Thankful for the Simplest Blessing - Water
J Morrison

OPINION -- It is so easy to be thankful. As I write this column, I am warm and I have never been hungry. I have electricity and indoor plumbing. Certainly all my needs have been met over and over and I thank God for His endless blessings this Thanksgiving.

While some of the younger generation cannot even fathom what I have said, there are still a few million left who do. It is good to reflect on some of the blessings we take for granted. At the same time we need to pray and be thankful for the troops who are fighting to defend these blessings and freedoms.

One of our greatest blessings is water. It is a miraculous resource God has provided which we should be most grateful. And it is a renewable resource . . . it rains.

Two-thirds of the earth’s surface is made of water. Between 60 to 75% of our body is made of water. All forms of life require water.

Without water, we would have no food. The Scriptures are filled with illustrations of "water."

We bathe, wash our clothes, our dishes, even our cars and enjoy water sports. Water is used for physical therapy. We are blessed when we have an adequate supply of water.

Rural water has changed the landscape of the countryside as new homes are springing up everywhere. No worry about drilling a dry well as rural water will provide their needs and what was once thought to be worthless land is now most valuable. While complaints are heard of people building on this rural land, economic development programs and rural water encourage more building.

While we take for granted the abundance of water, try to imagine what life would be like if the government had total control of our water. Go another step and research Global Commons, Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development and their goals for water management.

Water has always been the measure of a good farm. A good drinking well adequate to water the livestock and irrigate the crops has often meant the difference between success and failure. A creek branch where the livestock can drink without having to pump water into a trough is an invaluable resource for a family farm, even though today we use electric pumps.

Owning one’s own water supply is a freedom and right we have always enjoyed in the United States. But this freedom is now being threatened along with the private ownership of property.

Owners of private wells in Missouri may have already lost another freedom.

According to a property rights organization in Missouri,

HB 1433 was signed into law by their governor and will set into motion the formation of Watershed Improvement Districts. This bill was passed into law without discussion from anyone who might disagree with it. It enables volume monitoring (metering) of individual wells, mandatory replacing of individual septic systems (financed by low interest loans), and an increase of taxes to residents within the district.

Missouri is not alone in wanting to meter private wells. Pennsylvania, Washington, California and other states are trying to pass legislation for well metering.

Why are they implementing this? Is it about collecting more money or could control be the main purpose? Who is behind this move?

It takes water to raise food. By controlling the water and food supply, could this be another way to control the masses? In some areas, rainfall is adequate to grow fruits, vegetables and grain, but there is talk of a "rain tax." The Asheville Tribune's 2002 article "The 'raintax' cometh? Be prepared to pay the government for the rain on your roof," caused quite a stir.

The folks of Klamath Falls, Oregon will never fully recover from the year the government shut off their irrigation water to benefit two supposedly endangered species of fish. Devastated Klamath farmers said "When the last salmon is gone there will be no more salmon. When the last farmer is gone, there will be no more food." Without an adequate water supply, there will be no farmers to grow the food and the result will be hunger.

Foreign countries such as France and Germany already own many of our large municipal water supplies. Germany owns the American Water Works that provides rural water to our area. They provide water for a large municipal Metro-East portion of Illinois as well as municipal water works in 23 states. Do they own yours?

Meters on private wells and rain tax could take away one of our most cherished gifts from God -- free, flowing water. But those who know Him know about His living water and they shall not thirst.

Although Global dictates have the plan for metering and monitoring private water supplies, now is the time to be watchful and prevent such legislation from becoming law in your state or it will be, "Welcome to becoming a Global Citizen - come share your Global Commons."

© 2004 -- all rights reserved _______

What are your thoughts concerning the issues raised in this commentary? Write a letter to the editor at and include your name and town.

Joyce Morrison lives in southern Illinois. She is a chapter leader for Concerned
for America and she and her husband, Gary, represent the local Citizens for
Private Property Rights. Joyce is Secretary to the Board of Directors of Rural Restoration/ADOPT Mission, a national farm ministry located in Sikeston.

She has become a nationally-recognized advocate for property rights.
