SUPER FOODS for Super Health!
by Mary Louise;Town Jaqua, Health Minister
We live in a world of superlatives with supermarkets,
superhighways, superbowls, and supermen. Added
to this super mix are superfoods! In recent years
these popularized foods have catapulted to healthy
fame, but what are they? What makes them
extraordinary, special, and indeed super?Superfoods: the facts
By definition, 'super' is derived from the Latin
word 'super', meaning above, over, excess.
Likewise synonyms for 'super' are great,
marvelous, terrific, magnificent, awesome,
matchless, and 'out-of-this-world.' Allowing
for the characteristics attributed to super, it
is safe to conclude that superfoods are foods
that possess a certain, exceptional quality.
This quality that sets them apart, over, and
above 'ordinary' foods is that they are
The human body is a living organism that
requires nutrients to sustain itself. These
nutrients include vitamins, minerals, enzymes,
anti-oxidants, healthy fats, amino acids, protein,
phytonutrients, etc., all of which are the raw
materials that the body needs in order to
function properly and perform well. Science
and health experts agree that an abundant
supply of vital nutrients best nourishes the
body and encourages superior health. Thus
superfoods, because of their inherent,
concentrated life-force, are prized foods
that should be incorporated into the daily
Superfoods: the common denominator
While there are many different superfoods
on the earth, they commonly share an
extraordinary range of
- vitamins
- minerals
- enzymes
- antioxidants
- chlorophyll
- good fats
- essential fatty acids
- phytonutrients
This range of nutritional excellence makes
most superfoods
- Anti-bacterial
- Anti-fungal
- Anti-viral
- Anti-cancer
- Anti-ageing
- Anti-parasitic
The extraordinary characteristics of
superfoods thus quality them as a valuable
resource for achieving superior health.
Overall, superfoods
- Improve nutrition
- Increase energy
- Build a strong immune system
- Lower total cholesterol
- Lower blood pressure
- Help protect against heart disease
and cancer- Prevent or reduce inflammation
- Help regulate metabolism and burn
body fat- Help detoxify the body
- Maintain youthful complexion
The Super line-up
Superfoods comprise a variety of common
and not-so-common foods, some of the
more popular being:
1. Leafy greens- kale, collards, chard, arugula,
alfalfa, mustard greens, chickory, beet greens,
lettuce, etc. Greens are rich in chlorophyll, aka
'liquid sunshine,' that is almost identical to the
chemistry of human blood. Kale- rich in vitamin K,
A, C, manganese, fibre, copper, tryptophan,
calcium and B6 (among others); Spinach- vitamin K,
vitamin A, manganese, folate, manganese, folate,
magnesium, iron, vitamin C, E. B2, B6, calcium,
potassium, tryptophan, high quality protein. Greens
inhibit growth of some types of cancer cells and
reduces free radical production. They are rich in
antioxidants, anti-inflammatory nutrients, anti-cancer
nutrients, they protect the body from potential disease
and support the detoxification process.
2. Cereal grasses- wheat and barley grass are
rich in chlorophyll, vitamins, beta-carotene, minerals,
amino acids, iron. Barleygrass contains vitamins B12,
C, and E plus minerals, enzymes. Wheatgrass has
powerful antioxidants, is a blood tonic, and has
disease-fighting properties; Barleygrass is alkaline,
helps balanced pH levels, fights inflammation.
3. Spirulina, chlorella- blue-green algae;
contain the most concentrated chlorophyll content of
any plant on earth. Spirulina - high in vitamins C, D, E,
calcium, iron, potassium, zinc. Spirulina is antiviral,
anti-depressant, prevents inflammation, treats diabetes,
fights bacterial and viral infections, supports growth of
intestinal microflora supports immune system, and
protects the liver. Chlorella is rich in protein, chlorophyll,
and carotenoids. Chlorella is a blood cleanser, potent
antioxidant and healer, protects against gamma
radiation/adverse affects of drugs and toxic chemicals;
reduces dioxin levels in breast milk, improves overall
health, supports detoxification, improves digestion,
helps treat hypertension.
4. Wild edibles- dandelion, nettles, plantain,
lamb's quarters, amaranth, purslane, etc.
Rich source of chlorophyll, protein, essential
fatty and amino acids, iron, potassium, magnesium,
etc; Dandelion- tonic and laxative, high in Vitamins C,
E, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, magnesium,
anti-oxidants; richest herbal source of Vitamin K;
natural diuretic, builds bone mass, prevents disease,
promotes overall health; Nettles- detoxifier, diuretic,
high in iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, boron,
silicon, vitamin A, B complex and beta-carotene.
