"EXERCISING for Life!"
Exercising is a natural expression of life. It is an
opportunity for the body to engage its many members
in a show of motion that at times can only be described
as beautiful. Consider the first steps taken by a child
or those of a recovering accident victim. Regard with
awe the grace and stamina of an athlete or dancer.
Reflect upon a surgeon who holds life and death in the
agility of his hands. Without a doubt, the body was
designed to perform a myriad of actions that are truly
remarkable!Indeed, the body was built for use. Muscles, joints,
circulation, respiration, digestion, metabolism, elimination,
and the nervous system depend on proper functioning of
the musculoskeletal structure. Therefore moving the body
is not only important but mandatory. In other words, for
the sake of good health, the body needs to MOVE! Practical
application of this 'moving experience' is called 'exercising.'
Why exercise?
Since the body naturally needs to move in order to enjoy
vibrant health, it is important to understand the mechanics
of exercising. Here are some reasons why we need to exercise:1) Increase oxygen flow- the greatest nutrient needed by
the body is oxygen. Approximately 96% of our nutritional
need comes from the air, while only 4% from the food we eat.
Proper exercise increases the body's oxygen level which,
in turn, feeds body cells. Without a sufficient supply of oxygen,
cells suffocate and die. Dying cells precipitate sickness, pain,
disease, and death.
2) Faciliate elimination of toxins- proper exercise activates
the body's lymph system which is responsible for transporting
and disposing of cellular waste. The lymph system is not connected
to the heart, therefore the fluid must be pumped through the body
by another means. The lymphatic pump becomes very active during exercise, often increasing the lymph flow as much as 10 to 30 fold.
During periods of rest, the lymph flow is very sluggish.
3) Keep proper flow of blood and body fluids- increases blood
flow to the brain (facilitating the thought process) and keeps
interstitial fluids moving.
4) Strengthen and tone muscular system- ligaments, muscles,
and tendons are stretched so as to maintain range of motion in joints.
A good exercise program will see that the heart is exercised daily.
The heart is a muscle, and if it is not exercised and exercised
properly, it will not function as it should.
5) Maintain proper skeletal structure- moving the body aids in
keeping bones properly aligned.
6) Strengthen bones- also helps reduce bone density loss
associated with osteoperosis
7) Alleviate stress
What type of exercise is best?The body is a finely-designed machine that is composed of over
100 trillion cells and 200 different types of cells. In order for these
cells to function properly, they need to be exercised! Exercising
the cell membrane is vital for maintaining good health. Cell walls
need to be flexible to allow nutrients to enter and wastes to exit
the cell. Flexibility, and hence optimum cell health, can only be
achieved through proper diet and exercise. Aeorobic exercise
is the only exercise that properly exercises the cell wall.
Thus, aeorbic exercise is recognized by most health and
nutritional authorities as being the recommended, if not the best,
form of exercise for the body, since it properly stimulates the
respiratory and circulatory systems, bringing fresh, oxygenated
blood to all areas of the body. Aeorbic, by definition, refers to the
presence of oxygen (requiring the presence of air or free oxygen for life;
from the Greek, meaning "air"). A good exercise program will supply the
body with abundant amounts of oxygen. This fact is confirmed in
scripture, 'And Yahweh Almighty formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life: and man became a
living soul. -Genesis 2:7.There are two basic types of aerobic exercise:
1. Walking. Walking is perhaps the easiest, most common, and yet
most neglected of all exercises. Due to modern lifestyles, walking
has been replaced by conveniences of transportation and technology.
When possible, walk to do errands, use stairs instead of an elevator,
refrain from using remote controls units, hang clothes outside to dry,
etc. Invent ways to incorporate walking into your daily life.
A brisk walk for a minimum of 20 minutes daily is a good way to start
walking. A simple way to build a walking routine is as follows:
(a) Figure out a measured mile.
(b) Time yourself as you walk that mile at a comfortable pace and
write down how long it took you to walk it.
