullcap, lemon balm,
mint, and camomille help relax the nervous system to encourage
sleep. These herbs are often brewed as a tea to drink an hour
or two before bed time.SLEEP: How much?
Everyone needs good sleep but not all need the same amount.
The individual amount largely depends on age but other lifestyle
such as diet, exercise routine, job, and spiritual awareness, etc.
factor in as well. Generall speaking reference this sleep guide:
age hours of sleep per day newborn baby 14 - 17 hours (includes naps) infants 12 - 15 hours (includes naps) toddlers 11 - 14 hours (includes naps) preschool-age children 10 - 13 hours school-age children 9 - 11 hours teenagers 8 - 10 hours adults 7 - 9 hours seniors 7 - 8 hours While there is nothing wrong with enjoying extra sleep when
needed, a pattern of excess sleep is unhealthy. Oversleeping
or hypersomnia can be a sign of depression or an underlying
health condition which may require medical attention.Conclusion
We live in an increasingly troubled, unstable world that can and often
does determine how well we sleep. Statistics prove that sleep patterns
in America have declined 13% in the last few decades. Lack of sleep
not only takes a toll on personal health, relationships, and finances but
costs the US more than $411 billion in productivity annually. Sadly,
medical errors associated with sleep deprivation account for more
than 100,000 deaths, and almost 20% of all car crashes/injuries are
linked to sleep problems. Furthermore a study from the Harvard School
of Public Health shows that sleeplessness could be the cause of up to
5% of adult obesity cases.It is difficult to believe that something which is so simple and so natural
as sleeping has become such a profound nightmare in modern society.
Given the staggering statistics related to sleeplessness, it is no wonder
that there is such unrest in the world.If we are to solve the curse of sleeplessness, we must amend our
habits and adopt a more natural approach to life. Implementing simple,
incremental improvements can mean the difference between sleeping
well or not at all.It is surprising but true that sleeplessness is often the sign of a spiritual
problem. If our spirits are not right/troubled, the whole body suffers.
A negative spirit spawns error thinking/emotions which cause stress,
and stress can cause sleeplessness. Thus many Americans are caught
in a vicious circle, i.e. the devil's trap: one problem leading to another.
It is sad but true that sleeplessness often remains a mystery to many
people because they fail to properly identify and correct the true
source of their problem as being largely spiritual.The body was formed to be whole (healthy): mind, body, soul, and
spirit, all working together as one unit. When all parts function properly,
we experience an excellent quality of life which includes good rest.
Almighty YHVH rested after creating the worlds, and we are to
follow His example. We can be so busy and wrapped up in our
respective worlds that we literally forget how to rest. This should
not be.When Yahshua walked in the earth, He saw the needs of His people
and offered to carry their burdens for them so that they could rest.
We must learn that the only One Who is able to solve all of our life
problems is Yahshua. When we give Him our all, we rest and sleep
well. Therefore let us gladly take Yahshua at His word that we may
realize the refreshing, restorative rest that He has promised us. It
goes without saying that the best sleep tonic afforded us is to
immerse ourselves in the scriptures and pray. We must learn to
to let Yahshua take care of everything. He knows how.
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy
laden, and I will give you rest.- Matthew 11:28It is vain for you to rise up early, To sit up late,
To eat the bread of sorrows; For so He gives
His beloved sleep. -Psalms 127:2