The Healing Process
by Mary Louise :Town Jaqua 12/8/2008


It is said that 'health is wealth,' and if this is true (as surely
it is), then most Americans are paupers, living with the deficits of sickness, pain, disease, and suffering human miseries that leave them physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially bankrupt. Whereas the ravages of poor health are pervasive and painfully apparent, the reality of healing is equally true. Healing is a natural occurrance that looks to happen, if we will but engage the process.

How then does healing begin? How do we escape the ills that so easily beset us? In short, how can we be well again? Here are some thoughts to consider:

1) Believe that healing is possible. Many people, including Christians, do not believe in healing. Instead, they have relegated themselves to a sickness mentality that is largely promoted by family, friends, teachers, pastors, doctors, nurses, the media, pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, organized government, etc. This fascination with sickness destroys lives, robbing people of any hope of healing by causing them to accept ill health as a way of life. Such a mindset is not only sick in itself but contrary to the word of YHVH that states, 'Beloved, I wish about all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers'- 3 John 2

2) Exercise faith for healing. Once you understand that healing is possible, start exercising faith to receive it. As you open up your spirit to receive the blessing of healing, your body will begin to restore itself. Strengthen your faith by spending time in the word. Read the gospels and be encouraged by the ministry of Yahshua Messiah when He walked in the earth. For the most part, He ministered healing wherever He went. What He did then, He can do now...and greater. Trust Him. He cannot fail. 'And He said unto her...your faith has made you whole; go in peace, and be whole of your plague'- Mark 5:34

3) Educate yourself on issues of diet. Let your health
problems be the inspiration toward finding the keys to a better quality of life. Examine your present diet and begin to realize that there is a definite connection between what you eat and how you feel. Therefore, eat to live instead of living to eat. Make your dietary choices count. Study the health risks associated with the Standard American Diet as opposed to the benefits of a live food diet. Realizing the difference between dead food and live food can be a life-changing experience. Understanding these differences will convince you to take better care of yourself.
'Wherefore do you spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which satisfyeth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good,and let your soul delight itself in fatness'- Isaiah 55:2

4) Adopt a live food lifestyle. Begin your healing process by eating real food: raw fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and whole grains. Consider this change as the beginning of a new life for yourself. As you are faithful to feed your body the right food, your body will heal itself. This built-in, self-healing feature of the body is by YHVH's design. As you experience improvements in your health, be thankful for His care. Scripture says 'we are 'fearfully and wonderfully made' (Psalms 139:14). There are many remarkable testimonies that attest to the healing power of living food. Be thankful for the food, but most of all thank the Healer.

5) A healing crises: what is it? The body is a marvelous machine that is designed to heal itself on a priority basis. Therefore, obvious health problems may not be the first issues addressed. The body knows where to begin its healing process, be it to repair a childhood injury, a past illness or a more recent problem. Suffice to say, correcting a life time of abuse to the body can and does take time. The body is not in a hurry. It will take however long for it to 'clean house' and start over. Consider your healing process as a complete 'make-over' inside and out. In this process, it is not surprising to have times of discomfort or distress (pain, nausea, headaches, rashes, etc.) as the body repairs itself. Old health issues are sometimes revisited in order for full healing to take place. Be patient as your body realizes its healing.

6) Exercise your freedom to move. Once your body begins to heal, it will be more energetic and will want to MOVE. It will want to rise up and EXERCISE! Many who start a living food diet wake early in the morning with an urge to jump up and move. Their bodies are hungry to exercise like never before. Suddenly, exercising is a love and not a chore. As the body heals, it will tell you what it needs. Proper exercise oxygenates cells, moves important body fluids, and lubricates joints. Give your body what it needs by rising up, going out for walks, breathing fresh air, and enjoying sunshine. Be kind to your body by letting it move freely. Proper exercise aids the healing process.

