1. Scheduled meetings and events
2. Ministry update from Mary Louise;Town Jaqua,
Hallelujah Acres Health Minister
3 Feature article: 'EATING for Life!"
4. LIVING resources
5. Buying Tips and more
6. LIVING recipe: Raw Pumpking Pudding
1. Schedule of
meetings and events:

A video exploration of the
Standard American Diet
Thursday, December 9, 2010
FMI click here
Friday, February 18, 2011
Ministry update
The end of the year is fast approaching and
again, we ask ourselves, 'Where has the time
gone?' For us, the year has been consumed in
healthy ventures that have invigorated our spirits
and bodies. We hope that you can say the same!
In an
effort to keep you on the healthy side of life,
our HANDS-ON HEALTH meeting this week will
feature the documentary, 'EATING.' Of all
video productions that I have seen that expose
the Standard American Diet for what it is (a
this presentation tops them all. Simple and straight
to the point, the film does not hold back the truth
about the inherent health dangers associated with
eating processed, manufactured, animal-based
'foods.' When it comes to the definition of 'food,'
this 'in-the-face' video sets the record straight.
Learn how America's insatiable appetite for
fake food is destroying lives and our nation!
Looking ahead, we are beginning to plan for
LIVE FOOD DINNER in February. This annual
is always a welcomed, mid-winter gathering that
whets the appetite while warming the heart and
refreshing the spirit. Plan to be a part of an
well-spent. Start looking over raw recipes to see
which one(s) to make and share. Details about
our LIVE FOOD DINNER will be announced soon.
In keeping with the EATING theme, this month's
feature article, 'EATING for Life!' is aimed
pique your appetite for healthy food! While much
can be and has been said about the remarkable
health benefits of living foods, this writing is an
overview of the eating process: in substance as
well as application. After reading this mini-treatise
on this natural occurrence called 'eating', I hope
everyone will not only be smarter but healthier!
Further along in this newsletter are our usual news
links. By far the most poignant news to date is the
Senate's recent passage of the 'Food Safety and
Modernization Act,' aka Senate Bill 510. Regarded
as being the worst piece of legislation in American
history, this bill would place our nation's food
under the scrutiny and control of government
including the UN. The life-blood of our rich
heritage as well as our freedom to eat as we choose
would be lost to corporate interests that do not have
the public welfare at heart. This bill has now passed
to the House of Representatives where it is the
of growing controversy. Suffice to say, the war is on
concerning the future of our food. If you value a
healthy lifestyle and want to protect it, contact
your representatives immediately and encourage them
oppose this bill. Your future depends on your actions
today. For more information on the 'Food Safety and
Modernization Act' visit Health Freedom
to home, those of us at The Living Way have
been about our usual living ways. This
backyard farmer
has been outside planting garlic, harvesting the last
our crops, and generally putting the garden to bed.
Saying goodbye to the garden is always a bittersweet
experience for this live food enthusiast. Read the
chapter of our 2010 Garden Log here. Photos are
our LIVING kitchen has been in full swing.
Dehydrators have been humming around the
clock as we turn out tasty, raw eats: crackers,
salads, granolas, fruit leathers, and more. Handling
the harvest has become an annual hobby as our
evenings turn into healthy, culinary adventures.
Apart from
dehydrating, we are also SPROUTING!
Jars are happily sporting a variety of green shoots
plus we pulled out our Fresh Life Sprouter to add
more fun and volume to our winter garden harvest.
Consider sprouting as a new 'indoor sport' during
the cold months. It helps to keep the winter blahs
Thus as we move into the colder season, we reflect
upon where we have been and look expectantly to
the future, knowing that despite current down-turns
and forecasts, good things are happening. Through
it all, we count our blessings and encourage others
to be of good cheer by making simple but healthier
choices in their lives. Though the road to superior
health is less traveled, at least the landscape is
littered with the ravages of sickness, pain, and
disease. Surely it pays to take the healthy route.
Therefore press on in your journey
to experience
ultimate health and prove to others that 'You
have to be sick!'
Erik- still holding on in his battle with
lymphoma. Pray for someone to come to his aid
to help with food shopping, juicing, etc.
3) Feature
Article: 'EATING for Life!'
Everyone loves to eat, but how
many eat for life?
When all is said and the meal is done, how many
are aware that what they put into their mouths each
day determines the quality of their health? For
or for worse, we are what we eat. Therefore, if we
want to enjoy a healthy, prosperous life, we must
learn how to EAT for Life!
Read on...

For an on-going education into the wonderful world
of living healthy, tune into Hallelujah Acres TV.
on-line 'TV station' is your personal gateway to
raw food prep demonstrations, exercise how-to's,
product information, webinars, and more! Sit back
and relax while learning the basics of living
Choose from over 200 inspiring videos from Hallelujah
Acres' TV library. Visit the archives here.
News worth noting:
Codex Alimentarius,
Control over the Food Supply and World Government,-Control-over-the-Food-Supply-and-World-Government/
Soda companies pushed pop
as beneficial beverage for infants
More news...
5) Buying tips
and order info
Food for the body and food for thought is important,
but so is food for the spirit. Enrich your life
by investing in visual inspirations from LIVING Art.
Available are original oil paintings, pastels,
and prints by artist/health minister Mary Louise;Town
Jaqua. Celebrate life by surrounding yourself with
art that keeps on giving because it's living!
Visit LIVING Art here.
SALE time at Hallelujah Acres
End-of-the-year sales have become a
tradition at
Hallelujah Acres. Take advantage of product savings
as well as free shipping offers while they last.
up for the sake of your health. Call 1-800-915-9355
or visit for sale information
as it is happening! Please use our ministry PIN#407
when ordering.
If you want to purchase additional
equipment, including
other juicers, a dehydrator, VitaMix, etc.,
placing your order through us. Your order can be
drop-shipped in a matter of days. Call us for more
Recipe: Raw Pumpkin Pudding
This recipe was born
one evening a few years
ago when I was hungry for something different
to eat. Allowing for ingredients at hand, I invented
a raw pumpkin pudding that 'hit the spot.' I was
sublimely blessed with my creation and am happy
to share the recipe to the best of my recollection.
Let me know how you like it!
1 cup shredded pumpkin
1 stalk celery
sliver of onion
2-3 stems parsley
1 tsp. honey
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 cup purified water
In a blender, blend
ingredients with enough water
for a creamy consistency. Adjust amounts according
to taste and/or available ingredients. No matter
enjoy this 'rawvention' of a traditional treat.
Organic ingredients
always recommended.
View more
LIVING Recipes at
Letter comes to you in Messiah's love to
encourage you toward achieving superior health.
of the whole man is the promise of our Heavenly
Begin now to receive your new life...naturally and
YHVH is able to do great and wondrous works, if we
but trust and obey Him. YHVH bless you!
For your excellent
health and His glory,