Good for lung congestion, coughs, bronchitis; builds
bone mass, anti-inflammatory; Purslane- richest
source of Omega-3 fatty acids of any green, leafy
vegetable; contains up to 4000 ppm of the omega-3
fatty-acid alpha linolenic acid (ALA); rich source of
vitamin E, A, C, B6, Folate, Thiamin, Niacin, Riboflavin,
Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium,
Copper and Manganese.
5. Moringa- one of nature's most nutritious foods;
has over 90 nutrients, 46 antioxidants, rich in vitamins D,
K, A, C, B6, Manganese, Magnesium, Lysine, Riboflavin,
Calcium, Thiamin, Potassium, Iron, Protein and Niacin;
Contains seven times the Vitamin C found in oranges,
four times the beta carotene of carrots, three times the
iron of spinach, four times as much calcium as milk,
three times the potassium of bananas and more fiber
than oats; contains all 8 essential amino acids, rich in
6. Cruciferous vegetables- broccoli, cauliflower,
brussel sprouts, cabbage, etc.; rich in vitamins C, K,
A, B2, B3, B6 plus folate, fibre, manganese, tryptophan,
iron, calcium, potassium, zinc, cartenoids. Broccoli
contains iron and calcium in large amounts, folic acid,
chlorophyll, potassium, vitamin B and vitamin C twice
the amount found in citrus fruits. Cruciferous vegetables
contain antioxidants that prevent/fight heart disease,
diabetes, and cancer.
7. Avocado- Vitamins E, C, K, B6, fibre, potassium,
folate, oleic acid, lutein, folate, magnesium, glutathione,
and monounsaturated fats. Helps prevent heart disease,
cancer, degenerative eye and brain diseases; oleic acid
within this fruit promotes heart health and increases
absorption of other nutrients.
8. Berries- strawberries, raspberries, blueberries,
goji berries, etc. All berries are rich in anti-oxidants,
vitamin C, K, manganese, fibre, iodine, potassium,
folate, B vitamins, omega 3, magnesium and/or
copper. The pigments that create the bright colours
are powerful phytochemicals that provide high
anti-oxidant activity which aids inflammatory
conditions like arthritis and cardiovascular disease.
Blueberries are packed with disease-fighting
phytochemicals, flavinoids and soluble fiber: they
help prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease,
stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, tame
inflammation throughout the body, reduce bad
cholesterol, and help stabilize blood sugar levels.
Goji berries- a complete protein, contains more
beta carotene than carrots, and 500 times more
vitamin C by weight than oranges; contains over
18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, and substantial
amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B6, E; contain
essential fatty acids, and are an incredibly rich
source of carotenoids (more than any other known);
anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, help eyes,
protect DNA, enhance memory, encourage muscle
growth, protect against fatty liver disease, boost
immune system.
9. Apples- rich source of Vitamin C, beta-carotene,
B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamin,
and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), potassium, phosphorus,
calcium, antioxidants, flavonoids, phytonutrients, and
fiber. Protect the body from nuclear fallout, kill a wide
range of cancers, keeps arteries unclogged low in
calories; contain no saturated fats or cholesterol,
fiber helps prevent absorption of dietary-LDL or bad
cholesterol in the gut and saves the colon mucous
membrane from exposure to toxic substances by
binding to cancer-causing chemicals inside the colon.
10. Coconut- one of the most valuable plants on
the earth; coconut water is identical to human blood
plasma and therefore can be used as a universal
blood transfusion; coconut milk is a complete
protein and compares in chemical balance with
mother's milk; contains 70% raw saturated fat
containing mostly medium-chain fatty acids which
the body can metabolize efficiently/convert to energy;
has no trans-fats; coconut oil has no cholesterol,
is gluten-free, non-toxic, hypoallergenic; high in dietary
fiber; has antibacterial, antiviral, antifunga, anti-parasitic
properties; helps to aid and support overall Immune
System functions, improves digestion, has a low
glycemic Index, normalizes blood sugar levels,
increases energy, decreases stress; helps prevent
obesity, reduces sweet cravings; coconut oil is a
stable oil and therefore safe for cooking.
11. Hemp- seed, oil, protein powder- a complete
protein; the only known source of a balanced ratio
of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids plus
the rare EFA- GLA (Gamma Linoleic Acid) ;
contains many B vitamins, vitamins A, D, and E,
calcium, sodium, iron and dietary fiber. helps the
heart by clearing clogged arteries, reduces
inflammation, improves circulation; improves
digestion, increases energy, controls blood sugar,
promotes healthy cholestrol; improves brain function/
cognitive skills, elevates mood, reduces stress, risk
of cancer; promotes healthier, softer skin. Because
of its remarkable versatility as a food, fibre, fuel,
and renewable resource, hemp is thought to be the
'plant of renown' as recorded in Ezekiel 24:29:
And I will raise up for them a plant of renown,
and they shall be no more consumed with hunger
in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen
any more.
