Healthy Kitchen Talk
by Mary Louise;Town Jaqua, Health MinisterIt has been said that the kitchen is the most important
room of the house: the birthplace of great ideas, the
forum for great discussions, the meeting place of minds,
and most of all, the nuturing center of the household.
Thus the kitchen is well regarded as being the heart of
the home where goodness of life orginates.This being
true, why not make this important, most-frequented
room of the house a vertitable wellspring for optimum
health?A healthy kitchen: what is it?
A healthy kitchen is a naturally wholesome environment
that is dedicated to nourishing the body toward wellbeing
and longevity. Building a healthy space to encourage
the principles of natural nourishment requires time,
effort, finances, and most of all understanding. While
the basics of a healthy kitchen are simple, certain
guidelines do apply.
A healthy kitchen: what is there to eat?
Fresh, raw fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and whole
grains are found in abundance in a healthy kitchen.
The refigerator is well-stocked with life-giving foods such
as kale, collards, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, beets,
carrots, celery, tomatoes, parsnips, apples, bananas,
melons, pears, peaches, grapes, almonds, walnuts,
cashews, sesame seeds, hemp and chia seeds, etc.
Whole grains such as brown rice, buckwheat, quinoa,
rye, oats and other dry goods sit on pantry shelves
as do herbs and spices such as oregano, basil,
cinnamon, cumin, curry, tarragon, thyme, coriander,
nutmeg, cayenne, fennel, all spice, etc.
Conspicuously absent in a healthy kitchen are animal-
based foods (meat, dairy, seafood) and man-made,
processed foods. A healthy kitchen generates and
promotes natural nourishment YHVH's way as
recorded in Genesis 1:29-And YHVH said, Behold, I have given you
every herb bearing seed, which is upon
the face of all the earth, and every tree,
n the which is the fruit of a tree yielding
seed; to you it shall be for meat (food).A healthy kitchen is established in accordance to
YHVH's first law which, when obeyed, promises to
bless man with all good health and prosperity. This
law established a plant-based diet of raw, fresh fruit,
vegetables, seeds, nuts and whole grains that builds
a body that is strong, self-healing, and resistant to
sickness and disease. Science proves that a diet of
fresh, raw, living foods optimizes energy, clarity of
thought, stablizes emotions, and strengthens the
immune system. Living foods contain the life force
that leads to optimum health and longevity.
A healthy kitchen has healthy drinking water
When it comes to issues of health, safe and affordable
drinking water in the home is mandatory. The harmful
affects of municipal tap water are well known and
therefore need to be avoided which means investing
in a personal water purification system. Whereas many
solutions exist, recommended options include the
WaterWise Distillation units, Berkefeld purification
systems, and Doulton purification systems. These
systems eliminate toxicity from most water sources,
including pond and lake water. Commercial bottled
water is not recommended, since the water source is
questionable and typically the pH of bottled drinking
water is highly acidic. The preferred source of drinking
water is spring water, since it rises on its own volition
from deep within the earth. Well water is also a good
drinking water source, though testing is recommended.
A healthy kitchen has healthy appliances
Having the right tools at hand makes life easier
and more enjoyable, especially when it comes to
food preparation. Found in a healthy kitchen are
few select pieces of equipment: a juicer, blender,
food processor, and dehydrator. While it is possible
to eat healthy without these conveniences, having
good equipment aids and enhances the culinary
process.Recommended juicers include the Champion,
Hurom, and Green Star extractors. VitaMix
and Blendtech blenders are respected brands
that are known for high-quality and performance.
Kitchen Aid and Cuisinart food processors are
ranked as being the best on the market. As for
dehydrators, consider Excalibur. Additional
equipment considerations for a healthy kitchen
include a FreshLife Sprouter, wheat grass juicer,
a distiller and/or a Berkefeld water filtration
system.A healthy kitchen also has good knives. There
is nothing like a good knife in order to get the job
done and done right. Names to look for are Hoffritz,
Wusthof, Sabatier, and Rada (carried by Hallelujah
Acres). There are also ceramic knives available
on the market which, according to some raw chefs,
are superior in that they hold an edge better, cut
and handle more easily, and food does not oxidize
as quickly after being cut. The latter feature may
be a consideration when investing in a good knife
set.A healthy kitchen does not sport nor support
aluminum or teflon pots, pans, tea kettles, muffin
tins or utensils. Replace toxic items with glass,
enamel or stainless steel ware.If the budget does not allow for buying high-end
equipment, make a healthy start by shopping
local discount stores, thrift stores, and yard
sales for appliances that you need. A small
investment pays big dividends.Healthy kitchen tips and tidbits:
Gaining knowledge and experience in handling
and preparing living food takes time and, in
most cases, practice. Those transitioning to
the Hallelujah Diet are admittedly charting new,
unknown territory. Nevertheless, eating healthy
is often the result of common sense coupled
with gathered know-how.1) Live food, by definition, is alive. As soon as
food is harvested from tree, plant or vine, it
begins to lose its nutritional value. Therefore,
consider the time element in preparing food.
When harvesting from your garden, pick only
what you will eat within a day or two. The
same holds true for what is purchased from
local farmers. Produce in supermarkets is
weeks, if not months, old, since most of it has
been trucked from miles away.
2) Considering the perishability of living food,
as much as possible, prepare only what will
be eaten immediately. Making meals in advance
is not optimum. Nevertheless, busy lifestyles
can demand otherwise. Better and healthier it
is to pack a lunch and/or snack the night before
or day in advance than compromise healthy eating
away from home. Therefore plan a meal strategy
for eating at the office or being on the road.
