A Ministry of Health in Winslow, Maine in association with George and Rhonda Malkmus, Hallelujah Acres, Shelby, North Carolina


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  • 33 Ways Our Bodies Respond to Rebounding- Who would have thought
    that you can bounce your way to ultimate health? Learn the remarkable benefits of rebounding
    as a fun, easy way to exercise!-
    Al Carter, former trampoline artist, author, and founder/CEO of the American
    Institue of Reboundology

  • Death by Doctoring- An eye-opeing view into the wonderful world of
    medicine both past and present. Learn how 'practicing medicine' has lead many
    astray and into the grave.- Steven Ranson, 'Nexxus Magazine'

  • Walking- Considered the 'best exercise' by health experts, learn the benefits of the simple
    act of walking. It is a key to ultimate health!-
    Linda Murray

  • Generation X-Ray: Child Victims of Technological Abuse- Are cell phones the latest toys that we give our children? If so, what are they doing in the hands (and ears) of our youth? Read this shocking report of the hidden dangers of cell phones, mobile phones, wifi, and more. Discover the sobering truth about 'friendly' exposure to high levels of deadly radiation being emitted from wireless technology. If wireless is an important part of your life and those whom you love, this article by an expert researcher will hopefully give you pause for thought. -Amy Worthington

  • Almond Disaster- A January 2008 storm could well spell the end of Almond production in the USA. For those who enjoy almonds as a staple in their diets, read this report and weep. The wise will stock up now.- Roger H. Aylworth - Staff Writer, Chico Enterprise-Record

  • Man With Green Blood Shocks Surgeons- Learn what can happen if you take certan pharmaceutical drugs. This is Frankenstein medicine at its best.- posted by Dr. Mercola, www.mercola.com

  • Are You Eating Fish Grown in Raw Sewage?- If you like to eat fish, this article might give you indigestion. This is the ultimate fishy story.- Dr. Mercola posting, www.mercola.com

  • Our Oceans are Turning to Plastic- Did you know that the ocean is turning into a floating garbage dump? Learn the sobering truth about plastic litter and how it's affecting the waters and sea life. Shame on us!- Dr. Mercola posting, www.mercola.com

  • The FDA Approves Pill that Stops Periods; Is Womanhood a Disease?- Learn the latest 'magic' from the FDA. A great read that will give you pause for thought, especially if you're a woman.- Mike Adams, NewsTarget.com

  • More Phony Food- Canola oil: what is it and is it really a healthy food? Learn the simple facts about this popular oil. You may, indeed, be eating phony food.- Dr.Constance Tracy-Tayler

  • Sweet, but Poison- Are you being poisoned? Learn the truth about aspartame and its toxic affects in the human body. Learn facts about a popular food additive that is literally killing millions. A must read.

  • FDA Aquiring New Powers to Suppress Alternative Health- Take a journey inside your own government and learn who's 'calling the shots' when it comes to protecting public health. Learn who decides the definition of health. If you think you live in a free country, think again. Wake up and smell the politics of health care in America.- Byron Richards

  • Talc: Questions and Answers- Learn surprising facts about a common personal care and household commodity. What you learn could save your life.- Dr. Joseph S. Puleo, Natural Health Research

  • US Health Freedom on the Verge of Collapse- Learn the latest political maneuvering that could mean the death of health freedom in America. This is a sobering report about a crisis in the making. Read it and take action. Your life is at stake!- Byron Richards, NewsWithViews.com

  • The Melee over Milk Labels- Read the latest controversy surrounding milk labeling. Learn the politics behind labeling and how the average consumer is victimized by corporate interests.- Editorial, The Chicago Tribune

  • Health Freedom Alert- Learn the shocking, behind-the-scenes maneuvers of the FDA to regulate, if not outlaw, your right to pursue a healthy lifestyle. If these regulations are put in place, your access to healthy solutions will be virtually cut off. Learn how a healthy lifestyle will be outlawed and violators considered 'criminal.' This is no joke. A must read.- Mike Adams, News Target

  • Are Mobile Phones Wiping our Bees?- This is a disturbing report that links the demise of the honey bee to cell phone radiation. If these high tech devices are killing bees, imagine what they're doing to humans!- Geoffrey Lean and Harriet Shawcross

  • Ecological Apocalypse: Why are all the Bees Dying?- Read a sobering report about a crisis in the making. Learn about the collapse of bee hives across the country and around the world. Begin connecting the dots: no bees = no pollination =no food.- Paul Joseph Watson

  • Are You Certain that You Wanna Eat Chips?- Read what chips are all about and then decide if you still want to eat them! This article debunks the popular 'chip' industry by giving you a little 'food-for-thought!'- Constance Tracy-Tayler, Stairway to Health

  • Ten Most Germ Infested Places in Public- Learn where the germs are! This informative report will help you be 'in-the-know' so that you can protect yourself from harm. A great read.- from SixWise.com

  • Meat and Food Additives- What in the world are they doing to meat now? Hear the latest 'high tech' practices of the food merchants as they bring you another synthesized food: "enhanced meat." Learn what is coming over the counter at your meat market. Consider the facts and weigh the evidence. Do you still want to eat meat????- Mariah McCain, Herbal Healer Academy Newsletter 3/07

  • Houseplants Purify the Air in Your Home by Removing Airborne Chemicals, Pollutants - Did you know that houseplants are your friends? Learn how you can purify your environment by having an indoor garden. Plants are more than decoration. They can help you become healthy!- News Target

  • Soy - So you think soy is healthy to eat? Read on...These excerpts from Hallelujah Acres Health Tips give shocking evidence that soy is one of the most harmful foods you can eat. Discover the facts for yourself. A must read for the true health seeker.- George Malkmus, Hallelujah Acres

  • Food Chart - Nutrition at a glance that gives you healthy info. This chart is well worth downloading.

  • Water or Coke?- Read surprising facts that will hopefully change your mind about coke and its counterparts. If you're a soft drink lover, this one is for you!

  • More Reasons to Avoid Potato Chips - Do you know how your potato chips, french fries, and donuts are made? This article gives you food-for-thought about what goes on in manufacturing your food. Once you read this report, you might want to rethink your diet choices.- Dennis Meizys, Maryland Green Power Co.

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