7) Let your healing help others. Health problems are never isolated. One person's suffering affects family, friends, etc. Therefore, let your healing process be the inspiration that ultimately helps those around you. As you begin to feel better, attitudes change and relationships can heal.

8) Be a healthy example for others. The world is full of suffering, so don't add to the SAD statistics. Instead, be an example of health and healing that will bring hope to others. Healing happens one person at a time. Let it start with you.

9) Be a help to others. Helping others in their time of physical need is a humbling experience. If you do not live a healthy life, however, do not expect to convince others of their need to make improvements in their lifestyles. Helping loved ones through dietary changes takes time and energy. Becoming part of someone else's healing process requires dedication, commitment, and usually perseverance. Applying principles of proper nutrition and exercise for the needy can be a full time job. In serious health crises, prepare for the long haul. Undoing years of unhealthy living does not happen overnight. Therefore, develop patience. Learn to love and forgive. Helping others heal is a worthwhile sacrifice that in the right time brings sweet rewards.

10) Be healed in your spirit. Physical healing most often begins in one's spirit. This understanding is rarely understood much less taught. Nevertheless, it is true. When our spiritual life is neglected, the health of the body is compromised. Spirits of depression, discouragement, bitterness, hatred, unforgiveness, etc cause negative reactions in the body, turning it into an acidic wasteland. An acid body brings on disease. Therefore, maintaining a healthy spiritual life is a good preventative to sickness and disease. Renew your spirit each day by cultivating a strong prayer life and study of the word. Keep humble before YHVH that He may teach you His ways. He will not fail those who trust in Him and obey His word. 'Trust in YHVH with all your heart; and lean not upon your own understanding. In all your ways acknowlege Him, and He shall direct your paths'- Proverbs 3: 5,6;

My experience as Health Minister has taught me many lessons, some of which have been painful. Nevertheless, I have learned to accept the fact that

1) not everyone wants to be healed
2) some people don't know that they need healing
3) healing is sometimes not what we think
4) healing sometimes comes in unusual ways from unexpected sources
5) not all who say that they want healing are willing to adopt a healthy lifestyle
6) some people like being sick.

In the final analysis, life is indeed what we make it and sad to say, many in life never realize what living is all about.

The mission of THE LIVING WAY is to teach principles of LIFE that are enduring and to encourage others onto the highway of health by personal example, if necessary, to prove the healing power of a live food lifestyle. No matter what, we cannot escape the fact that 'we are what we eat' and also that our 'actions speak louder than words.' When it comes to engaging the healing process, talk can be cheap, words can be empty, and promises can be broken. We believe life is too precious to sacrifice to the Standard American Diet, especially when one knows better. Accepting a substandard lifestyle does not heal the body. No amount of pharmaceuticals, chemical therapies or conventional medical modalities can substitute for a natural, live food lifestyle.

Though adopting a living food lifestyle may seem radical to the uneducated, those who have dared to investigate issues of vibrant health know that there is no better way to live than YHVH's way. He Who made us does know best how to care for us. Should we, in our ignorance, arrogance or rebellion, question the wisdom of the Almighty? YHVH forbid! It is time to be thankful that YHVH in His mercy provided a way of escape for us from the ravages of sickness and pain...a way that is simple, easy, and delicious. A live food lifestyle is not punishment nor is it a deprivation for one's tastebuds or belly. YHVH never takes anything away without giving us something far better. Without a doubt, eating one's way to ultimate health is an experience of a lifetime that no one can take away from you. Therefore claim your healing today!

But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.- Malachi 4:2

'O taste and see that YHVH is good!
Happy is the man who takes refuge in Him!'-
Psalm 34:8


Recommended references:

Why Christians Get Sick
by Rev. George Malkmus, i
God's Way to Ultimate Health
by Rev. George Malkmus,
The Hallelujah Diet by Rev. George Malkmus,
The Hallelujah Diet- Workbook by Rev. George Malkmus,
Available here

Learn how to reclaim your health in 60 days

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