The Importance of the Lymph System
by Mary Louise;Town Jaqua 4/8/2021Believe it or not, most people do not know what the lymph system is
much less that they have one! Nevertheless, the lymph system is one
of the most important systems in the body and therefore deserves
utmost attention; for in order to experience vibrant health, understanding
the lymph system and how to activate it can make the difference between
life and death.THE LYMPH SYSTEM: What is it?
The lymph system is part of the body's waste disposal system. The body
has over 100 trillion cells that, in the course of processing nutrients into
energy, generate waste. This waste needs to be disposed of. Like any
manufacturing process, waste is a constant factor that is potentially toxic.
Therefore for the sake of good management, waste products are carried
off and disposed of properly.Since body cells are constantly active and therefore produce waste on
a regular basis, the lymph system aids in eliminating it. Disposing waste
is accomplished by the movement of a clear-to-white fluid called lymph
which carries away waste products from cells and tissues via a complex
network of organs, lymph nodes, lymph ducts, and lymph vessels.THE LYMPH SYSTEM: The anatomy
Taking a close look at the lymph system reveals the following components:
- Lymph: Lymph, also called lymphatic fluid, is a collection of the extra
fluid that drains from cells and tissues (that is not reabsorbed into the
capillaries) plus other substances such as proteins, minerals, fats,
nutrients, damaged cells, cancer cells and foreign invaders (bacteria,
viruses, etc). Lymph also transports infection-fighting white blood
cells called lymphocytes.- Lymph nodes: Lymph nodes are soft, small, round-or bean-shaped
structures that usually cannot be seen or easily felt. They are located
in clusters in various parts of the body, such as the neck, armpit,
groin, and inside the center of the chest and abdomen. The nodes
monitor and cleanse the lymph as it filters through them. The nodes
filter out damaged cells and cancer cells. These lymph nodes also
produce and store lymphocytes and other immune system cells that
attack and destroy bacteria and other harmful substances in the fluid.
About 600 lymph nodes are scattered throughout the body. Some
exist as a single node, while others are closely connected groups
called chains. Familiar locations of lymph nodes are in the armpit,
groin and neck. Lymph nodes are connected to each other by
lymphatic vessels.·- Lymphatic vessels: Lymphatic vessels are the network of
capillaries (microvessels) and large network of tubes located
throughout the body that transport lymph away from tissues.
Lymphatic vessels collect and filter lymph (at the nodes) as it
continues to move toward larger vessels called collecting ducts.
These vessels operate very much like veins do in that they work
under very low pressure and have a series of valves in them to
keep the fluid moving in one direction.- Collecting ducts: Lymphatic vessels empty the lymph into the
right lymphatic duct and left lymphatic duct (also called the thoracic
duct). These ducts connect to the subclavian vein, which returns
lymph to your bloodstream. The subclavian vein runs below your
collarbone. Returning lymph to the bloodstream helps to maintain
normal blood volume and pressure. It also prevents the excess
buildup of fluid around the tissues which is called edema.
The lymph system involves the following organs:
- Spleen: The largest lymphatic organ; located on the left side of the
body under the ribs and above the stomach. The spleen filters and
stores blood and produces white blood cells that fight infection and
disease.- Thymus: Located in the upper chest beneath the breast bone. It
makes a specific type of white blood cell that fights off foreign
organisms.- Tonsils and adenoid: Trap pathogens from food consumed and
air breathed. They are the bodys first line of defense against foreign
invaders.- Bone marrow: Soft, spongy tissue in the center of certain bones,
such as the hip bone and breastbone. White blood cells, red blood
cells, and platelets are made in the bone marrow.- Peyers patches: Small masses of lymphatic tissue in the mucous
membrane that lines your small intestine. These lymphoid cells
monitor and destroy bacteria in the intestines.- Appendix: Contains lymphoid tissue that can destroy bacteria
before it breaches the intestine wall during absorption. Scientists
believe that the appendix plays a role in housing good bacteria
and repopulating the gut with good bacteria after an infection has
THE LYMPH SYSTEM: Its function
The lymphatic system has many functions but it primarily
- Maintains fluid levels in the body by collecting excess fluid
that drains from cells and tissues and returns it to the bloodstream
wherein it is recirculated throughout the body.- Absorbs fats from the digestive tract. Lymph includes fluids
from the intestines that contain fats and proteins and transports it
back to the bloodstream.- Protects the body against foreign invaders: The lymphatic
system is part of the immune system. It produces and releases
lymphocytes (white blood cells) and other immune cells that
monitor and destroys foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses,
parasites and fungi that enter the body.- Transports and removes waste products and abnormal
cells from the lymph.About 20 liters of plasma flow through the bodys arteries and smaller
arteriole blood vessels and capillaries every day. After delivering
nutrients to the bodys cells and tissues and receiving their waste
products, about 17 liters are recirculated throughout the body by way
of veins. The remaining three liters seep through the capillaries and
into body tissues. The lymphatic system collects this excess fluid, now
called lymph, from tissues and moves it along until it ultimately returns
it to the bloodstream wherein it will pass through the liver and kidneys.THE LYMPH SYSTEM: Why is it important?
The lymph system is an important part of the immune system, because
it filters out toxins that have the potential to precipitate sickness and
disease. The system accomplishes this task by producing immune cells
in lymph nodes that help fight infection. The system filters lymph fluid
and removes foreign material such as bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells.
When bacteria are recognized in the lymph fluid, the lymph nodes produce
more infection- fighting white blood cells. This causes the nodes to swell.
Swollen nodes are sometimes felt in the neck, under the arms, and groin.
