Equipment you will need:
Food processor
Distiller or other
water purification system
Non-toxic household
cleaning products and personal care products
Air purifier
See Starter Kits, Living Kitchen and Living Exercise
Shopping list
Plenty of fresh produce
Raw, unsalted nuts and
Variety of dried herbs,
Whole grains: wheat,
rice, millet, etc.
Oils of choice for
cooking: olive, grape seed
Omega rich oils: flax,
hemp, safflower, sunflower, borage, evening
Go to the supermarket or health food
store and shop for fresh produce, preferrably
organic. Remember: most, if not all, conventional
(non-organic) produce is pesticide-laden, irradiated,
and possibly genetically altered. Conventional
produce does not come with warning labels! Choose
fruits and vegetables that appeal to you. Some fruits
and vegetables may not be your favorites at this
time. However, as you continue to eat raw, your
tastes will change. Your taste buds will return. Food
that did not taste good to you at one time will begin
to appeal to you. Aquaint yourself with different
varieties of fruits and vegetables and try a new
variety once a week. Adding variety to your diet will
encourage good eating habits.
Foods to avoid (as stated in Gods
Way to Ultimate Health page 93,by George
Beverages: Alcohol, coffee, tea,
cocoa, carbonated beverages and all soft drinks,
artificial fruit drinks (kool-aid, gateraid, etc.)
and all canned juices.
Dairy products: milk, cheese,
eggs, ice cream, whipped topping, non-dairy coffee
Fish: Clams, oysters, shrimp,
lobster, and all fish
Fruit: Canned and sweetened
fruits, conventional raisins
Grains: All white-flour products,
all hull-less grains (pasta, crackers, snack foods,
white rice, cold cereals, etc.)
Meats: All meat- hot dogs, bacon,
sausage, liver, luncheon meats
Nuts and Seeds: All roasted
and/or salted seeds and nuts, especially peanuts and
peanut butter
Oils: All lard, shortenings, and
Seasonings: Table salt and pepper
Soups: All canned and creamed
Sweets: All refined white or
brown sugars, syrup, chocolate, candy, gum, cake,
cookies, donuts, pies, etc.
Vegetables: All canned
vegetables, fried potatoes in any form, corn and
potato chips.
Daily routine (sample)
Morning: Drink several
glasses of purified water, Green drink- BarleyMax
Rebounding, stretching, weight workout, brisk walk 20
min. Increase intake of sunlight. Develop an exercise
program that works for you
Mid morning: Carrot juice
½-¾ hr. before lunch- carrot
Lunch: Raw soup, large vegetable
salad, raw crackers, seeds or nuts
Note: Wash produce with non-toxic
vegetable wash. Use plenty of dark, leafy greens to
make a salad. Choose assorted vegetable combinations.
Add herbs, seeds or nuts to salad for variety. Avoid
cooked food at lunch.
Dinner: Large vegetable salad,
cooked entrée such as baked potato, pasta,
vegetarian casserole, slice of bread, etc.
Avoid late night snacks.