1. Scheduled meetings and events
2. Ministry update from Mary Louise;Town Jaqua,
Hallelujah Acres Health Minister
3 Feature article: 'Thyroid Health'
4. LIVING resources
5. Buying Tips and more
6. LIVING recipe: Sea Wrap
1. Schedule of
meetings and events:

A review of products, equipment,
books, and more!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
FMI: click here
Ministry update
official: spring is here! The snow is melting,
and the ground has made its appearance again.
Nevertheless,we patiently endure the last remnants
of winter. Would you believe ten inches of snow on
April 1(no fooling!)? In the words of the famed poet,
Percy Blythe Shelley, 'If Winter comes can Spring
be far behind?' We'll see. We have had snow in
the snow melts and talk of gardening abounds,
I had planned to have a garden workshop for our April
meeting. However, our presenter had to bow out
unexpectantly. Therefore, I wiill be
conducting a
'Healthy Show- and-Tell at this
month's HANDS-ON
HEALTH meeting instead. This presentation
will be
a review of products, equipment, books, and related
items that support a natural lifestyle. I
will also
address the subject of radiation and what
recent crisis in Japan may mean to you. This
meeting will not be taped for TV, so plan to join
us in person. Bring family and friends to
important, life-changing information. Details about
our HANDS-ON HEALTH meeting are
posted here.
This month's feature article is entitled,
Health.' It is not the subject I had planned
to discuss,
but because of the unfolding nuclear radiation threat
originating in Japan, I felt compelled to educate
the role of the thyroid gland and how to best care
it. Statistics prove that over one third of the
population has thyroid problems due to iodine
a deficit that predisposes serious health conditions.
These conditions are often overlooked, undetected,
or ignored even by medical professionals, a fact
that puts many Americans at risk. I encourage you
to take the message of 'Thyroid Health' to
and do what you must to care for yourself.
to news articles of healthy interest follow
further along in this newsletter. Postings are shared
with your better health in mind, so choose your
and begin educating yourself. We live in an
unhealthy world, so become proactive to safeguard
your well being. Also, in light of the crises in
I have added a page on our website to address the
subject of nuclear radiation. Compiled on this page
is an assortment of articles, videos, and audios that
will help educate on this serious subject. While no
one knows what the affects the Fukushima meltdowns
will have for any of us, we do know that nuclear
radiation poses a serious health threat. Therefore,
personal preparedness may be in order. For more
information, visit our new Radiation page here.
As the
weather warms, the gardening season is upon
us. At present, we don't know what the season will
mean for us. With food prices rising, food safety
concerns, and food availabilty questionable, planting
another garden sounds like an obvious, good choice.
Nevertheless, in light of growing levels of
fallout from Japan now circling the globe, gardening
may not be possible. To plant or not to plant. That
is the question. Though we have our seeds in hand
and the ground is thawing, I survey the yard and talk
to Father to know His mind in all this. In good
I have begun our 2011 Garden Log and invite you
to follow our growing progress wherever it may
take us. Our small beginnings are posted here.
By way of update, we expect to schedule another
Atlas Awareness event soon. As it turns out, our
AtlasPROfilax friend, Christine, is currently
so the venue has been pushed back until early summer.
Stay tuned for details.
closing, we LIVING-Wayers continue to swing
high in the kitchen with our usual accent on exellent
eating. Dehydrators and sprouters are still humming
along as I sharpen my culinary skills by turning out
new taste treats. We are happy to celebrate being
healthy and hope that you feel the same. Life is
what we make it. Therefore choose a quality of life
that is worth living. Eat right to live
the ravages of sickness, pain, and disease. Prove
to the world that there is more to life than managing
health problems. Be a living testimony that
don't have to be sick!'
3) Feature
Article: 'Thyroid Health'
The thyroid gland is one of the
most important
glands in the body, but do you know what it is,
where it is, and what fuels it? Statistics prove
that over one third of the earth's population is
unwittingly suffering from a malfunctioning thyroid
gland, a condition that makes that is known to
cause fibrous cysts, cancer, Alzhiemer's disease,
obesity, fatigue, hearing loss, birth defects, and
more. To avoid being a candidate for thyroid
fallout and facing a possible future meltdown
in your personal health, read on.

