1. Scheduled meetings and events
2. Ministry update from Mary Louise;Town Jaqua,
Hallelujah Acres Health Minister
3 Feature article: 'Adrenal Health'
4. LIVING resources
5. Buying Tips and more
6. LIVING recipe: Wild Juice!
1. Schedule of
meetings and events:

with David Spahr,
Mushroom Maineiac
Thursday, June 9, 2011
FMI: click here
FOOD Demonstration
Saturday, June 18, 2011
1 PM
Fieldstone Gardens,
Ministry update
from the wetlands of Maine where life
happens between the raindrops! Due to persistent
cold, wet, windy, foggy, soggy, muggy, and muddy
weather, many locals (especially gardeners) are
calling May a complete wash-out. It is reported
that Maine saw twenty two consecutive days of rain
in May! Nevertheless, the spirits of farmers' and
gardeners' are not dampened! Late planting is better
than no planting at all. Thus we all wait with
expectation for the blessings of the season, namely
sun and warm!
spur us on to new heights of health, this
month's HANDS-ON HEALTH meeting, 'MUSHROOM
MANIA!', will feature a presentation by Maine's own
'Mushroom Maineiac,' David Spahr. David is a
seasoned mushroom connoisseur, enthusiast, forager,
lecturer, and author. His up-close-and-personal
with wild mushrooms promises to enlighten, challenge,
inspire all who attend. We are happy to have David as
guest speaker and hope that you will make a special
to join us for this engaging event. Bring family and
Details about our June HANDS-ON HEALTH
meeting are
posted here.
this month I will be presenting a live food
demonstration at Fieldstone Gardens in Vassalboro
as part of the Hospice Volunteers of Waterville Area
Garden Party. This annual fund raiser is a perfect
setting for talking healthy and presenting options
nutritious summer eating. Treat yourself by attending
this event that lifts both spirit and body. Learn
about the Garden Party here.
This month's feature
article is 'Adrenal Health,'
a subject that deserves attention since many
people are unwittingly suffering adrenal fatigue,
a crisis that affects the whole body. Allowing for
serious nature of this problem, I felt compelled to
address this topic in hopes of helping others
and naturally resolve this common condition. For the
sake of your better health, please read up!
News of healthy interest
abounds and highlights of
selected reports are listed further along in this
Once again, we encourage you to research and take
action as needed. We live in challenging times, when
the assault on personal health freedom is at an all-
time high. Do what you must to safeguard your
quality of life while there is time. On the lighter
tune in to discover the winner of Hallelujah Acres'
BarleyMax recipe contest. The link is provided
further along in this newsletter.
On the home front, life is on
the fast track as gardening
season descends upon the household. As time and
weather permit, I am out 'talking to the plants' and
encouraging them to grow. So far, the strategy is
working. Our herbs and wild edibles have 'greened
up' as the result of recent rains and look beautiful!
Furthermore, they taste great! Already the harvest
is abundant and the overflow we are wholesaling to
one of our favorite local co-ops. It is fun to share
humble harvest with those who appreciate. For a
closer look at this year's garden, read my latest
report from the backyard here.
Inside, our LIVING Kitchen
continues to swing both
day and night. With armfuls of greens coming in from
the yard nearly each day, our salads grow larger (and
tastier!) and our dehydrators hum more often.
the harvest is a seasonal ritual at our house as we
cherish the goodness of the land while it is fresh
readily available. There is nothing better than food
that's home-grown or locally foraged!
In closing, as we head into
warmer days, take time
to be healthy. There is no better season than summer
to enjoy fresh, raw, living foods. Frequent a local
farmers' market, plant a garden, forage for wild
edibles and make living healthy fun!
Discover life
from the inside out by eating well and feeling your
body come to life! There is power in living foods,
after all, YHVH made them especially for you!
3) Feature
Article: 'Adrenal Health'
In the April issue of
our LIVING Letter, I addressed
the all-important issue of thyroid health and the
role iodine plays in maintaining proper function of
this endocrine gland. (To review LIVING
Letter #41:
'Thyroid Health' click here.) Concluding this article, I
submitted that research proves an integral connection
between the thyroid and adrenal glands. Given the
importance of this interdependence, this writing will
explore the little known adrenal glands to see how
they contribute to the body's wellbeing.
Read on..
Summer is a time of
re-creation. Celebrate the
season by educating yourself on important issues
of health, issues that matter and make a difference
in your quality of life. Here are two opportunities
to learn how you can help yourself and those whom
you love. Listen on-line or download for the sake of
Iodine, the
Most Misunderstood Nutrient (2 hours)
by Dr. David Brownstein
Reporting on Hidden
Dangers of Medical Radiation
'Juice Up'
Summer is a good time to go to fitness camp!
If you
cannot find or afford the expense, Hallelujah Acres
will help you onto the highway of ultimate health
free, on-line programs. Choices include Reclaim
Your Health, Hallelujah Waistline, and Exercise
Essentials. These programs are like having a
personal health coach at any time of the day. Learn
more about 'Juice Ups' here.
News worth noting:
american children to be used in medical
experiments to
test anthrax vaccine?

Hallelujah Acres announces
BarleyMax Winning Recipe
More news...
5) Buying tips
and order info

Juice on the Go!
Don't let an active lifestyle compromise
your health!
Keep healthy while vacationing, camping, picnicking,
gathering with family and friends by taking 'Juice on
the Go' with you! This power-packed trio of nutrients
from Hallelujah Acres is a convenient, welcomed
solution to eating healthy no matter where you go.
Don't leave home without it! Learn more about 'Juice
on the Go' here.
Crown of Maine Organic
Attention locals! Support Maine farmers by
local through The Crown of Maine Organic Co-Op.
Shop for produce, grains, baked goods, and other
tasty fare. Orders are taken weekly and delivered
to your door! FMI, visit COMOC here.
If you want to purchase additional
including juicers, dehydrators, VitaMix,
etc., consider placing your order through us.
Your order can be drop-shipped in a matter of
days. Call us for more information.
Recipe: Wild Juice!

Taste the wonderful
world of wild edibles by juicing
them! Search your backyard or neighborhood for
free, nutritious food: dandelions, nettles, plantain,
wild carrot, and more. Wash them well and then let
the fun begin!
4-5 large stalks
handful dandelion greens
few stems of nettles, yarrow, poke weed, lamb's
quarters, and/or wild carrot, etc.
handful parsley
fresh herbs of choice (oregano, mint, etc.)
Juice and drink up!
1-4 oz. at a time, since this
juice is powerful!
To learn about wild
edibles and how to identify
them, read our LIVING Letter #19: 'Wild
here. Subscribe to a free 'wild'
newsletter from
Of The Field here. Recommended field guide:
Edible Wild Plants by Lee Allen Peterson
View more
LIVING Recipes at
Letter comes to you in Messiah's
love to encourage you toward achieving superior
health. Healing of the whole man is the
of our Heavenly Father. Begin now to receive
your new life...naturally and spiritually. YHVH is
able to do great and wondrous works, if we will
but trust and obey Him. YHVH bless you!
For your excellent
health and His glory,