Harvest for HEALTH!
by Mary Louise;Town Jaqua, Health Minister
9-4-19It is harvest time! The goodness of the land is being gathered from field,
tree, bush, and vine, marking the beginning of the feasting season. It is
a time of joyous thanksgiving as the bounty of the land is placed on the
table for all to enjoy. Yes, savoring the goodness of the harvest is one
of life's simple pleasures that feeds both body and spirit, for being healthy
the natural way is how YHVH intends us to be.This is how it was in the beginning, and so it can be for us today as we
embrace the vibrancy of living foods to meet our body's daily needs.
It's all about nutrition. What we feed our bodies each day determines
our quality of life. Thus the closer we live to the garden the better we
will feel. Foods in their natural, raw state are the superfoods that fuel
our body cells so that we can experience ultimate performance, namely
life in the fullest: free from sickness, pain, and disease!Thus it is time to harvest for health by indulging in the living foods that
come directly from the earth. Become part of the harvest! Treat yourself
to the seasonal joy of experiencing real food 'up-close-and- personal' by
picking berries off a bush, fruit from a tree, squash from a vine, or digging
succulent roots- carrots, beets, potatoes, and more. The thrill of handling
and tasting real food will awaken not only your taste buds but your inner
being, i.e. your belly! Now is the time to step into a new, healthier life
experience. Are you ready? If so, grab a basket, bag, or box and let's
head for the harvest.
One of the first joys of the harvest is berries. The season starts with
strawberries and is followed by raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries.
All are a world unto themselves but equally share the distinction of being
anti-inflammatory, rich in minerals and anti-oxidants as well as a wide range
of vitamins such as vitamin A, C, and K which makes them good for
supporting the heart, fighting cancer, macular degeneration, resolving
anemia and more. Since Strawberries are the first berries of the season,
they are considered to be a spring tonic. Strawberries contain potassium,
folate, riboflavin, vitamin B5, fiber, manganese, and iodine. They protect
the brain from oxidative stress and age-related decline. Raspberries help
manage obesity and regulate blood sugar, especially in relation to diabetic
problems, including type 2. Blackberries are an excellent source of
vitamin K which helps blood clotting/wound healing and bone health.
Blackberries also benefit the brain by improving cognitive and motor skills.
Blueberries are also rich in vitamin K and therefore benefit the heart,
bones, and nervous system. Because they are ranked low in the glycemic
index, they help to regulate blood sugar. Learn more about berries here.
Enjoy eating fresh berries while picking them or in a bowl by themselves.
For added splendor enjoy them in combination with tree fruits such as
peaches, pears, plums, apricots or apples. Use them in smoothies, raw
ice cream and fancy desserts.
As the garden transitions from berries to other varieties of fruit, it is time
to harvest summer squash, cucumbers, and tomatoes. These beauties
boast not only lovely shapes but colors and tastes. Explore the healthy
wonders of cucumbers that aid the cardiovascular system, help regulate
blood sugar, and the development of cancer. Cucumbers are high in
vitamin K and antioxidants. Because they are anti-inflammatory in nature,
they are good for detoxing the body. Tomatoes are high in vitamin C,
Biotin, Molybdenum, and vitamin K. Tomatoes are powerful antioxidants
which particularly benefit the heart by keeping a good oxygen supply
circulating throughout the body while at the same time regulating the fat
supply in the blood. Studies show that lycopene in tomatoes benefits the
skin and helps to decrease the risk of cancer. Summer squashes are
high in copper, manganese, vitamin C, and phosphorus. They are low in
calories and fat but rich in anti-oxidants, vitamin C and B vitamins plus
minerals. Summer Squashes actually classified as fruit, making them
ideal cleansers. They are rich in copper, manganese, vitamin C, phosphorus,
magnesium and are a good source of fiber. Summer squash also contains
carotenoids (lutein, and zeaxanthin) which can protect from some age-related
eye conditions. Summer Squashes are low on the glycemic index, so they
are good in helping to regulate blood sugar.
Enjoy cucumbers, tomatoes, and summer squashes in raw soups, salads,
raw wraps and entrees. For an extra treat garnish with edible flowers!
Fall is typically the time to harvest root vegetables: carrots, beets,
turnip, rutabaga, celeriac, radishes, Jerusalem Artichokes, and more.
Beets are high in folate, manganese, and copper, and are a good
source of fiber. They are rich in antioxidants and are anti-inflammatory
in nature which makes them good detoxifiers, especially for the liver.
Their high fiber content helps reduce the body's risk of cancer. Red
beets and greens are particularly high in iron. Ironically, beet greens
contain more nutrients than the bulb and therefore should be eaten
as well. There are many varieties/colors of beets. Explore their
individual personalities by grating them into salads or using them in
raw soups, raw wraps, and entrees. Carrots are exceptionally high
in vitamin A, biotin, and vitamin K. They have a wide range of health
benefits that especially aid the heart, eyes, liver, as well as to help
protect the body from cancer.