Maine Organic Farmers and Growers Association
Whether living in Maine or not, the Maine
Farmers and Growers Association (MOFGA) is an
excellent resource for cultivating a natural,
lifestyle. It's educational workshops, hands-on
reference library (on the web and otherwise) make
this grassroots org helpful to those who need natural
know-how as well as opportunities to meet other
'down-to-earth' folk. MOFGA's highlight of the year
is its popular Common Ground Fair, the boast and
toast of New England agricultural fairs. For more
information about MOFGA and its resources visit
their website here.
Community Garden
Attention locals! If you would like to garden but
have a place to do so, consider signing on for a plot
at the new Winslow Community Garden. Located
on Larry St. near the old Halifax school property,
community planners have several, nicely-composted
4'x8' raised beds available for would-be gardeners.
To reserve a plot, stop by or call the Winslow Town
Office (873-2778). A
small fee applies.
Note: Many towns are now starting up
gardens. Check your area for gardening
and/or cooperatives. If none are
available, consider
organizing a community garden in your neighborhood
or at your business, school or church!
News worth noting:
NC bill threatens to
criminalize naturopaths,
homeopaths, herbalists, midwives, aromatherapists
as felons
Vegan parents charged with death of baby
on mother's milk: face 30 years in prison
5) Buying tips
and order info

British Berkefeld Water
Purifying Systems
Invest in safe drinking water with a Berkey water
purifier. These stainless steel, gravity-fed systems
can purify lake, river, pond, and even mud puddle
water. Units range in capacity and filters can last
many years. Check out the Berkefeld water
purifying systems here. Purchase while
are available. Contact us for questions and orders.
FYI, prices will increase on April 15.
Iosol- a water
soluble iodine compound.
IodoralTM- a high potency iodine / potassium
supplement. Both are available from Hallelujah Acres
here. Please use our ministry
PIN#407 when ordering.
Coast Sea Vegetables
Sea vegetables such as kelp, dulse, sea
bladderwrack are high in trace minerals, especially
iodine which is important for thyroid health. These
tasty, nutritionally-rich treasures from the sea make
healthy snacks or additions to meals. Learn more
about these gifts from the sea at here.
If you want to purchase additional
including juicers, dehydrators, VitaMix,
etc., consider placing your order through us.
Your order can be drop-shipped in a matter of
days. Call us for more information.
Recipe: Sea Wrap
Celebrate thyroid health by indulging in
a little taste from the sea. Known for their
mineral-richness, sea vegetables are an
excellent source of natural iodine which
supports thyroid health. Be kind to your
thyroid by making this deliciously rich wrap!
1 sheet raw nori
1/2 ripe avocado, mashed or thinly sliced
1 small carrot, finely shredded
1 scallion or onion finely chopped
1 small zucchini, finely grated
2 Tbsp. raw sesame seeds
Take nori sheet and
place avocado
length-wise on one end of the sheet.
Top with remaining ingredients and
then roll the nori sheet over the filling
as per a jelly roll. Cut in pieces along
pre-scored lines. Stand individual
wraps on end, on a serving plate.
1/3 cup raw cashews
1 Tbsp. raw tahini
1 large clove garlic
2 tsp. fresh lemon juice
1 Tbsp. coconut oil
pinch of Himalayan salt
1/4 tsp spirulina powdered
1/4 cup coconut or purified water
Pre-soak cashews for 2
hours, rinse,
drain, and process in a small processor
or blender. Add remaining ingredients
and blend until creamy smooth, adding
water as necessary.
Dip nori mini-wraps in
sauce and savor
the taste of the sea as you support
your thyroid!
View more
LIVING Recipes at
Letter comes to you in Messiah's
love to encourage you toward achieving superior
health. Healing of the whole man is the
of our Heavenly Father. Begin now to receive
your new life...naturally and spiritually. YHVH is
able to do great and wondrous works, if we will
but trust and obey Him. YHVH bless you!
For your excellent
health and His glory,