Winter Walk, oil on canvas, by Mary Louise;Town JaquaWINTER WELLNESS STRATEGIES
by Mary Louise;Town Jaqua, Hallelujah Acres Health MinisterWhen sharing the health message and talking up the
merits of living foods, many people ask, 'What do you
do in the winter? How do you make the Hallelujah Diet
work?' Such inquiries that were once surprising but now
common for this Health Minister, lead me to share
information that will help take the 'mystery' out of
eating healthy in the winter, proving that the Hallelujah
Diet is good for all seasons!The Garden of life
It is no secret that superior health is centered around
the natural goodness that is found in the garden: fresh
fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and whole grains. YHVH
Almighty gave these living foods to man for his well-
being. Furthermore, He expects us to eat them, since
on a plant-based diet man is promised to enjoy the
blessing of wholeness (health) and longevity. This was
and is YHVH's ultimate health plan for His people. Since
the days of Adam, man's food source has historically
been dependent upon the natural goodness that is
derived from the land, i.e. tilling the ground in order to
cultivate food crops. Thus agriculture was born, and
'living off of the land' became a way of life, a way that
has been enjoyed in America for many generations.With the advent of the industrial revolution, however,
man's diet changed. His eating pattern and choices
were altered. He turned from his agrarian instincts
and appetite for whole foods and replaced them with
prefabricated foods: ones that were processed,
manufactured, and engineered for the sake of
convenience and profit. The result of this change
has been disastrous. Poor diet has thus become a
major flaw in the American lifestyle, contributing to
man's continued fall and causing untold human
suffering in the form of sickness, pain, disease,
and unnecessary death.Returning to the garden
Given the mandate of YHVH that we are to eat a
plant-based diet for our ultimate wellbeing, it is
no wonder that many Americans are reassessing
their lifestyles and reexamining their diets. The
rediscovery of living foods as the key to ultimate
health is becoming inceasingly popular. Gradually
people are waking up by returning to the garden
in order to harvest ultimate health. The profound
connection between diet and health is becoming
a personal reality. Countless numbers are
experiencing life-changing improvements in their
wellbeing by adopting a living foods diet that is
rich in raw vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, and
whole grains.It is not difficult then to understand the resurgence
of natural, whole foods. As the general populace
becomes more health-conscious, their appetites
naturally gravitate toward YHVH's life-giving foods,
and this healthy appetite causes them to avidly seek
food sources that are not only preferably organic but
affordable. Budgets are a fact of life as are rising
food prices. Finding and buying quality produce can
be challenging, especially in the winter when local
gardens cease production. So it is that when the
garden is put to bed, hunting for healthy food
becomes a new winter sport.
While the supply of quality, affordable produce is
sometimes limited in local food stores during the
colder months, there are ways to circumvent the
shortcomings of the season as well as the food
system. Here are a few shopping strategies for
finding winter produce:
1. Get to know local food sources. Shop the
best values in local supermarkets and health food
stores. Many of these retailers will special order
produce for you. Shop for sales on organics and
locally-grown foods. Some food stores stock local
produce such as winter squashes, root vegetables,
and baby greens throughout the cold months.
Watch for marked-down produce in order to
stretch your budget.
2. Get to know local farmers. Though Farmers'
Markets usually end at the close of the growing
season, some towns now have winter Farmers'
Markets. Shop these venues or buy direct from
farmers. Many local farmers store winter root
crops to sell during the winter. Supporting local
farmers is a healthy practice, since the food is
more wholesome than that which is imported or
trucked many miles to supermarkets.
3. Join a local co-op for access to wholesale
produce. Buying cases of fresh produce to split
with friends is good for the budget. Buying clubs
can be found on-line or search locally.
4. Search the internet for raw, organic foods.
As living 'super' foods become more popular, so
do healthy food choices increase. Many internet
suppliers carry bulk items such as nuts, seeds,
sprouting seeds, and fresh produce shipped direct.
Shop discounts and sales whenever possible. Sign
up for free e-newsletters to learn details.Food storage
Take advantage of produce sales and buy in
quantity if possible to store for future use. Options
for storage include:
1. Root cellar- if you have a cool area in your
home or barn, turn it into a cold storage room.