'Grab-and-go' salads, snacks, and fruit are good
solutions when being 'on-the-run.' As much as
possible, 'take your kitchen with you!'
3) Store fresh produce in glass, enamel, and plastic
containers or in green 'stay-fresh' bags. Any plastic
used in the kitchen should be food grade (stamped
with a numeral '5' on the underside). Glass and
enamel cover dishes make excellent storage,
especially for left overs. Glass jars are good for
storing smoothies, raw soups, juices, and dry
goods. Gallon glass jars make handy storage and
can usually be picked up at Delis, garage sales or
in thrift stores. For optimum storage of fresh produce
(especially greens), keep them at an even, cool
temperature in the refrigerator as opposed to an
ice chest.4) Greens that become limp can sometimes be
revived by immersing/soaking in cold water. Soak
for about 15 minutes, drain in a colander, then
place in a plastic bag or storage container in the
refrigerator. In a short time, the leaves will crisp
up. Soft/limp root vegetables usually do not regain
their firmness and therefore should be discarded.
5) Recipes that call for blending or using a juicer
to make nut butters/grain dishes can instead be
finely chopped/blended in a food processor.6) Make your kitchen a pleasant place in which
to be by choosing pleasant, inspiring decor.
Repaint or put up new wallpaper to celebrate
your Hallelujah lifestyle. Hang favorite artwork
and set the table with colorful cloths/napkins. Buy
fresh flowers on occasion. Special touches add
warmth to a kitchen.A healthy kitchen is a clean kitchen
'Eating clean' begins with washing all produce
prior to preparation. Many non-toxic vegetable/
fruit washes are available on the market. Additional
solutions include Miracle II Neutralizer, Shaklee
Basic H, food grade Hydrogen Peroxide, and
calcium Bentonite Clay. The latter two choices
are known to kill parasites and draw out heavy
metals and toxic affects of radiation.Kitchen counters, preparation surfaces (especially
cutting boards) should be cleaned and disinfected
thoroughly after use. Recommended cleaning
agents include Shaklee Basic G germicide, food
grade Hydrogen Peroxide, OregaSpray and/or
GermaClenz from North American Herb and Spice
Company.To combat mold build up, especially in refrigerators,
use Thieves essential oil from Young Living. A few
drops in hot wash water or the Thieves spray will
eradicate mold spores anywhere. Oregano P-73
oil from North American Herb and Spice Company
is also good for disinfecting cutting boards and
food prep areas. Add a couple drops to wash
water or purchase as a spray.For multipurpose cleaning, consider BioGreen Clean,
a plant-based liquid concentrate that is user and
environmentally-friendly because it contains no
chemicals.A healthy kitchen has healthy resources
Everyone loves a good recipe! Investing in a few,
choice recipe books is often the key to building
lasting, healthier eating habits. Recommended
recipe book favorites include Recipes for Life
from God's Garden by Rhonda Malkmus, Everyday
Wholesome Eating in the Raw by Kim Wilson, and
For eating strategies, consider fellow Health Minister,
Marilyn Polk's 'Hallelujah Weekly Simple Meals.'
For a special treat, add Hallelujah Acres' Food
Show DVD to your kitchen library. This DVD set
demonstrates with ease and inspiration the
Hallelujah lifestyle.A healthy kitchen has natural first aid
Accidents can and do happen when preparing
food. A slip of the knife, a burn, a bump or
bruise can necessitate instant remedy. With the
right know-how and natural solutions an injury
can be quickly remedied.To stop bleeding, apply raw honey, calcium
Bentonite clay or a drop (or more depending on
the cut) of Balsam Fir Young Living essential oil.
The latter works instantly. For burns, apply
Lavendar Young Living essential oil, Miracle II Gel,
Willard Water Gel, Cell Power and/or Aloe. If
applied immediately, the chance of scarring is
greatly reduced or eliminated. Lavendar essential
oil is also good for bruises, lessening inflammation
(pain) and speeding the healing process.Injuries of all kinds, including cuts, burns, bruises,
and broken bones can also be remedied by applying
lymphatic techiniques, i.e. stroking the affected
area to remove trapped blood proteins (which
cause inflammation/pain) and speed healing. The
remarkable ability of the body to heal itself by
properly activating the lymphatic system was
pioneered by Dr. Samuel West who founded the
International Academy of Lymphology.A healthy kitchen is a happy place
Feeding others is a noble task as well as an art.
It is also a privilege. Handling living foods should
be considered an honor, since they are custom
made for us by YHVH Himself. Therefore handle
the food you have purchased with care and
thanksgiving. Preparing meals for yourself and
your family should be a joyous experience, since
1) you have been shown what to eat for your
ultimate health, and 2) you have food. While
many in America and around the world are going
hungry, count it a blessing to have food.Avoid family food wars. Resolve to make the
kitchen a haven of love, peace, and rest. Do not
prepare food if you are sick, upset or angry. A
bad attitude has a toxic affect on food and is
passed along to the eaters. As much as lies within
you, prepare food as a ministry unto YHVH for the
good of those whom you serve, then what comes
out of your kitchen will not only taste better but
will nourish the body as well as the spirit!Whatever you do, work at it with all
your heart, as working for the YHVH,
not for men. Colossians 3:23 (NIV)A merry heart doeth good [like] a
medicine: but a broken spirit drieth
the bones. Proverbs 17:22
O taste and see that YHVH[is] good:
blessed [is] the man[that] trusteth in
him. Psalm 34:8________________________________
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