1. Scheduled meetings and events
2. Ministry update from Mary Louise;Town Jaqua,
Hallelujah Acres Health Minister
3 Feature article:'Making Healthier Choices-
Part 2"
4. LIVING resources
5. Buying Tips and more
6. LIVING recipe: Ginger Snap Wrap
1. Schedule of
meetings and events:

Diabetes in 30 Days
film documentary
Thursday, March 10, 2011
FMI: go here
Ministry update
It is a happy day as we march into March
winter at our backs! Warmer temperatures and
longer days stir our spirits with thoughts of an
early spring. Soon it will be time to till the soil
again. Already seed swaps and gardening
workshops are popping up. The local buzz
is about growing, eating, and purchasing locally-
produced foods! The natural, wholesome life-
style is at last catching on!
While we dig out from winter and enjoy the
seasonal thaw, we Living-Wayers continue our
healthy pursuits. Cold storage goodies are still
making their way up to the kitchen where they
are happily turned into 'Hallelujah' meals. Savoring
last year's harvest is always a blessing at this
time of year, when varieties are less available
in stores. So, too, are our sprouting jars filled to
the brim with young, tasty shoots for toppings
on our daily salads. In addition, our dehydrators
are busy as I turn out more and new crackers,
crisps, and treats. For one who never liked to
cook, I have become an avid culinary artist!
Suffice to say, we eat well and LIVE WELL
at The Living Way!
of eating well, our annual LIVE FOOD
DINNER last month was a stunning success!
The food was fabulous and the socializing
as our speaker, Jim Merkel, graced the evening
with a presentation about New Forest Institute.
His talk was both informative and inspiring. An
exceptional time was enjoyed by all twenty three
attendees. If you missed this special evening of
food, fun, and New Forest Institute facts, consider
re-living the event by purchasing a DVD. Contact for more
See photos of our LIVE FOOD DINNER here!
our HANDS-ON-HEALTH meeting this Thursday
we will feature the film, 'SIMPLY
RAW: Reversing
Diabetes in 30 Days.' This
documentary, filmed at
Dr. Gabriel Cousens' Tree of Life Ranch in the South-
west, follows the journey of a group of diabetics as
they adopt a raw food diet to reclaim their health.
Observing their experience is both profound and
moving. Plan to join us for the viewing of this
winning film. Bring family and friends, especially
those who might be suffering with diabetes. This
presentation promises to give diabetics hope by
offering a natural solution to this dreaded disease.
Learn more about our up-coming HANDS-ON
HEALTH meeting here.
Another Atlas Awareness Day with our AtlasPROFlaxis
friend, Christine Bemish, is being planned. An April
venue is possible. Christine educates as well as
to correct a misaligned atlas vertebra through a non-
invasive massage therapy. Since a misaligned atlas
can cause a host of health problems (many of which
can be life-threatening), correcting a misaligned
can be one of the most important investments in
personal health. Studies prove that most
have a misaligned atlas vertebra. Therefore
taking advantage of Christine's help while it is
and offered locally. Learn about the AtlasPROFlaxis
massage therapy here and contact us
if you would
like to schedule a correction.
month's feature article is 'Making Healthier
Choices- Part 2.' After finishing last
month's article,
I felt it was necessary to address the additional
influences in our lives that shape our well being.
diet is the single most important factor in
personal health, there are other aspects of our
that need considertion. For this reason, 'Making
Healthier Choices- Part 2' will identify harmful
elements in our lives, while offering helpful,
healthier solutions. If you missed or want
review 'Making Healthier Choices- Part 1,'
it is
archived here.
usual, I have included a number of news links
and articles for your consideration. It is no secret
that we live in unprecedented times which demand
our attention, especially in regard to issues of
We encourage our readers to educate themselves
on important subjects and take action thereupon.
Personal health is wealth, but each one must claim
the wealth for himself. One cannot do it for another.
Scripture says, 'Study to show yourself
unto YHVH,
a workman that needeth not to be
ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.'
Timothy 2:15.
Learn the truth and then act upon
it! As each of us does so, we will gain not only a
better quality of life for ourselves, but a better
world as well.
In closing, remember that despite what is happening
in our immediate and not-so-immediate surroundings,
a new world is coming. While its arrival promises to
be heralded by profound changes and challenges,
all is being orchestrated by the righteous hand of
our Father YHVH to bring forth His kingdom in this
earth, a kingdom wherein there is no sickness, no
pain, no heartache or sorrow. We must personally
prepare (i.e. change) to live in such a
state. Are you ready? If not, consider making
healthier choices in your life now. The
actions you
take today will determine your tomorrow.
3) Feature
Article: 'Making Healthier Choices- Part 2'
In last month's Living Letter,
addressed was the
all-important need to make healthier lifestyle
In 'Making Healthier Choices- Part 1', the
and how's of making better dietary choices
were explored. (review 'Making
Healthier Choices-
Part 1' here).
Concluding the article was the
assertation that in addition to diet, there are other
lifestyle influences that have a profound impact on
our well being. These influences include whether
we exercise or not, what personal care and
household products we use, what quality of air
that we breathe, what kind of clothes that we
wear, and more. For the sake of better health,
I will now investigate these lifestyle elements to
see why and how we need to improve our ways.
Read on...

