A Ministry of Health in Winslow,
Maine in association with
Hallelujah Acres, Shelby,
North Carolina

The Living Way
Teaching health from a Heavenly perspective

You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free:


Radio- TV


Click here for vital
Swine Flu information!

Food for Thought
Book Reviews
Living Garden
Living Photos
SAD Photos
Vaccination Info
and Waiver

Berkefeld Water Purification Systems

Educational Materials
Books, tapes, and more
BioPro Technology
EMF protection
Life Enthusiast Co-Op
Magnesium Oil, Prill Beads,
Twilight America products!








Our monthly HANDS-ON HEALTH meetings are
taped for later broadcast on Channel 7, Public Access TV.
DVDs are available for a modest fee. For details
contact Laura at 207-453-9895 or


The information on this website is for educational purposes only.
We do not diagnose nor prescribe.
We are not responsible for any
consequences that may result
from change of diet.

An e-newsletter of THE LIVING WAY
Issue #36: "Healthy Survival"


1. Scheduled meetings and events
2. Ministry update from Mary Louise;Town Jaqua,
Hallelujah Acres Health Minister
3  Feature article: 'Healthy Survival"
4. LIVING resources
5. Buying Tips and more
6. LIVING recipe: Lily's Almond-Walnut Loaf

1. Schedule of meetings and events:  


Presentation to be announced
Thursday, December 9, 2010


2. Ministry update  

Dear Friends,
As I write this newsletter, the trees are nearly bare
and their once-colorful leaves blanket the ground.
Against a sky of steel grey, a cool wind sweeps
around. Slowly winter is descending upon us. With
mixed feelings, I make my trips out to the garden
to greet the remains of what has been a good
growing season. Our kale, beets, arugula, happy
rich asian greens, assorted herbs, and wild
edibles still hang on, albeit under cozy row covers
at this point. I happily pick 'green bouquets' for
our daily meals, and will keep harvesting as long
as time, weather, and plant-growth permit. I have
been known to keep our garden going into December,
through all kinds of weather, including snow! We'll
see what this year brings. Stay tuned!

Inside, those of us at The Living Way are busily
preparing for the cold months. We are still
processing the garden harvest and tucking it carefully
away for future use. Our cold storage area is nearly
full of root vegetables and other assorted winter
keepers. Our garlic is pulled and new bulbs planted
for next year's crop. We love our fresh, home-grown
garlic! In the evenings, I have been creating new
dehydrated crackers and snacks which are handy,
healthy foods for all occasions. In short, we are
enjoying life the living way!

By way of report, our second ATLAS AWARENESS
event went wonderfully well. Several in the area took
advantage of Christine Bemish's ProfiLAX massage
therapy to correct their misaligned atlas vertebras.
Feedback is enthusiastic as many are reporting
noticeable improvements in pain reduction, range
of motion, and overall wellbeing. We expect to have
Christine join us again in the spring. Consider having
an atlas experience! Correction of this vitally important
vertebra can make a healthy difference in your life!
Learn more about Atlas Awareness

While our enthusiasm for healthy living continues
to abound, we are sorry to have had to cancel our
monthly HANDS-ON HEALTH meeting. At the last
moment our presenter had to bow out, and other
scheduling conflicts arose. Therefore our next
HANDS-ON HEALTH meeting will be in December,
the presentation for which is a surprise!
Plan to
join us and bring a friend so that we can grow
healthy together!

In the meantime, we encourage you to read this
month's feature article called 'Healthy Survival.'

Allowing for the uncertain times in which we live, I
felt to share some vital information that may prove
valuable in the days ahead. Consider this writing as
'food-for-thought' for those who want to survive life's
challenges by being ultimately healthy and prepared.
What you learn and what actions you take now could
save your life.

We also encourage you to investigate the news links
that accompany this newsletter. While healthy-related
news articles abound, I have selected ones that I felt
were the most pertinent for your consideration. As
usual, we recommend that you research these and
other important issues for the sake of your own
personal wellbeing. Arm yourself with the truth!

Due to time restrictions and some recent server
problems, this newsletter is late in arriving. Allowing
for these constraints, no new posts have been added
to our website. Look for the wrap-up of our 2010
garden report next month. The grand finale will be
complete with new, living photos!

In closing, those of us at The Living Way are keeping
the home fires burning...literally. Still lacking a working
furnace, we have cranked up our trusty wood stove to
keep warm and warm we are! Kitchen temperatures
often exceed 80 degrees! I threaten to wear shorts!
Nevertheless, we are thankful to have a reliable source
of heat. If you do not have alternative energy, we
encourage you to make provision. The natural way
of life still proves valuable, especially in time of need!

We thank those of you who support this ministry in
thought, word, deed, and prayer. Your encouraging
words and continued product purchases help keep the
health message alive. Our televised programs are
reaching into thousands of area homes, and feedback
continues to be warm, enthusiastic, and appreciative.
Help us build a healthier, happier world by taking charge
of your personal health the natural, wholesome way.
Eat well to live well, so that you can prove to the
world that
'you don't have to be sick!'


