1. Scheduled meetings and events
2. Ministry update from Mary Louise;Town Jaqua,
Hallelujah Acres Health Minister
3 Feature article: ''Preserving the Harvest:
Dehydrating Food'
4. LIVING resources
5. Buying Tips and more
6. LIVING recipe: Apple-Grape Smoothie
1. Schedule of
meetings and events:

A video presentation by Dr. Gwen Scott
Thursday, October 13, 2011
FMI: click here
with Christine Bemish, RN
Method Specialist
Saturday, October 22, 2011
information here
Ministry update
is here! Under bright, blue skies, trees are
shedding their leaves to be tossed around in the
autumn wind. Mainers are celebrating the season
with happy harvests of colorful squash, peppers,
and root vegetables. Those of us at The Living Way
are savoring the remnants of our garden by picking
baskets full of sweet, fragrant Concord grapes! An
extraordinary yield makes picking an exhilirating
experience. Fresh-off-the-vine Concords are making
their way into rich juice, fruit leathers, and, of
our mouths! Wow! Naturally healthy tastes so good!
Health happenings from this ministry include a review
of recent ventures. By way of report, my 'Apple-Grape
Smoothie' demonstration at the Central Maine Garden
Club last month was well-received. Members were
attentive and inquisitive as I shared the knowledge
(and taste!) of living foods. Many expressed interest
in incorporating healthier foods into their diets.
it be so! We look forward to hearing healthy
the Common Ground Fair was once again
a welcomed highlight of the season for us.
weather combined with agricultural sights and sounds
made for a memorable day as we walked the grounds
and greeted farmer friends. Much to our surprise,
and I won awards for our raw food entries in the
Exhibition Hall where displays of local garden
graced long tables. What an inspiration! Topping off
the Fair was Dr. Brian Clement's dynamic lecture on
'Conquering Disease with Plant-Based Foods.'
Attendance was good and response enthusiastic. It
was a special treat to renew contact with Dr.
We are hoping that his presenation made a strong
impact on the audience. Catch a glimpse of our
Common Ground Country Fair ventures here!
to this month, our HANDS-ON HEALTH
meeting will feature 'Kitchen Remedies' by Dr.
Gwen Scott from her 'Natural Medicines' series.
This segment will focus on herbal teas,
and healthy tonics. Included in this video are
how-to's as well as inspiring testimonies. Join us to
gain important knowledge that may come in handy
some day! More information about our HANDS-ON
HEALTH meeting is posted here.
Later this month is our Atlas
Awareness Day
with Christine Bemish, RN and ProFilax Specialist.
Consider taking advantage of this event. This natural
massage therapy that corrects the misaligned atlas
vertebra could make a significant improvement in
your health. Most people have a misaligned atlas
from the birthing process. However, a misaligned
atlas can also be the result of an injury incurred in
an accident or fall. Correcting a dislocated atlas
can eliminate many health conditions. For more
information about this non-invasive therapy, see our
posting here. Contact us to
schedule an appointment.
This month's feature article, 'Preserving the
Dehydrating Foods,' addresses another way to
naturally extend the harvest. Dehydration of
has a long, colorful history that proves its
as being an excellent solution for preserving
This article educates about dehydration while
practical insight/advice about the process! With
of looming food shortages, may this article encourage
you toward preserving food while it is abundantly
of same, those of us at The Living Way are
running to keep up with the harvest. Though overgrown
with numerous weeds and wild edibles, our garden is
still alive and well. Harvests from the backyard
assorted greens, herbs, wild edibles, and succulent
Concord grapes! Picking these purple jewels is one
of my favorite experiences. Despite recent monsoon
rains and a frost, the grapes are holding up well.
are literally 'dripping' from the vines! How
As one
might expect at this time of year, our dehydrators
are humming and our freezer is nearly full. Soon I
dig up some of our Jerusalem Artichokes for winter
storage. Eating from our own garden year around is
a happy, healthy experience at our house! Check out
our latest Garden 2011 Log here.
the sake of your well being, I have included links
to news articles that are worth consideration. Please
take time to educate yourself on these important
In closing, colder months are upon us which often
more discipline in keeping the body-temple healthy.
Make the effort to take good care of yourself this
by improving your health habits. Despite the cold,
eat as
much living food as possible! Boost your nutritional
by juicing, eating sprouts, increasing your Omega
3-6-9 oils,
and supplementing with Vitamin D, and B-12. Many of
these products are conveniently available through
Hallelujah Acres. Prove the benefits of a healthy
by your actions. You don't have to be sick!
3) Feature
Article: ''Perserving the Harvest:
Dehydrating Foods"
Food is an integral,
essential part of life that is
expressed in various ways by different cultures and
peoples. Though food preferences differ with
and individuals, everyone agrees that when it comes
to hunger, there's nothing like food! Hence, the
preparation and preservation of food is central to
lives. Extending the life of food through dehydration
is one of the oldest methods of preserving food that
enhances daily life, while promoting longevity and
Dry It, You'll Like It
If you are looking for a simple, home-spun book
on dehydrating, Dry It, You'll Like It is it.
Written by
veteran dehydrating expert, Gen MacManiman,
this book is filled with practical knowledge as well
as tried-and-true recipes. Order the book from your
local bookstore or better yet, download it from the
internet here.
News worth noting:
No right to produce or eat your
own food in Wisconsin
27 Years: No
Deaths from Vitamins, 3 Million from
Prescription Drugs
5) Buying tips
and order info
Excalibur Dehydrator
Preserve the harvest with a high-quality
Excalibur dehydrator. Available with five or
nine trays from Hallelujah Acres here. Please
use PIN #407 when ordering.

Good4U Dehydrator
The GooD4U is a
10-tray design. Trays create
their own seal, thus eliminating the need for a door.
The GooD4U Dehydrator comes with a built-in
40 hr Digital Timer. Contact us FMI.
Concord Grapes
We have an abundant harvest of Concord Grapes
this year and are making them available to locals!
We are offering them on a suggested donation of
$4.00 per pound. Contact us to order!
Equipment purchases
If you want to purchase additional
including juicers, dehydrators, VitaMix,
etc., consider placing your order through us.
Your order can be drop-shipped in a matter of
days. Call us for more information.
Recipe: Apple-Grape Smoothie
Apples and grapes are part of the blessings of
autumn. Celebrate the season with this tasty,
nutritious smoothie! Adjust the ingredients to suit
your tastebuds, but be sure to make the smoothie
on the 'green' side!
2 apples
1/2 cup concord grapes or 1/4 cup grape juice
Few stems fresh mint
Few stems parsley
1 Tbsp. hemp oil or hemp protein powder
1/4 cup shredded, unsweetened coconut
1 tsp. cinnamon
2 cups purified water
Blend apples and
grapes in small amount of water.
Add remaining ingredients and blend again until
creamy smooth. Juicing the Concords beforehand
is recommended, since blending does not always
adequately pulverize seeds.
Note: Grapes are high
in minerals, antioxidants,
and resveratol, making them natural 'super-foods.'
Organic ingredients always recommended.
View more
LIVING Recipes at
Letter comes to you in Messiah's
love to encourage you toward achieving superior
health. Healing of the whole man is the
of our Heavenly Father. Begin now to receive
your new life...naturally and spiritually. YHVH is
able to do great and wondrous works, if we will
but trust and obey Him. YHVH bless you!
For your excellent
health and His glory,