Swollen glands in the neck usually indicate swollen lymph nodes. Common
areas where lymph nodes can be easily felt, especially if they are enlarged,
are the groin, armpits, above the clavicle, in the neck, and the back of the
head just above the hairline.The human body has the ability to resist almost all types of foreign
substances, aka toxins, that tend to damage the tissues and organs.
Much of the body's immunity is caused by a special immune system that
forms antibodies and activated lymphocytes that attack and destroy the
specific organisms and toxins. This type of immunity is called acquired
immunity. An additional aspect of immunity results from general
processes called innate-immunity wherein antibodies and activated
lymphocytes are formed in the lymphoid tissues of the lymph nodes.
The efficiency of the entire immune system depends upon how well
the lymphatic system is works.THE LYMPH SYSTEM: The mechanics
The lymph system is like a hydraulic pressure system made up of tubes
or veins which start at the lymphatic terminals, or minute internal vacuum
nozzles. The walls of the veins at the nozzles are only one-cell thick, but
as they combine, the veins become thicker and stronger. They drain into
the lymph nodes where the lymph fluid is filtered and foreign invaders are
destroyed. Other larger veins drain the lymph nodes into even larger veins.
They finally empty into the thoracic duct, which is the thickness of a thumb.
All of the veins are filled with millions of one-way valves. Any time there is
pressure below the valves, they open. When the valves open, lymph can
move freely throughout the whole body, enabling it to dispose of cellular
THE LYMPH SYSTEM: How to activate it
The lymph system is not connected to the heart and therefore does not
function involuntarily, so it must be activated by other means, namely
through exercise. When body cells are exercised, a pumping action
occurs that opens the lymphatic valves. As the values open, lymphatic
fluid moves freely to gather and eliminate waste. The amount of lymph
flow depends on how much the system is activated. During exercise,
lymph flow can increase as much as 10-30 fold, but when the body is
inactive or at rest, it decreases and becomes sluggish.While there are many forms of exercise, the best exercise for activating
the lymph system occurs at the cellular level. Aerobic exercise is most
effective because it maintains the integrity of cells walls while supplying
life-giving oxygen to the cells. The best aerobic exercise for engaging
the lymph system is walking and rebounding. The rhythm of walking and
the up-and-down motion of jumping on a mini-trampoline (rebounding)
creates a pumping action that massages cell walls and opens the
lymphatic valves to their maximum which is about 100 times per minute.
How wide the valves open is related to gravitational pull in that valve
openings are depressed at low-G and increased at high-G pressure.
For optimum efficiency, a high-G environment is necessary to increase
the strength and activity of the lymph system so that vibrant health can
be achieved.Studies show that brisk walking and vigorous rebounding for at least
twenty minutes is necessary to adequately maintain the function of the
lymph system. For the body's well being, the lymph system should be
activated daily and more aggressively in the presence of sickness,
pain, disease and/or body injury.Conclusion
The human body is a well-designed, magnificent machine, but it does
not come with an instruction manual. How to best care for ourselves
is thus a learning process that can be and often is a challenge if not
a painful experience. Nevertheless, the body is forgiving in that it heals
itself, providing that it receives the right care. Quality of life is therefore
a personal issue that involves lifestyle choices, especially in relation to
diet and exercise.In the great sea of controversry surrounding what constitutes proper
care for the body, knowledge of the lymph system and its importance
is sadly lacking. Were this marvelous, built-in immune protector and
healer more understood by the general populace, the incidence of
sickness, pain, disease, and even death would be dramatically reduced
if not entirely eliminated. It is a scientific fact that when the mechanics
of the lymph system are properly engaged, the body responds in
remarkable fashion, ridding itself of numerous problems be they
physical, mental, and emotional. Life-threatening diseases such as
cancer, polio, heart disease, and more have been known to disappear
by moving the body's lymph fluid. Likewise broken bones have been
mended and comatose conditions eliminated by applying the principles
of lymphatic function.Suffice it to say, the simple act of emptying the
body's reservoirs of toxins proves to restore life to the lifeless.The keys to superior health are available to those who desire to live
without physical, emotional or mental distress. Those who seek an
excellent quality of life do not overlook the lymphatic system nor fail to
understand its importance. Sadly, most Americans are walking toxic
waste dumps and don't know it. They are human swamps/cess pools,
drowning in their own cellular waste, wondering why they are sick.As a people we are too often victims of ill-begotten teachings that,
in the face of personal health problems, point us in the wrong direction.
Suffice it to say, the answer to ill health is not more doctors, nurses,
bigger and better medical facilities and treatments, more and better
pharmaceuticals or vaccines. The answer to health care is self care.
Applying the principles of proper nutrition and exercise is the
foundation of wellness.It is a scientific fact that a healthy body cannot support disease.
Therefore, when it comes to making lifestyle choices, do not overlook
the importance of your lymph system. Gain a better understanding
of the principles of health care lest you fall prey to sickness, pain,
and dis-ease. Eat well and exercise well, so that your cells can take
good care of you. The key to vibrant health is more than a science.
It is an art.
Whoppeeeee! Look at me!
I am exercising my cells
So that I can be sickness free!
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest
prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.-
3 John 1:2__________________________________________________________
Recommended resources:
Speed Healing
International Academy of Lymphology
FREE Lymphatic Rescue Summit: April 19-25 2021
Comes with FREE eBook on Lymphatic healthDIY Rebounder Workout Tutorial for Lymphatic Drainage, Cellulite Reduction, MAX Fluid Weight Loss
Dry Brushing Face to activate lymph drainage
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