3) Feature Article: 'Healthy Survival'

No one likes to think of his or her lifestyle being
disrupted, especially by crisis; nevertheless, life
can sometimes present circumstances that challenge
even the best of us. A personal health crisis can
change our lives in matter of moments as can a
financial loss, the loss of a job or the loss of a loved
one. Likewise natural disasters such as floods,
hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. can reshape our lives
forever as can national or international emergencies
such as wars. Without a doubt, facing crises and
coping with them become opportunities for us to
learn the art of personal survival.

Read on...


4) LIVING Resources  

Simply Raw Video Series- FREE
Tune in to some of the world's top names in nutrition:
Morgan Spurlock, director of the film, 'Super-Size Me',
Dr. Joel Fuhrman, David Wolfe, and Mike Adams by
signing up for this free video series. Learn the nitty-gritty
about real nutrition from these health experts and begin
jump-starting your life the raw way! Take advantage of
this adventure into healthier living while it lasts! Sign
up here:


NON-GMO Project

We live in a world that is fast being corrupted by
corporations that seek to destroy the natural goodness
of the land. A genetically modified mentality is overtaking
traditional agricultural practices to a danger point.
Helping to protect and preserve America's naturally-rich,
organic lifestyle is The Non-GMO project. This non-profit
is a collaboration of manufacturers, retailers, processors, distributors, farmers, seed companies, and consumers
who oppose GMO life forms by promoting non-GMO
choices. Learn about GMOs and the non-GMO cause
http://www.nongmoproject.org/ and consider
becoming part of the growing movement to preserve
the integrity of our land, environment, and lives!

News worth noting:

Cancer 'is purely man-made' say scientists after finding
almost no trace of disease in Egyptian mummies


BPA Found in virtually all canned foods


More news...


5) Buying tips and order info

British Berkefeld Water Purifying Systems
What will you do if your water supply is cut off?
In case of emergency, having an alternative
source of safe drinking water is imperative.
British Berkefeld water purifying systems have
been the trusted name for water purification
since the late 1800's, being the system of choice
for military, missionaries, and disaster relief
organizations world wide. These stainless steel,
gravity-fed systems can purify lake, river, pond,
and even mud puddle water for drinking needs.
Units range in capacity and filters sometimes last
for years, depending upon output. Check out
the Berkefeld water purifying systems
Contact us for questions and orders.

Surviving the 'Hallelujah' way!
For healthy solutions to survival, stock up on Hallelujah
Acres' products. Whether for short or long term storage,
Barley, Carrot Juice, and Beet Max nutritious powders
are superfoods of choice.
They are available singularly
or as the trio, Juice on the Go. The Max products are so
nutritionally-dense that they alone, along with water,
can sustain the body's daily nutritional needs! Add HA's
delicious Survival Bar to your preparedness list as a
quick energy boost where ever you go! Check out other
healthy survival solutions from Hallelujah Acres
and consider stocking up!

Equipment purchases
If you want to purchase additional equipment, including
other juicers, a dehydrator, VitaMix, etc., please order
directly through us. Your order can be drop-shipped
in a matter of days. Call us to make arrangements.


6) LIVING Recipe: Lily's Almond-Walnut Loaf

As colder months come on and the body's energy
demand increases, consider making some tasty,
nutritious nut dishes. Nuts are a ready source of
healthy fats and proteins that warm body cells
while providing dense nutrition. Loaded with
vital minerals and essential fatty acids (good
fats), nuts make a perfect winter food. If squirrels
survive on them, you can, too! Try this latest raw
culinary creation from our LIVING Kitchen that
is smooth, creamy, and rich! Let Lily know how
you like it!

1 cup almonds
1 cup walnuts
1 medium onion
2 large celery
1 small red pepper
1/2 cup fresh parsley
handful fresh sage
handful fresh rosemary (or basil)
handful fresh chives
3 large garlic
Juice of one orange (or lemon)

Grind nuts in a food processor, remove from basket
and set aside. Process remaining ingredients, along
with orange juice. Add ground nuts and process
again until smooth and creamy. If necessary add
more juice. Spoon into a loaf pan or casserole dish
and let sit for a couple hours before serving. Eat
modest portions as this loaf is rich and filling!

Organic ingredients always recommended.

View more LIVING Recipes at


This LIVING Letter comes to you in Messiah's love to
encourage you toward achieving superior health.  Healing
of the whole man is the promise of our Heavenly Father.
Begin now to receive your new life...naturally and spiritually.
YHVH is able to do great and wondrous works, if we will
but trust and obey Him. YHVH bless you!

For your excellent health and His glory,



on Channel 7 TV

click here for info!

Our monthly
meetings are
taped for later broadcast
on Channel 7, Public
Access TV.
DVDs are available
for a modest fee.
For details
contact Laura at 207-453-9895 or



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