Garlic! Who doesn't like this garden wonder? Garlic is an herb that
has many health benefits, primarily aiding the cardovascular system,
treating high blood pressure, removing fungus/parasites, and
reducing the risk/growth of cancer. Garlic has the rare distinction of
being rich in sulfur which aids in detoxifying cells, keeps joints and
connective tissue healthy, and supports the body's oxygen-related
metabolism. Because garlic has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal
properties, it should be eaten every day. While garlic cloves can be
eaten raw by themselves, the less adventuresome add garlic to
soups, salads, pestos, entrees, etc. Garlic is an internal antiseptic
known to be used medicinally for treatment of goiters, tuberculosis,
infections of the ear and more. It is also good for healthy/beautiful
hair and skin.
Some of the crowning glories of fall fruits are apples, pears,
plums, and grapes. They are both fragrant and fun to harvest.
Grapes are high in potassium and magnesium, making them
beneficial for the heart, bowels, and as a cancer preventative.
They purify the blood, cleanse the liver and intestinal tract, support
good bladder and kidney function, and soothe the nervous system.
Apples are high in vitamin A (50% more than is found in oranges),
vitamin G (promotes healthy growth and digestion), sodium, potassium,
and magnesium. Apples are good for low blood pressure, purify the blood,
aid the lymphatic system plus support the kidneys and urinary tract. Enjoy
eating grapes and apples by themselves or juicing them. Use apples in
smoothies and as a raw apple sauce or in desserts such as (raw) apple pie.
Last to come in from the field are winter squashes. A myriad of
varieties exist most of which are orange, red, or yellow skinned,
indicating their warming ability as good carbohydrates for the cold
season. Squashes are an excellent source of vitamins such as A,
a range of B vitamins (including B-12), C, E, and K. They also contain
sodium and magnesium. Squash is a body builder and a blood sugar
regulator. Because it is rich in fiber, it also helps regulate the bowel.
While squash is typically eaten as a cooked vegetable, it can be
grated raw in salads or used in entrees and desserts such as raw
pumpkin pudding or pie.Handling the harvest
The best way to enjoy what is gathered is to eat it fresh in season.
What cannot be eaten fresh can be frozen or dehydrated. Canning is
not recommended since exposing living foods to heat destroys
most of its nutritional value. Root vegetables, onions, garlic, and
winter squash can be stored in a root cellar or cool, dry place.
Proper storage can extend the harvest into the spring, especially
if it is organic.Conclusion
The body is a living organism, fashioned by the EVER-LIVING, that
is designed to be nourished by living foods. Thus there is a science,
a knowing, a being in living foods imparted to them by the Almighty
for the wellbeing of His people. Each fruit, vegetable, green herb,
seed, nut, and whole grain is tailored to meet the body's every
nutritional need. It is a proven fact that given living food, the body
will be strong and healthy. The EVER-LIVING never intended that
His people suffer sickness, pain or disease. Ill health was never
part of His plan.Sickness is largely man's own making. It is usually the result of poor
lifestyle choices that violate YHVH's natural laws of the universe.
The overwhelming incidence of health problems in the world today
is linked to wrong diet (processed/cooked/animal-based foods),
little to no excercise (sedentary lifestyle), and reckless habits (drinking,
smoking, drugging), proving that man continues his free fall from YHVH's
favor. So it is that the great 'falling away' is more than we think.Considering the countless health problems that the average American
suffers, it is encouraging to know that the Almighty has provided a way
to naturally solve them, for He designed the body to be self-healing if
it is given the right food. Science, medicine, scripture, and myriads of
testimonies attest to the fact that health problems of all kinds can
disappear by correcting poor diet and lifestyle habits. A diet of at least
85% living foods can resolve even the most difficult, life-threatening
ailments, proving that it is possible to regain lost health, vigor, and youth.Life is a gift from the EVER-LIVING that keeps on giving, if we will but
return to the garden and live in accordance to His laws both natural
and spiritual. Therefore consider being part of the harvest for HEALTH!
Experience life to the fullest the Living Way!.
Then YHVH said, "I give you every seed-bearing
plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree
that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
Genesis 1:29Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper
and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.- 3 John 2__________________________________________
References and Resources:
Pick Your Own
Find a local U-Pick FarmFoods that Heal- by Dr, Bernard Jensen
Eating Foods Rich in Sulfur Benefits the Body
Preserving the Harvest: Dehydrating Food
Preserving the Harvest: Freezing Food
Back to LIVING Letter #105/Index