An unheated basement, back bedroom, or
porch can be ideal storage areas, provided
the temperature is monitored.
2. A second refrigerator- If budget and space
allow, invest in a second refrigerator for
additional food storage
3. An unused freezer- an old, unused or broken
chest freezer (unplugged) can be easily turned
into a cooler to store fresh food, especially root
4. A freezer- freeze fresh fruit, soup stock, nuts
or homemade soups for future use.
5. Dehydrate- expand and enhance winter
food choices by dehydrating extra produce.
Dehydrated vegetables can be incorporated
into raw or cooked soups and entrees. Fruit
can be turned into roll-ups or used in smoothies.
Dehydrate at low temperatures to preserve
live nutrient quality.Winter gardening
When it is too cold to garden outside, consider
having a small, but productive inside garden.
Engaging the growing process can be inspiring,
entertaining as well as healthy for one's spirit,
soul, and body. Here are some suggestions:
1. Sprouting- grow superfood 'shoots' in jars,
trays, plates, bags or commercially-designed
sprouters. Sprouts are easy to grow, convenient,
and nutrient-dense. In a few days, sprouts are
ready to become a part of salads, raw soups,
smoothies, etc. Sprouting is also budget-friendly.
2. Indoor garden- Herbs and some greens
grow well on a window sill. Grasses can also
be grown in trays for juicing purposes. Growing
a few potted herbs for culinary purposes adds
a special touch to daily meals.
3. Green house- Consider investing in a small
greenhouse to extend the growing season.
Inexpensive and prefabricated models exist.
Start small and attend free, local workshops
to learn about greenhouse growing systems.
Greenhouses can also help jump start the
spring growing season.
4. Cold frames- Those who are looking for
adventure or a new winter sport may want
to take up cold framing. Growing greens
outside during the winter months is an art
that requires education and experimentation.
Take classes and/or consult local growers
to gain know-how.Food of a different sort
Though the hallmark of the Hallelujah lifestyle
is raw, living foods, the body also has need
for exercise. It hungers to move. Thus, give
it what it wants, especially during the winter
Exercise for life by taking brisk, winter walks.
Practice deep breathing. You can deep breathe
wherever you go. The body's overall nutritional
need is 96% oxygen, so start oxygenating your
cells! Begin rebounding. With a rebounder (mini-
trampoline), you can tone and flood your body
with oxygen no matter the weather. Fill your body
with life-giving oxygen and feel vibrant life welling
up inside you! If you have never enjoyed winter
sports, consider doing so as healthy additions
to your winter wellness. A body well exercised
pays great dividends.Home work for winter wellness
Winter is a time known for hibernation, when
the body slows down or goes into a period of
dormancy for the sake of survival. Bears and
many other creatures hibernate, but man was
not built to do so! Nevertheless, many people,
especially the elderly, grind to a halt during the
colder months, prefering a sedentary lifestyle.
Indoor confinement, lack of exercise, and poor
diet can cause the body to operate in a less
than optimum gear. Poor health habits can lead
to poor circulation, mental fatigue, confusion,
and disease. Sickness is not part of YHVH's
health plan and needs to be avoided by working
toward wellness in one's home rather than a
hospital. Here is some 'home work' for developing
a personal wellness program through the winter
months:1. Eat healthy to keep your immune system
strong. Winter is traditionally the time for colds,
flu, and respiratory problems. A strong immune
system is the best defense against common,
seasonal ailments. A diet of at least 85% raw
vegetables and fruit along with small amounts
of raw seeds, nuts, and whole grains builds
resistance to sickness and disease. For optimum
wellness in winter, feed your cells well!
NOTE: When temperatures drop and colder
weather sets in, many aspiring Hallelujah Dieters
are drawn to eat more cooked foods in order to
'keep warm.' While there is nothing wrong with
eating a conservative amount of cooked food
daily, consuming too much can destroy the
purpose of the diet. There is little to no nutrition
in cooked food and therefore it cannot nourish
body cells. Living foods give life to the body
and therein is the key to ultimate wellness.