Hallelujah Acres TV
Everyone loves a good movie, but how about a
healthy one? For an on-going education into the
wonderful world of living healthy, tune into
Acres TV. This on-line TV 'station' is your personal
gateway to raw food prep demonstrations, exercise
how-to's, recipes, product information, webinars,
testimonies,and more! Sit back and relax while
learning the basics of living healthy! Choose from
over 200 inspiring videos from Hallelujah Acres'
TV library here.
Cable Access
As many of you know, our monthly health
are taped by Central Maine CATV for broadcast
on Channel 7. This public access TV station is not
funded by government sources, but relies on spon-
sors and the public for support. Central Maine CATV
is now conducting a fund-raiser, culminating in a
March 19 concert. If you appreciate watching us
and other local functions on Central Maine CATV,
consider making a financial contribution that will
help to keep us and other local programming on
the air. Learn more about Central Maine CATV
and its current fund raiser here.
News worth noting:
Shoppers wary of GM foods find they're
Side Effects of canola oil
After near-death experience,
boy says
"Heaven is Real"
5) Buying tips
and order info

BioGreen Clean
If you are looking for an all-natural, non-toxic
solution to household cleaning and personal
care needs, consider 'going green' with
BioGreen Clean. This concentrate has multi-
purpose applications: tackling tough laundry
stains, heavy-duty household cleaning, but
is mild enough to use as a shampoo, toothpaste,
and bubble bath! We highly recommend this all
plant-based product. You'll be amazed with
what BioGreen Clean can do! Visit them on
the web at
Supernatural Co-Op
Attention locals! With talk of food
shortages and
rising food prices, consider group buying. The
Supernatural Co-Op is a Buying Club of United
Natural Foods, Inc. Based in Gardiner, Maine,
Co-Op membership is reasonable and ordering
is monthly. Buy by the case or split with members:
bulk, packaged, frozen, and non-food items. More
information about the Supernatural Co- Op is
posted on our website here.
If you want to purchase additional
including juicers, dehydrators, VitaMix,
etc., consider placing your order through us.
Your order can be drop-shipped in a matter of
days. Call us for more information.
Recipe: Ginger Snap Wrap
Give yourself a treat
by wrapping your mouth
around a wrap! Here is a fun recipe that I
invented a couple of years ago. It is quick
and easy to make plus it is a good solution
for those who are on the go. Try it. I think
that you will like it!
large collard (or chard, kale, or lettuce) leaves
1 large carrot, finely grated
1 cup finely grated sweet potato
1 stalk celery, finely chopped
1/8 cup chopped or finely sliced red pepper
1-2 scallions or few slices red onion
handful chives
1/2 tsp. freshly grated ginger
1/2- 1 tsp. cinnamon (or to taste)
1/2 lemon, juiced
2 Tbsp, hemp oil
collard leaves and set aside. In a large
mixng bowl, add all ingredients and toss well.
Lay one collard leaf flat and spoon a portion
of the mixed ingredients onto the leaf. Roll
from one end around the filling and secure
with a toothpick, if necessary. Fill remaining
leaves accordingly.
For added taste and
nutrition, top with sprouts!
Organic ingredients
always recommended.
View more
LIVING Recipes at
Letter comes to you in Messiah's
love to encourage you toward achieving superior
health. Healing of the whole man is the
of our Heavenly Father. Begin now to receive
your new life...naturally and spiritually. YHVH is
able to do great and wondrous works, if we will
but trust and obey Him. YHVH bless you!
For your excellent
health and His glory,