Hormone Health
Part 1
by Mary Louise;Town Jaqua, Health Minister- 11/8/2021



Everyone has them, but few people know what they are much less
what they do! Nevertheless, the importance of hormones should not
be overlooked, for they play a major role in the body's overall well
being. Allowing for their importance, let us explore the wonderful
world of hormones.

HORMONES: What are they?
Hormones are natural chemicals produced in the body by a group
of cells
or glands known as the endocrine system. There are
eight major glands in the system: the pituitary, pineal, thymus,
thyroid, adrenal glands, ovaries, testes, and pancreas. Though
these eight glands are distinctly separate
, they are similar in
function and are intricately inter-related as mechanisms of

HORMONES: What do they do?
Hormones act as the body's chemical messengers or
communication system that travels via the blood stream to
tissues and organs, telling them what to do. The endocrine
system can thus be considered as the control center for
overseeing and coordinating important functions in the body.
Some of these functions include

  • metabolism (i.e. homeostasis)
  • energy level
  • reproduction
  • growth and development
  • mood
  • sexual function
  • response to injury, stress, and environmental factors.

Hormones communicate and instigate this range of functions by
means of electical charges.

HORMONES: Signs of imbalance
Hormones are tiny but powerful substances thus too much or
too little of a certain hormone can cause health problems,
compromising the body's well being. Hormonal imbalance can
take many forms, and when an imbalance exists, the body
responds accordingly by sending out warning signs. The
following signs should not be ignored.

  • Low metabolism rate
  • Unexplained weight gain or loss
  • Excessive sweating
  • Changes in sensitivity to cold and heat
  • Very dry skin and/or rashes
  • Changes in blood pressure, heart rate
  • Mood swings
  • Low libido
  • Insomnia/poor sleep quality
  • Depression
  • Irritability, anxiety
  • Unexplained and/or long term fatigue
  • Increased thirst
  • Painful menstration in women
  • Headaches
  • Brittle or weak bones
  • Fertility problems
  • Changes in appetite
  • Digestive problems, bloating
  • Blurred vision
  • Thinning, brittle hair
  • Puffy face
  • Breast tenderness
  • Low sperm count
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Reduced muscle mass
  • Deepening of the voice in females
  • Osteoporosis
  • Transgender issues

Left unchecked, the above symptoms can lead to serious health
problems such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, emotional
distress, suicidal tendency, and more.

HORMONES: Cause of imbalance
The well being of the body is largely determined by the chemical
actions of cells and their environment, actions which in turn create
what amounts to an internal eco-system. When hormone levels are
balanced, the body responds favorably by performing well. However,
if the body has hormone levels that are too high or too low, creating
an imbalance, the body responds negatively. Hormonal imbalances
are commonly the result of

  1. Poor diet- consisting mostly of processed, cooked,
    animal-based foods: meat and dairy products that contain
    synthetic growth hormones, seafood (farm-raised or open
    water sourced) contain mercury and other toxic substances,
    white sugar is processed with ultramarine blue dye (a toxic
    substance), soy products, food additives/preservatives (mono
    sodium glutamate, aspartame), food colorings, man-made
    seasonings, hydrogenated oils, etc.
  2. Environmental factors- poor quality drinking water (tap
    and/or contaminated well water), toxic air, soil contaminated
    by industrial waste, land subjected to toxic fertilizers, human
  3. Exposure to toxins in the workplace- petroleum-based:
    paint, paint thinners, varnishes, printing inks, fertilizers
  4. Household cleaning products- dish soaps, floor cleaners,
    window/mirror cleaners, oven cleaners, dryer sheets
  5. Personal care products- soap, shampoo, toothpaste, hair dye,
    nail polish
  6. Synthetic fibers- clothing made from man-made fibers that
    are largely petroleum-based: polyester, nylon, acetate, etc.;
    synthetic dyes formulated by man-made chemicals that use
    formaldehyde, etc. to set the dye.
  7. Pharmaceutical drugs- man-made chemicals that interfere
    with the body's internal chemistry. All drugs are toxic.
  8. Lack of exercise- allows toxic build-up in the body that
    compromise the body's ability to function properly.

Lifestyle factors thus prove to have a profound effect on hormone
health. Since hormones are naturally-based chemicals, the body
does not appreciate much less need competition or help from
man-made chemicals that ultimately destroy its ability to produce
hormones. Man-made chemicals contaminate the body's natural
environment by causing confusion. These foreign substances
scramble the body's hormone chemistry. They are known as
endocrine disruptors. Some of the more widely used and
popular endocrine distruptors are