(c) The next day, walk that same mile again, only try to walk a little
faster and each day try to decrease the time it takes to walk that mile
until you can walk a mile in 15 minutes. Each day record the time it took.
(d) After you can walk a 15 minute mile, stretch your walk to two miles
and walk two miles each day until you can walk those two miles in 30
(e) Then stretch it to three miles in 45 minutes and finally four miles in
an hour. Then walk those four miles each and every day. Learn more
about the wonders of walking and its many benefits here.
2. Rebounding (mini-tampoline). Rebounding activates the lymphatic
system which helps to eliminate toxins (poisons) from the body. The
body has 3 times more lymph fluid than blood. Lymph fluid surrounds
the cells, and when cells need nutrients, they obtain it from the lymph
fluid. When the cells excrete metabolic waste, the waste goes into the
lymph fluid. Disposing of this waste is vital in maintaining a clean, healthy
environment for cells. Increased circulation of lymph fluid results in
better cell performance as well as better overall health. Many physical,
emotional, and mental problems have been known to disappear by
properly activating the lymph system. Learn more about the remarkable
health benefits of rebounding here.
Aerobic exercise is the only exercise that properly activates the
lymph system. The body has thousands of lymph valves that must be
opened each day to transport proteins and wastes. It is important to
1. The lymph system is an accessory route by which fluids
can flow from the interstitial spaces into the blood. The
lymphatics can carry proteins and waste matter away from the
tissue spaces, neither of which can be removed by absorption
directly into the capillaries.
2. Lymphatics is like a hydraulic pressure system made up of tubes
or veins which start at the lymphatic terminals, or minute internal
vacuum nozzles. The walls of the veins at the nozzles are only one-cell
thick, but as they combine, the veins become thicker and stronger. They
drain into the lymph nodes where the lymph fluid is filtered and foreign
invaders are destroyed. Other larger veins drain the lymph nodes into even
larger veins. They finally empty into the thoracic duct which is as thick as
your thumb. All of the veins are filled with millions of one-way valves. Any
time there is pressure below the valves, they open. The up-and-down
motion while rebounding activates the one-way valves to their maximum;
and it happens approximately 100 times a minute.
3. A healthy lymph system contributes to the body's immune system.
The human body has the ability to resist almost all types of organisms or
toxins that tend to damage the tissues and organs. Much of the immunity
is caused by a special immune system that forms antibodies, and
activated lymphocytes that attack and destroy the specific organisms
and toxins. This type of immunity is acquired immunity. However, an
additional portion of the immunity results from general processes. This
is called innate-immunity. The antibodies and activated lymphocytes are
formed in the lymphoid tissues of the body which are found primarily in
the lymph nodes. Human lymphocyte activation is depressed at low-G and
enhanced at high-G pressure. High-G environment is necessary to
increase the strength and activity of the individual lymphocyte, thereby
increasing the efficiency on the entire immune system.
Basic principles of exercising
1. Exercise in the morning. The air is the freshest and so is the body.
The body is most capable of utilizing exercise at that time. From
midnight to noon the body is in the elimination cycle, cleansing itself
of toxins. Exercise will help in this elimination process.
2. Take in fresh air daily. The greatest need of the body is pure air.
Approximately 96% our nutritional need comes from the air, while
only 4% from the food we eat. Air is 20% oxygen and 80% nitrogen.
There are two main classes of enzymes in our lungs that process the
air we breathe: oxidase- separates oxygen from the air;
nitrase- separates nitrogen from the air. Oxygen is collected by enzyme
action by the blood and then circulated through the body. Nitrogen, by
action of "transportation enzymes", passes into the body for protein
3. Take in sunshine daily. Sunlight is a great assistant in detoxification
and weight loss, since it opens the pores and allows toxins to exit
through the skin.
4. Exercise enough to work up a sweat. The skin is an important
avenue for the elimination process. Toxins will leave the body through
the pores of the skin during vigorous exercise.
