Simply Healthy
by Mary Louise;Town Jaqua, Health Minister

We live in a complex, fast-paced world with many
things to do, places to go, people to see, high-speed
planes and trains to get us there plus high-speed internet
to surf, and, last but not least, fast food to eat. While there
is nothing wrong with having a full and active life, living on
the fast track can come with a price. Overextending
ourselves often adversely affects our wellbeing physically,
emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. This condition is
commonly called 'burn-out', and as the body ages it is
more vulnerable to this syndrome. At such time when the
human frame cannot keep up with the demands placed
upon it, personal health crisises can and often do eventuate.

While no one welcomes ill health, the key to avoiding the
potential pitfalls associated with a complex, over-active
lifestyle lies in prevention. We must educate ourselves
in order to better understand basic life principles and then
amend personal habits accordingly to enjoy a fuller,
happier, and healthier life.

Simply healthy: It's natural!
When Almighty YHVH formed man, he was perfectly healthy
(whole) and He placed him in an idyllic setting called a
a garden. The garden was resplendent with verdant fields,
trees, and vegetation. An abundance of living foods sprang
up from the earth by the creative hand of YHVH as a gift to
man for his sustenance(food): fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts,
and whole grains. The splendor of this garden must have
been beautiful to behold, and its produce delicious to eat!
So it was that YHVH Almighty placed on this earth all
that man needed in order to be strong and healthy.

A natural way of life thus became traditional practice for
centuries by cultures throughout the world. Today this
lifestyle is commonly called living on the land or getting
back to nature
by those who value and understand the
basic principles of good stewardship of both the earth
and the human body. Science, medicine, and scripture
agree that a life in harmony with YHVH's natural creation
is to experience a superior wellbeing as intended by

This being said, the merits of a natural lifestyle serve
as an example of how best to live a healthy life today.
While not all are called to be farmers and 'live on the land,'
there are simple, practical steps that one can take in order
to realize the benefits of living well.

Simply healthy: creating wellness
Unravelling and resolving a tangled, complex life requires
the principle known as simplification. This principle can
be expressed in many forms, all of which support
wholeness of body, mind, soul, and spirit. Some
of these principles include the following.

  • Priorities- determine your life values: what is
    most important to you, your goals, future plans,
    what you hope to achieve in life, etc. Focus on
    what is important to you and leave the rest behind.
  • Diet- what you eat determines the quality of your
    well being. Natural, living foods support health;
    man-made, processed, and animal-based foods
    do not. Simplify your eating pattern by choosing to
    eat the simple, natural way: fresh salads, smoothies,
    healthy entrees 'in the raw.' The body does not need
    copious amounts of food to be nourished. It only
    needs the right foods to meet its needs.
  • Products- choose naturally- sourced products for
    home and personal care, since chemically-based
    products are unnatural and are therefore inherently
    toxic. Investing in natural products simplifies the buying
    process in that natural options are fewer in number
    than popular, chemically-produced products.
  • Clothes- simplify your wardrobe by choosing
    apparel that is made of natural fibers (linen, cotton,
    silk, wool), since man-made, synthetic fabrics leave
    toxic residues in and on the body that can cause
    health problems such as cancer, infertility, allergies,
    hormonal imbalances, etc.
  • Shopping- purchase what you need and not
    what you want. Often there is a big difference.
    Simplify your shopping experience by being
    more discriminating.
  • Clutter- streamline your surroundings by
    reducing or eliminating unwanted/unused items.
    Trimming your living space down to basic
    necessities improves personal outlook and
    clarity of mind.
  • Relationships- simplify your contacts by
    weeding out negative relationships. Trying to
    support unproductive relationships can be
    stressful and therefore unhealthy.
  • Exercise- physical activity is healthy but
    avoid pushing the body beyond its limits.
    Better it is to keep exercise and sports
    committments simple than over-extend and
    suffer ill consequences. The simple act of
    taking a walk has many health benefits.
  • Technology- electronic devices are tools of
    convenience that can destroy relationships
    and personal health. Choose tools wisely
    and limit their use, especially by children.
    Simplify and streamline communications
    by by-passing modern tech devices in
    favor of using 'old fashioned' methods of
    communication such as letter writing and
    personal visits.

It is said that 'less is more,' and sometimes we are
forced to prove it. So it is that cutting back, cutting off,
and cutting out unproductive aspects of our lives is
akin to pruning trees and bushes in order to encourage
healthier growth and a better yield. This process is a
natural progression in the course of life that leads to
living in the fullest sense!

Life is simple, but we often complicate it by adopting
habits that are unnatural which compromises our
quality of life. Suffice it to say, we have been deceived
and let down by a traditionally-taught value system that
does not have our best interests at heart.

Unravelling a tangled, complex lifestyle in order to find
a simpler, naturally healthy life is a growing movement
in America and around the world. People are discovering
that living well without the scourge of stress, fatigue,
sickness, pain, and disease is possible. Because a
healthier way of life exists, they are rejecting a
sub-standard, 'low life.' Nevertheless, this discovery
often comes at the expense of a personal crisis that
compels them to adopt a simpler, more natural
way of life.

When all is said and done, it is good to remember our
spiritual roots and reverence the One Who not only
formed us but naturally provides for our well being. The
sure foundation for a prosperous, healthy life is based
on a personal relationship with the Almighty through His
Son, Yahshua. He alone is the way back into the garden
where there is no sickness, pain, heartache or sorrow.
Follow Him into the kingdom of YHVH. It is a simple
pathway that leads to a healthy life.

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth,
and the life: no man cometh unto the Father,
but by me.- John 14:6

"Come to me, all of you who are tired from
carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28 (Good News Translation)

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you
will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:29

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill,
and to destroy: I am come that they might have
life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
John 10:10


Recommended resources:
The Hallelujah Diet- by George Malkmus
Recipes for Life from God's Garden- Rhonday Malkmus
(Hallelujah Acres:
Killer Clothes- Drs. Anna Marie and Brian Clement
(Hippocrates Health Institute)


LIVING Letter #96/Index