  • BPA- chemical used in plastics imitating the sex
    hormone estrogen;
    linked to many forms of cancer,
    including breast cancer; linked to reproductive problems,
    obesity, early puberty and heart disease. According to
    government tests, 93 percent of Americans have BPA
    in their bodies
  • Dioxin- chemical formed during many industrial processes
    when chlorine or bromine are burned in the presence of
    carbon and oxygen; can disrupt the delicate way that both
    male and female sex hormone signaling occurs in the body;
    very long-lived, build up both in the body and in the food
    chain, are powerful carcinogens and can also affect the
    immune and reproductive systems; lowers sperm count
    and quality.
  • Atrazine- linked to breast tumors, delayed puberty and
    prostate inflammation in animals, prostate cancer in men.
    Used widely on corn crops in the US; run off turns male
    frogs to female.
  • Phthalates- can trigger what’s known as “death-inducing
    signaling” in testicular cells, making them die prematurely;
    linked to hormone changes, lower sperm count, less mobile
    sperm, birth defects in the male reproductive system,
    obesity, diabetes, and thyroid irregularities.
  • Perchlorate- a component in rocket fuel; contaminates
    produce and milk supply; competes with the nutrient iodine,
    which the thyroid gland needs to make thyroid hormones;
    kniown to alter thyroid hormone balance.
  • Fire retardants- also known as polybrominated diphenyl
    ethers or PBDEs; contaminate humans and wildlife; imitate
    thyroid hormones in the body and disrupt their activity; can
    lower IQ, among other significant health effects.
  • Lead- harms almost every organ system in the body; linked
    to an array of health effects such as permanent brain damage,
    lowered IQ, hearing loss, miscarriage, premature birth, increased
    blood pressure, kidney damage, and nervous system problems;
    disrupts hormones that regulate the body's stress system
    HPA axis) which implicates high blood pressure, diabetes,
    anxiety, and depression.
  • Arsenic- often found in food and drinking water; arsenic can
    kill; in small amounts can cause skin, bladder and lung cancer;
    also scambles hormones by interfering with normal hormone
    functioning in the glucocorticoid system that regulates how the
    body processes sugars and carbohydrates; disrupting the
    glucocorticoid system is linked to weight gain/loss, protein
    wasting, immunosuppression, insulin resistance (which can
    lead to diabetes), osteoporosis, growth retardation, and high
    blood pressure.
  • Mercury- a naturally occurring but toxic metal, gets into the
    air and the oceans primarily though burning coal; contaminates
    seafood; especially dangerous for fetal development, since the
    metal concentrates in the fetal brain and can interfere with brain
    development; binds directly to one particular hormone that
    regulates women’s menstrual cycle and ovulation; may also play
    a role in diabetes, since mercury has been shown to damage
    cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, which is critical for
    the body’s ability to metabolize sugar.
  • Perflurinated chemicals (PFC's)- used in the manufacture of
    non-stick cookware; linked to decreased sperm quality, low birth
    weight, kidney disease, thyroid disease and high cholesterol,
    among other health issues.
  • Organophosphate pesticides- one of the more common
    pesticides; target the nervous systems of insects; linked to
    effects on brain development, behavior and fertility;
    interferes with how testosterone communicates with cells,
    lowering testosterone, and altering thyroid hormone levels.
  • Glycol Ethers- can damage fertility or the un born; linked
    exposure to certain glycol ethers to blood abnormalities and
    lower sperm counts in painters; children exposed to glycol
    ethers from paint in their bedrooms are more susceptible to
    asthma and allergies.

The above substances are widely used in products found in the
average American home or business. Sadly, endocrine disruptors
have become acceptable norms that belie their harmful effects,
especially in relation to hormone health. Their ability to alter the
production of hormones puts the body on a veritable roll-a-coaster
ride of up's and down's that, if not checked, never ends.

Endocrine disruptors not only scramble the body's hormones but
introduce synthetic hormones that counter natural ones. For example,
a synthetic hormone called xeno-estrogen mimics natural estrogen.
Xeno-estrogen is a chemical that results from the manufacture of
of plastic. Plastic is a petroleum-based product that is widely popular
with multifold applications: everything from plastic bottles, tech
devices, plates, eating utensils, storage containers, diapers, car
parts, siding, furniture, toys, industrial supplies, and more. In today's
world it is difficult to find products that are plastic-free. Plastic in any
form leeches harmful chemicals into the body and environment
which in turn have a profound, adverse effect on hormone health .

Men and women have different hormone profiles. Women are
naturally estrogen dominate, while men are testosterone dominate.
When this balance is upset in either the man or the woman, the
effects can be traumatic, often destroying relationships. An
excessive level of estrogen can lead to classic female problems,
namely menstruation and menopause. These hormonal imbalances
are often exascerbated by xeno-estrogens present in products
used unwittingly by consumers. Thus it is no surprise that most
female problems are the result of some form of hormonal

While women have hormone issues specific to their gender,
men do, also. Most common is erectile dysfunction and the
development of breasts in men, the latter being the result
of too much estrogen/xeno-estrogen.

It is important to note that excessive levels of estrogen are
proven to be an underlying factor in the causation of diabetes
and the emasculating of the male species.

To be continued...



Recommended resources:

eBook: Hormonal Imbalance: Hot Flashes, Irritability & Brain Fog

e-Guide: Hormone Harmony Over 35

"How Toxicity Undermines Adrenal Function and SOURCES of Toxicity".

e-Book: The Comprehensive Guide to Adrenal Health!

VIDEO: MANopause, What Every Man And Woman Should Know About Treating Symptoms Of Male Hormone Imbalance- WATCH IT HERE

BOOK: Excito Toxins: The Taste that Kills- by Dr. Russel Blaylock

PDF: Excito Toxins: The Taste that Kills- by Dr. Russel Blaylock



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