'Enemies' of excising
Improving one's quality of life is sometimes met with obstacles along
the way. Making lifestyle changes can be challenging, but the changes
are ultimately beneficial. When incorporating a healthy exercise routine
into your life, here are some common 'enemies' that you may meet
along the way:1. The Standard American Diet- this largely cooked, processed,
refined, and animal-based foods is a killer. Because it is highly
toxic, the body cannot function properly and becomes sluggish.
Diet-induced fatigue sets in. A lethargic body is not prone to
exercise, since the body does not have sufficient energy to support
much activity. Thus many Americans who are eating the Standard
American Diet have little to no interest in exercising since they have
little to no energy to do so.
2. A sedentary lifestyle- the American lifestyle has evolved into
what is considered to be a stagnant way of life. For many, exercising
is an archaic form of recreation. Whereas the common mode of
of transportation used to be walking, ambulation has been replaced
by cars, trains, and airplanes. From a health standpoint, the industrial
revolution as well as modern technology have robbed the American
people of much-needed exercise. Thus quality of life has suffered.
Remote control devices, TVs, computers, etc. have encouraged a
sedentary lifestyle that poses serious health risks. Sitting or standing
in place for long periods of time causes the body's blood and fluids
to pool in the feet and abdomen. This pooling forces the heart to work
harder in order to function. Hence, blood circulation slows, oxygen levels
drop,and accumulation of fluid (edema) can result. Without adequate
blood and oxygen supplies, cells suffocate and die. An overworked
heart is a potential heart-attack in the making. An oxygen-starved
brain impairs the thinking process. Sadly, we have become a society
of 'couch potatoes' or 'computer junkies' whose main exercise is
clicking the mouse or remote control and walking to and from the
3. Not enough time- Many people do not exercise because they
'do not have time.' Excusing one's self from pursuing a vital exercise
program is not a matter of time as much as it is a priority. For better
or for worse, exercising is a choice that we make. It is surprising what
can be accomplished in a short length of time with a small amount
of exercising, the benefits of which can last a life time.
4. Family and friends- Those closest to us, though well-meaning,
can sometimes hinder the pursuit of a personal exercise program.
Family, friends, and general 'socializing' can become unhealthy
distractions for the would-be exerciser. In such case, encourage
loved ones to exercise with you. Walk together. Rebound together.
Build an exercise program that is fun, easy, and fosters healing.
Exercising can help restore relationships. When those around you
fail to understand your need to exercise, love them into a healthier
In conclusion
It is a proven fact that a healthy diet alone does not guarantee
optimum health. Proper exercise must be accompanied by eating
well in order to achieve superior health and longevity. Much like a car,
the body needs fuel but the purpose of fuel is to initiate transportation,
i.e. moving about. If we eat a diet of living foods and engage in naturally
healthy exercise, we can expect to enjoy a quality of life that is free of
sickness, pain, and chronic disease.
It is not uncommon for many people, after adopting the live
food 'Hallelujah' Diet, to awaken at 3 or 4AM, feeling fully alert
and 'ready to go'. Their bodies are hungry to MOVE! This proves
the power of living foods to fuel the body so that it can naturally
movitate. These 'early wakers' are bounding out of bed before the
break of day with an eagerness to exercise!
Without a doubt, the live food diet energizes the body, enabling it
to perform multifold tasks without tiring! Live foodists are known to
be robust people, having superior energy and stamina which affords
them to accomplish more in their lives. So it is that a live food diet,
coupled with daily exercise, reveals in the heart, mind, body, and
spirit the wonderful mystery of life that is YHVH's gift to us.
Therefore, start eating well and exercising for LIFE today!
References and further reading:
The Magic of Walking- Aaron Sussman and Ruth Goode
God's Way to Ultimate Health- Rev. George Malkmus
The Hallelujah Diet Book- Rev. George Malkmus
The New Miracles of REBOUND EXERCISE- Albert E. Carter, ALM Publishers,Fountain Hills, Arizona
Fit for Life- Harvey and Marilyn Diamond, Warner Books
Your Body Your Responsibility- Doug Splittgerber and Debra Cobro