2. Increase omega-rich foods in your diet.
Colder temperatures require cells to burn hotter
for the sake of keeping the body warm. Omega
rich foods such as hemp, sunflower, safflower
or flax oil fuel cells so that they can produce more
energy (heat). Other omega-rich food sources
include hemp protein powder, hemp seeds, flax
seeds, chia seeds, almonds, walnuts, pecans,
brazil nuts, etc.
3. Supplement with adequate Vitamin D.
Sunshine, the best natural source for Vitamin D,
is in shorter supply during winter months, and
therefore should be supplemented into a winter
diet. Most Americans are Vitamin D deficient
which results in numerous health problems,
depression being one of the more common.
4. Use full spectrum light bulbs. Lighting
that is as close to daylight is the healthiest.
Full spectrum as opposed to candescent
or fluorescent bulbs utilize all wavelengths
that are used by plant and animal life, thereby
giving the body the proper balance of energy
5. Get plenty of rest. Winter is the time of
rest for most plant and animal life. Be in
harmony with the season by resting more.
Shorter days bring longer nights. Take
advantage of the longer nights by catching
up on your sleep. The body restores itself
during sleep.
6. Avoid stress. Learn to identify stress
elements in your life and eliminate them,
because stress is a destroyer. Many health
problems are the result of stress. Resolve
stress in relationships, jobs, and activities.
Simplify your life. Trim away or cut out
negative thinking and useless endeavors.
Learn to relax!
7. Treat yourself. Take advantage of
winter confinement by being creative in the
kitchen. Make something new to eat. Try
a new food. Eat it raw! Read a good book,
engage in a hobby, spend time with family
and friends, plan outings to museums or
historical places, attend educational work-
shops, etc. Learn to enjoy life!
In conclusion
Thankfully we live in day and in a country that
has an abundant food supply year around. One
does not need to travel far to have access to
fresh food though not necessarily top quality.
Nevertheless, with a little creativity, it is possible
to eat well during the garden off-season. May it
ever be so.
When we began the Hallelujah Diet many years
ago, we had no money. We took the money that
was slated to pay our utility bills and purchased
a jar of barley powder instead. As we trusted
YHVH and followed the Hallelujah Acres' program,
Father opened up produce sources for us. All that
we needed, He supplied in marvelous ways. When
we took the step to eat only organic food, He
again honored our faith and obedience so that to
this day, we enjoy eating the best quality food
available.True to His word, YHVH is faithful to make a way
for those who want His best. He made us and
custom made His living foods for our wellbeing.
Can we not trust Him to provide for us?Those of us at The Living Way are convinced
that obedience to YHVH is the key to wellness.
Prayer moves the hand of the Almighty and the
study of His word brings salvation to the spirit,
soul, and body. We can not and should not
underestimate or limit what YHVH can or wants
to do in us.Entertaining the winter 'blahs' and winter 'doldrums'
is an unhealthy practice. They are seasonal ills that
are not part of YHVH's health plan and therefore
should not be. Wellness during the colder months
of the year is worth breaking out of poor lifestyle
habits in order achieve a better quality of life.
Refreshing one's body, soul, and spirit is not reserved
for spring or summer. It can happen now. Building
wellness is a good winter project that deserves
personal priority, for health is indeed great wealth.
So it is that life is not a mystery after all, but a daily
revelation of YHVH Himself. Our own ignorance and
blindness keeps us from seeing the Almighty for Who
He is- ALL mighty! He changes not. He desires us to
be in health and prosper. He promises a new life and
a new body to those who trust in Him and obey His
word. How can we refuse so great a gift?Let this winter season be a time of new beginnings
for you in your journey to wellness. Launch out in
faith to receive the blessing of 'Hallelujah health'
that the Almighty has for you. It is His gift to you.
All that He asks is that you receive it!Every good gift and every perfect gift is
from above, coming down from the Father
of lights, with whom can be no variation,
neither shadow that is cast by turning.
James 1:17And he that sitteth on the throne said,
Behold, I make all things new. And he
saith, Write: for these words are faithful
and true. Rev. 21:5Be still, and know that I am YHVH: I will
be exalted among the nations, I will be
exalted in the earth. Psalms 46:10In all thy ways acknowledge him, And
he will direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6
Further reading and resources:
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Local food sources-
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