12. Garlic- excellent source of minerals and
vitamins that are essential for optimum health.
The bulbs are one of the richest sources of
potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium,
manganese, zinc, and selenium. Garlic
contains many flavonoid anti-oxidants like
carotene beta, zea-xanthin, and vitamin C.
Garlic is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal,
anti-carcenogenic; helps the body develop
resistance against infectious agents and
reduces free radicals damage. Garlic is
heart-healthy and boosts antioxidant enzyme
activity in the body.
13. Seeds/Nuts- chia, flax, hemp, walnuts, almonds,
pecans, etc.; Rich source of good fats, essentiall fatty
acids, protein. Chia- the single richest source of plant-
based omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, protein,
minerals; an 'endurance' food because it adds bulk to
the stomach, the fiber content helps move the bowel.
Almonds- the 'king of seeds', boosts alkalinity;
contains manganese, vitamin E, magnesium,
tryptophan, copper and B12; lower LDL cholesterol,
reduce risk of heart disease, help to diminish
post-meal blood sugar fluctuations.
14. Chaga- (Inonotus obliquus)- a polypore that
grows on yellow birch trees; richest source of
superoxide dismutase (SOD), a powerful antioxidant;
contains inotodiol, betulin, and active polysaccarides
that have various medicinal implications as a tincture or
boiled as a tea; boosts the immune system, has
anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties.
15. Sprouts- regarded by many as the ultimate
superfoods; alkaline, whole, pure, and natural foods;
tender, young shoots of radish, broccoli, red clover,
mung bean, lentil, alfalfa, etc.increase the value of
their vitamins, minerals and protein and decrease
in caloric/carbohydrate as sprouts. Water content
in pulses/seeds increases tenfold when sprouted.
Sprouts are rich in chlorophyll; are anti-bacterial,
anti-inflammatory, anti-carciogenic, etc.Generally speaking, greens rank the highest
among superfoods due to their chlorophyll
content. Chlorophyll is one of nature's most
powerful nutrients, nourishing human blood
much like it nourishes a plant. For this reason,
health experts agree that the greener the diet,
the healthier the body.Superfoods: how to use them
Superfoods are consumer-friendly and can
be enjoyed in many ways. For the ultimate
natural experience, pick and eat directly.
Pluck an apple off the tree, pick berries
off the vine, or forage for dandelions in
the backyard. For more adventure,
incorporate superfoods into smoothies,
raw soups, salads, entrees, and snacks.
Top salads with sprouts, seeds, or avocado
slices. Garnish raw soups with shakes of
spirulina. Let natural instinct guide, creating
combinations that appeal to the appetite,
please the palate, and agree with the belly.Though superfoods are healthy additions
to any daily diet, it is wise to incorporate
them selectively and slowly. Choose one
or two superfoods and add variety as is
comfortable. Overloading the body with
too much or many superfoods can cause
adverse reactions. A good maxim is to
use superfoods in moderation, keeping
in mind that not all superfoods suit all people.
In conclusion
Superfoods come in many shapes, sizes,
and varieties and mean different things to
different people. For example, when coming
off the Standard American Diet, a raw carrot
or piece of celery can be regarded as a
superfood. In this sense, all living foods are
potential super foods. However, it is true
that some foods stand apart and above
others because of their nutritional intensity,
elevating them to the status of a superfood.While superfoods can be exotic as well as
expensive, enjoying them on a down-to-earth,
affordable level is possible. Superfoods can
be found in the backyard, at local health food
stores and farms or on the internet. Either
way, exploring the healthy wonders inherent
in superfoods is an adventure that can last
a lifetime. Though individual needs, tastes,
and lifestyles vary, becoming vibrantly healthy
is possible thanks to superfoods!
And YHVH said, Behold, I have given
you every herb yielding seed, which
is upon the face of all the earth, and
every tree, in which is the fruit of a
tree yielding seed; to you it shall be
for food:- Genesis 1:29
References and further reading:
Green for Life- Victoria BoutenkoGo Green- from LIVING Letter #61 by Mary Louise;Town Jaqua
Study touts spirulina as functional food for diabetes management
http://www.chagaknowledge.com/VIDEO: David Wolfe on avocados
Nutritional Composition of Wild FoodPlants