is a natural, necessary life function that keeps
the body alive.
Nevertheless, what is it about breathing that
sustains the body ? The
answer is oxygen! Believe
it or not, this vital element is more important
in keeping the body alive than is food and water.
Therefore, when it
comes to survival, think oxygen!
The science
Oxygen is the third most abundant
element in the universe by mass.
The word comes from the Greek "oxy" and
"genes" which means acid-
forming. Depending on temperature
and pressure, oxygen can be a
solid, liquid or gas. Scientifically speaking, it
is symbolized by the letter
'O.' On the Periodic Table of
Elements it's atomic number is '8', for
has a total of eight electrons: two
orbit the nucleus in the atom's inner
shell and six orbit in the outermost shell. The
outermost shell can hold
a total of eight electrons, which explains
oxygen's tendency to react
with other elements. Since its outer shell is
incomplete, its electrons
are thus free for the taking (and giving) which
allows oxygen to be a
'free agent' within the body.
Its function
Oxygen is a multi-tasker within the
body, its presence being pervasive
and therefore vitally important. The general
functions of oxygen include
1. Cellular integrity-
It fuels cells by providing the basic
building blocks that the body needs in order
to survive;
produces proteins that build new cells; helps
to replace
dead cells and build new ones.
2. Immune system
support- It is used to help kill
and fuels the cells that make up the body's
defenses against
aenerobic invaders such as viruses and free
3. Cardiovascular system
4. Nervous system
5. Eye health- Few
blood vessels travel to the eye, so the
eyes absorb much of the oxygen that they need
through the cornea. The cornea is built in
such a way to
diffuse oxygen directly into the body from
the air.
for the many important functions of oxygen, it is
surprising but
true that the body's overall daily
nutritional need is 96% oxygen
and 4% food.
The facts
The body is designed to perform best
when it is nutritionally balanced,
having the right levels of elements, namely
specific vitamins, minerals,
phyto- nutrients, etc. that keep it alive. This
balance is measured by
testing various functions of the body such as
heart rate, blood
pressure level, blood/urine content. These tests
constitute what is
known medically as vital statistics.
Included in these statistics is the
body's oxygen level.
oxygen level of the body can be measured in two
ways: an arterial
blood gas (ABG) test that draws blood
from a vein or by using a
non-invasive pulse oximeter
device that estimates the amount of oxygen
in your blood by sending infrared light into
capillaries in your finger, toe,
or earlobe. Then it measures how much light is
reflected off the oxygen
gases. The pulse ox test has a
two percent margin of error making it a
convenient option but one that is not as accurate
as an ABG test.
measurement of oxygen in the blood is known as
the blood oxygen
saturation. When using an ABG
test, the saturation level is called a PaO2,
whereas the pulse ox test terms
the saturation level as SpO2.
to an ABG test, the normal level
of oxygen saturation (PaO2)
for healthy lungs falls between 80 and 100
millimeters. This differs slightly
from a pulse ox normal reading
that is typically between 95-100 percent.
oxygen saturation level ultimately determines the
body's overall
wellbeing. A below-normal level, called
hypoxemia, gives cause for concern,
since it can signal problems in body tissue and
organs. When blood
oxygen level drops outside the typical normal
range, the body
develops symptoms such as
- shortness of breath
- chest pain
- confusion
- headache
- rapid heartbeat
low oxygen level can lead to symptoms of
cyanosis, a blue discoloration
of nail beds, skin, and mucus membranes. These
symptoms often signal
imminent respiratory failure. Other common
complications involving low
oxygen levels include
- COPD, including chronic
bronchitis and emphysema
- acute respiratory distress
- asthma
- collapsed lung
- anemia
- congenital heart defects
- heart disease
- pulmonary embolism
numerous other health problems such as cancer are
to an insuffienct oxygen saturation level in the
body. It is surprising but
true that lack of proper oxygen in the body
produces a perfect
environment for precipitating pain, sickness,
disease, and death.
Causes of low levels
Science and medicine prove that
without a proper level of oxygen in
the body physical, mental, emotional, and/or
spiritual harm can result.
Lack of sufficient oxygen suffocates body cells.
Dead cells cannot
keep the body alive. An oxygen-starved body is
largely caused by
- Poor diet-
cooked, processed, and animal-based foods
(meat, dairy, seafood); fast/junk foods
- Lack of exercise-
a predominately sedentary lifestyle
- Air pollution-
breathing air that contains chemical
smoke, or other toxic residues
- Smoking-
depletes the body's oxygen, thereby
suffocating cells
- Poor posture-
cuts off circulation of oxygen to parts
of the body
Raising the level
Increasing the body's oxygen level
requires lifestyle improvements,
ones that often elude the average American for
they are natural, simple,
and often inexpensive. Therefore for the sake of
achieving optimum health,
lifestyle changes are not only necessary but
imperative. To increase the
body's oxygen level
- Eat a healthier
diet- eliminate cooked, processed,
(dead) foods and adopt a diet of whole,
plant-based, living foods.
- Exercise-
start a simple exercise program,
especially aerobics
such as walking and rebounding.
- Deep breathing-
- Take in more fresh
air- especially outdoors; invest
in an indoor
air purifier
- Stop smoking
- Practice good
- Supplement- with
naturally-sourced products
small but steady lifestyle improvements as stated
above prove
to restore and regenerate the body's innate
ability to heal itself. While
boosting the body's oxygen level is a healthy
practice, doing so comes
with a word of caution in that too much oxygen in
the blood can lead to
oxidative stress, a condition that could
precipitate heart and respiratory
problems as well as necrosis.
General benefits
Taking the necessary steps to
nourish the body with an abundance of
life-giving oxygen ultimately increases quality
of life, a prize that is well
worth seeking. It stands to reason that when the
body feels better,
attitudes and relationships improve. Thinking
more clearly results in
a better outlook in life. The health benefits of
oxygen are thus found
to be marvelous if not revolutionary in that it
- Creates energy
- Transports gases across cell
- Helps to digest food
- Helps weight loss
- Helps to metabolize fats and
- Eliminates toxins from the
- Increase memory capacity
- Fuels body muscles
- Manufactures hormones and
- Supports lung function
- Boosts concentration, mental
- Develops stronger alertness
- Raises energy levels
- Improves stamina/strength
- Builds endurance
- Detoxifies the blood from
viruses, parasites, bacteria
- Reduces stress
- Supports cardiovascular
- Calms anxiety
- Improves sleep
- Alleviates tension headaches
- Remedies irregular sleeping
- Prevents lactic acid build
- Strengthens the immune
- Helps the healing process
- Improves wound healing
- Helps the anti-aging process
health benefits of oxygen are so remarkable that
it is classified
by many nutritionists and practitioners as a
medicine. Since it is a
nutrient and therefore a food, it rightly fits
Hippocrates' famous
declaration, Let food be your medicine.
So it is that oxygen has become
a more popular modality in relation to the
healing arts. The efficacy of
oxygen therapy and ozone therapy for the
resolution of chronic ailments,
including cancer, is an established fact of many
years. Many terminally
ill have seen their lives restored thanks to
oxygen and ozone therapies.
Futhermore, the remarkable ability of oxygen to
sustain the body is
proven by Breathatarians whose sole food is
Oxygen is a vital nutrient that sustains the body
in multi-fold ways,
all of which contribute to a superior quality of
life. Nevertheless, its
importance is largely unknown by most Americans
because they are
caught in the web of ignorance. The human body
was designed by
Almighty YHVH to be vibrantly healthy, but
through lack of knowledge
countless people have and continue to suffer poor
was never part of YHVH's plan for His people, yet
many have
settled for a low if not beggarly quality of what
they call life, one that is
often riddled with numerous health problems. This
ought not to be, for
there is a way beyond and above physical,
emotional, mental, and even
spiritual ills. By applying the natural laws of
the universe as created by
YHVH superior health can be achieved. It is
possible to live without the
curse of sickness, pain, and disease, but we must
take personal responsibility
for our well being. Improving quality of life is
not difficult nor is a degree
in science or medicine necessary in order to heal
ourselves. The healing
process can start by simply breathing the breath
of life and flooding our
bodies with oxygen. It is that plain. It is that
simple. Even a child can do it.
being said, consider nourishing your body today
with life-giving
oxygen, the great healer and sustainer of the
body! Drink deeply and
experience the goodness, after all, it is FREE
for the taking!

And the
EVER-LIVING formed the man dust of the earth,
and breathed upon his face the breath of
life, and the man became a living soul.
-Genesis 2:7
I will praise
thee; for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made: marvellous are
thy works; and that
my soul knoweth right well.- Psalms 139:14
Recommended resources
Michael White-
Breathing Coach
Mr. Oxygen- natural,
oxygen-boosting supplements
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